Ok so, recently the main member of the popular tv show voiced his opinion of homosexuality, this angered the LGBT community.
honestly I could care less, thats his opinion on our lifestyle, he doesnt agree with it. This doesnt mean he's intolerant. I feel that we also need to be tolerent of his beleifs and his life style. It called reverse tolerence, the LGBT community is always preaching tolerance, maybe its time they where tolerant. But thats just my opinion...
I agree.
We may not like what some people have to say, but they still have the right to say it without official censure. Just an opinion here.
Duck N
I think the whole show is a sham and it should be taken off the air!
Thank you Chii
Thank you Chii,I'm a big lover of the Duck Dynasty folks an support Phil's right to free speech. All these other groups have it so why can't christians have it also? Ya the was he said it was vulgar but honestly thats just Phil. He doesn't mince words. In all honesty I do believe he was set up cause hours after saying that he was suspended so that means Either GQ leaked that to A&E or A&E had a rep there that snitched. It's been suggested that A&E has been looking to Drop DD cause they refuse to not pray use Jesus name an shoot guns an that they refuse to cuss an have knock down drag out fights. I think A&E thought they would have a bunch of backwoods rednecks that would scream an fight (physical) with each other an cuss. Basicaly a Redneck Version of The Osborunes.
Is it permitted to say amen? Or will the Politically correct police be sent after me? Oh well, since it is almost Christmas, I'll say amen.
Chli is spot on. One of the most bothersome aspects of the GLBT community is the way they demand others tolerate them and whatever they do without them being able to tolerate the views, beliefs or sentiments of others who may not agree with the tenets GLBT activists hold dear. Tolerance is a two way street, one that leads to a civil society.
Any who, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Oh, and by the way, may each and everyone one of you have a merry little Christmas.
I'll see ya'all around campus next year.
Nancy Cole
a.k.a. HW Coyle
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Hear hear !!!
What she said.
The Man Has The Right To Express His Opinions
Now we know for a fact that he is a misogynist bigot. There are a lot of them out there and unfortunately, I have to frequently deal with them in the business I do in Arkansas. I have learned to keep my mouth shut in my professional encounters. I have to deal with relatives with the same afflictions. It is not easy for me because I used to be far more bigoted than I am now, but old habits die hard. The knee still wants to jerk every once in a while. It's tough to change, but I keep trying because I know it's right. There in lies the difference. There are beliefs based on scientific facts, and there are beliefs based on myth and ignorance. He is of the latter.
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
The best comment ever
The famous Mr. Rodney King said "why can't we all get along" that coming from a man who was beaten to near death by the people hired to "protect and serve" now that is tolerance.:-)
I cannot agree
I'm sorry but I cannot agree. You are correct about his right to express his opinion. BUT this right ends exactly where it concerns the health and life of other people! What this member of Duck Dynasty did, is pretty much playing into the hands of those wanting to justify violence against Lesbians, Gays, Bi and Trans*-people. He did justify violence against _us_.
Tolerance is indeed a two way street. The line between voicing an opinion and spreading hate needs to be drawn somewhere, and this line needs to be drawn here.
Tolerance does not mean, I have to accept hate.
Being honest, I don't even want to fight for tolerance anymore. What we need is mutual respect. Nothing more and nothing less.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
I was waiting for some form of an intellectual to dispute me. You see he didnt justify violence what he saidnwas that homosexuality and bestiality are the same in his eyes, he also quoted the gospel. He never justified violence.
Tolerance is a two-way street. I'm both transgendered (as in androgen) and a fundamentalist Christian. (A walking, talking oxymoron. A far right wing conservative Republican, fundamentalist Christian cross-dresser.) I need to work at being tolerant in both directions just to live with myself.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
You may be my new fav person
Forget the religion
I could care less what he said. My only concern is the (alleged) Freedom of Speech complaints. First, if his freedom to speak his mind had been infringed in any way, this wouldn't have come up because we wouldn't know about it. But he said it, and there is no distortion of his words.
Then we have A&E's suspending him. It is A&E's show and A&E's network, they absolutely have a right to set the rules for his employment, subject to applicable state and Federal law. I don't have a clue what his contract with A&E says, but it is pretty standard that when you are representing a company in anyway you are not allowed to disparage or show the company in a bad light. My old company had a policy on electronics/computer situations that were printed in a 21 page booklet. We had to sign a document stating that we were issued the booklet and had read and understood the policies in the booklet. It was very clear on what we could and could not do. To this day my FB account still doesn't list my (former) employer, in order to stay clear of any charges such as those he was accused of. Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but better safe than sorry.
Now, as I say, I don't know what his contract says, but I'm willing to bet that his contract was far more explicit in what he was allowed to say and do as an employee of A&E. Remember that, he and his family do not own Duck Dynasty, A&E does. They want to present the show in a certain way. As an employee he is contractually bound to follow their rules. If he doesn't like it he always has the option of terminating his relationship with A&E, subject to clauses in a contract he signed of his own free will.
In spite of all the Internet noise, I've never seen a statement from A&E that he is no longer their employee, they have said he has been suspended from appearing in the show. That doesn't effectively mean anything as the upcoming season is "in the can" so to speak, so he will still be seen in the shows. Then in six months or so they can quietly reinstate him and the show will go on.
So the real problem in all this is the Freedom of Speech violation. There is absolutely no guarantee that there will not consequences for his actions. If there were no consequences then you can throw out the slander and libel laws, and say anything you want about anybody. Tell the internet that Politician X sold a daughter into prostitution, hey, there is no repercussion allowed and the person saying it doesn't have to prove anything.
The Dixie Chicks who-rah really had the right-wingers up in arms, records were burned, boycotts started, and lots of accusations were thrown about. But the one thing the right-wing wanted was to legally stop them from ever recording or performing again. They didn't get it. Prior restraint is a form of censorship, which is forbidden by the First amendment. Now we have the situation in reverse. Just like the Dixie Chicks, they can't be stopped from expressing themselves, which both did. And just like the Dixie Chicks, there have been repercussions. The Dixie Chicks lost some sales and some tour dates, but they are still recording and playing.
Whas-his-name, Bill (? I have never watched the show so I don't know who is who) has "payed" a lot less. He was suspended, which effectively changes nothing, odds are he'll never miss a day of filming. No restrictions on his Freedom of Speech other than what his contract imposes. And I'm sure that contract got looked over very carefully before he ever put pen to paper. Like my employment with XYZ, it's just a part of life in the social internet world.
Now, I don't like what he said, and would likely join a protest against him. Might even support a movement to get him fired. That's my Freedom of Speech. I have the same rights to express myself as anybody else in the U.S. But don't make this molehill into a mountain. He got his Freedom of Speech. Others don't like what he said, and they are using their Freedom of Speech to say so. Freedom of Speech is a right in the U.S. But with rights come responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is you have to take ownership of your words. You don't get a free pass from your responsibilities under the First Amendment.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb