Update on car crash

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After some initial run around that got taken care of by noon yesterday, I got the estimate to fix my Prius.

Deer did $4100 dollars worth of damage. Hood, bumper, passenger side fender and headlight will be replaced. Door will be repainted to "blend". Radiator will be replaced. Intercool system, whatever that is, will be replaced too. Total time. 8 days for repair, so next Friday I will have car.

Now, I have to decide if I rent a car or try to get the use of my van back. Van eats gas. Example. Filled up Prius night of crash... 15 bucks. Did route last night and topped off gas 15 dollars. Gas in prius lasts 3 days. Gas in van lasts one night. But why spend 20 dollars a day to rent something when it only costs me 15 to gas up the van. Problem is, roommate uses van all day and I was left stranded this morning. I have errands I need to run, like going to the bank. Sucks to be me right now.

Now if I can only remember some old Sicilian curses to put on the deer. My Italian is rusty and would hate to missword things and have bucks no longer find me attractive.

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