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Deep within my dreams, I heard keys jingling and being inserted into the door, slowly the handle was being turned. I realized then that it wasn't a dream and in reality, Ray was finally returning home. The predicament that I was in never even crossed my mind, when the door swung open and Ray walked in holding two bags. I could hear him setting the groceries down in the kitchen, then with a sleigh-bell like sound, dropped his keys onto the counter.
"It's just me!" He yelled out, I could hear him come around the corner as I began to get my wits about me. Suddenly, I felt panic as I realized that he would see me dressed and looking like his wife! What would he think when he saw me? I panicked, trying to get up from the chair.
"Hey Alex, I hope you don't mind Chinese, I stopped at a litt..." He froze, short of the living room. "Angel? My God, but... but how?" He said as he looked from me to his tiny daughter.
He slowly walked closer and looked down at the sleeping child, then back up into my face. "Alex?" He spoke softly as he realized who I was, the surprise evident in his voice.
"I'm sorry, I found a necklace in a box... I think it did this to me," I raised the sleeping child to my shoulder and pulled my shirt closed.
He kept staring at me with his startled expression as he backed into the couch and sat down. "I knew I should have thrown that damn thing away before it hurt someone else!" He frowned and looked at the floor.
I knelt down still holding Angel, "It wasn't any fault of yours," I looked down with embarrassment, "It was all my own doing."
He gave me a quizzical look.
"I should have told you before, I'm sorry that I kept this from you," I looked at the sleeping girl in my arms. "Let me put her in bed, then I can explain."
I stood slowly, and started off toward the nursery with Ray following close behind. Carefully I laid her down, pulling her blanket up around her tiny shoulders. Before I realized what I was doing, I had bent down and kissed her soft rosy cheek.
When I looked up, he was leaning against the door, light reflecting upon a single tear rolling down his cheek and with a trembling finger, he wiped it away. "She would have given her very soul to be able to do what you just did."
I looked back at Angel, "I'm sorry,I didn't mean..."
"Don't be." He sighed as he wiped his eyes again with the back of his thumb.
He stepped back and allowed me to pass first, almost making me feel like his gallant act was what any man would do for a woman. We both slowly walked to the kitchen and began to silently put away his groceries, all the while he kept watching me.
I tried to reach up to the top of the cupboard to place a can of formula, then realized that now I was much too short to reach that high. I suddenly felt him move in behind me, taking it from my hand and place it on the shelf. His other hand had balanced against my waist for gentle support, I looked down at his large hand on my hip.
"Sorry Angel... uh... Alex, I didn't mean..." His face flushed from embarrassment.
"It's okay," I stammered then turned around quickly to face him, that wasn't much better, my sudden movement caused him to lose his balance and fall forward only to catch himself by grabbing out at the counter top. I looked down, each of his arms were bracing themselves against the counter, with me trapped in the middle.
He paused for only a moment then quickly backed away, trying to maintain his composure. "God, I'm such a klutz," He mumbled.
"No you're not, it was an accident." I had to admit that I enjoyed it in some warped weird way.
He shook his head and began to fill up the coffee pot with water, "So, how'd it happen?" He asked. I had a weird feeling that he knew and yet, was hiding something from me.
I leaned back against the counter and replayed the whole afternoon to him, from the moment I found the medallion to when I used it against the new maternity bra.
"So you used it within the last three or so hours?" I nodded my reply, "Well, then, you're stuck like that, probably until sometime in the wee hours of the morning."
I looked at the floor toward my tiny feet, "I wouldn't look at it as being stuck." There, finally I was truthful to both him and myself.
He had been scooping coffee into the filter, then paused to look at me. "What's that supposed to mean, you like looking that way?" He sat the scoop down on the counter and pushed it away from the edge. "Are you saying that you 'LIKE' looking like Angel?"
I really didn't know how to say it, but I knew for the first time in my life I actually liked what I was, only the fear of what his reply would be scared me. Tears began to flow. "I... this... this is why I kept getting beaten at my foster home."
He had just finished pouring water into the coffee maker and sat the pot back in to catch the coffee, "You were beaten because of wanting to dress like a woman?"
