After some initial run around that got taken care of by noon yesterday, I got the estimate to fix my Prius.
Deer did $4100 dollars worth of damage. Hood, bumper, passenger side fender and headlight will be replaced. Door will be repainted to "blend". Radiator will be replaced. Intercool system, whatever that is, will be replaced too. Total time. 8 days for repair, so next Friday I will have car.
Now, I have to decide if I rent a car or try to get the use of my van back. Van eats gas. Example. Filled up Prius night of crash... 15 bucks. Did route last night and topped off gas 15 dollars. Gas in prius lasts 3 days. Gas in van lasts one night. But why spend 20 dollars a day to rent something when it only costs me 15 to gas up the van. Problem is, roommate uses van all day and I was left stranded this morning. I have errands I need to run, like going to the bank. Sucks to be me right now.
Now if I can only remember some old Sicilian curses to put on the deer. My Italian is rusty and would hate to missword things and have bucks no longer find me attractive.
You should have looked for the deer
It probably keeled over a short distance away. There might have been a month's worth of venison there.
couldn't find it
The state trooper looked for it and couldn't find it in the vicinity. According to law, it was mine for the keeping after he determined I didn't use my Prius as a hunting implement.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Sue that deer.
I would sue that deer or Sue Santa Clause if it was one of his deer. They need to be held responsible for the damage.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Just glad you are okay
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
if radiator is being replaced
if radiator is being replaced the intercooler is for either the transmission or the air conditioning system. I'm surprise they are repairing it at all. It's a new car and usually a deer hit totals them. Then again it's also a Prius which is worth next to nothing anyways. Must have good private insurance.
next to nothing??
A thing a 25k dollar car is hardly worth next to nothing. I have Gieco. What really saved my ass was the fact I was only going 20 miles at the time and Florida deer are generally small. They aren't going to total a $20k car over 4000 dollars worth of damage. It will take 8 days and I will be driving it then. Now I have my 93 van Hank, which refuses to die. I was about to put Hank to pasture, but we ride again. Think of it like Roy Rogers.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Hank wouldn't have noticed
Hank wouldn't have noticed the deer, as you hit it.
"Then again it's also a Prius which is worth next to nothing anyways."
Like to condescend much?
~And so it goes...
Glad you are all right
Glad to hear you were not seriously injured and you'rw starting to feel better. Your accident is why one buys insurance.
Take care and get well.