I do apologise to those few readers who may have been waiting for another chapter of my last story "After The Ball". I have just not been able to come up with anything which satisfies me or seems to be a valid continuation and so I have retitled the previous post "Just For The Ball?" with very minor changes to make it a stand-alone. If anyone thinks that they can continue the tale please feel free to do so. Just run it past me before posting. Sorry,
There are MANY who say I'm a very odd reader. Crazy even.
I prefer the term 'eccentric', it makes me sound less insane. But I have to say I don't know why you would apologize to me?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
...as someone once said about an acquaintance, but now seems to apply to me? I'm getting more like me every day!
Love, Andrea Lena
That's better than...
Heavens, if you get any more like you, you'll be you and that won't do! (I'm going to lie down now).
I prefer to consider
myself as being a Prime reader, though Primes are most often ODD.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
No need
to apologize, Dear,
New bits
Jo, you will add what is needed when you need to. End of.
The Whole World's Odd
'Cept me and thee, and even thee's a little odd at times.
When I wrote the story I hadn't produced anything for many months and suddenly got that urge. As a couple of perceptive observers have said, what I did was to virtually write a complete story rather than a serial chapter and it's best to accept that and move on.
A lot of people
would consider all of the readers here quite odd. :))