"I'm sorry!" I cried, "I know you must hate me for what I've done!" I felt myself wanting to take a step away from him, more of a reflex through years of conditioning that my former foster family had dealt me. Somehow, I stayed my ground, thinking that maybe, just maybe, Ray would be different.
Instead of attacking me as I had been programmed to assume, he just slightly shook his head and laughed. "What... for wearing a woman's clothes? Not hardly," He smiled and pointed toward the nursery, "She changed me into a woman with that same damn necklace. I know exactly where you're coming from... only, with me... I never wanted to do it again." He pulled down two cups and set them alongside the coffee maker. "With you..."
"I've always wanted to be like this." I interrupted, feeling a bit more confident, wiping my tears and allowing myself to smile.
I took the cup as he began to pour coffee into it and cleared my throat, "I wouldn't mind staying... like this... if you don't..." I forced a smile, afraid of the answer I was so sure that I was about to hear.
He took a sip of his own cup and smiled, "It could have its benefits..."
I gave him a surprised look trying to guess what was on his mind. I watched his expression slowly change from amusement to a sudden realization to what he thought I WAS thinking.
"Oh... no... No... you have it all wrong." He held his hand out in front of him as if warding off a charging lion, "I would have no interest in sex with you, but you... you would give me an alibi, and provide the real Angel with a Mother."
"The real Angel?" I opened my eyes wide with surprise, "Then the baby...?"
"That's right, she's my wife... Angel." He frowned and looked down at the floor.
"I guess there's a story behind all of this." I drew a circle in the air between us. "If you want to discuss it, I'll listen." He looked at me and pursed his lips in thought. Shrugging his shoulders he took a sip from his cup and begin to explain.
"Angel wanted me to know how it feels to be a woman, she turned me into one without me even consenting. We went out, danced with some guys at a bar, then when we were finally home, she and I were sitting around talking about kids. I don't really remember why, but she used that damn medallion on me much in the same way you did to yourself. Before I knew it, my breasts were so full of milk that I couldn't stand it."
He sighed, again sipping his coffee. "If you would have touched the garment I had on then, my guess is that you wouldn't have become Angel, but rather the woman I had been. At least, that's how I think that thing works."
"Then she went and did the thing that I'll regret for the rest of my life." He looked toward the darkened window, reflecting the lighting from the kitchen. I waited as he continued, "She went and made herself into a baby, a newborn."
"Can you change her back?" I asked.
"Oh sure, she'll look every bit as beautiful as you are now, only problem is, when her intelligence was compressed into that tiny underdeveloped brain, much of what she knew and remembered was pushed from her mind. Simple things like muscle control, bodily functions, all gone. Angel was basically a vegetable." Tears begin welling in the corners of his eyes.
"But, she's just a baby... she'll grow." I tried to reassure him.
"That's true, but I'll have to wait until I'm an old man to enjoy her again, by that time..." He sighed.
"You're afraid that she won't love you anymore?" I asked.
His nod said it all. "I thought about putting one of my shirts in a plastic bag and sealing it, using it later when she was my age again..."
"Why don't you?" I interjected.
He just smiled and again turned his attention toward the window.
"That seems simple enough to me," I continued.
He sighed deeply, "I'm afraid that after twenty-five years of raising her like a daughter, I don't think I could ever become romantically involved with her again." His eyes were again, welling with tears as he spoke. I looked away.
He smiled weakly, took a sip of his coffee and gave me the once over, "Well, at least you'll be able to get your wish."
I gave him a surprised look, "You mean, you're going to let me stay this way?"
"Why not?" He shrugged, "It'll help so I won't have to make up excuses to where Angel went." He smiled.
I stood there watching him, suddenly feeling strangely warm.
"Besides, somebody will have to take care of the baby." He replied softly, pushing a stray tear from the corner of his eye.
I looked toward the infant's bedroom and nodded, "That's true, it would help explain her." Trying to ignore his obvious pain.
He walked over next to me, placing his cup on the counter, "Could you do that for her?" I nodded my reply as he leaned against the counter and vacantly stared in the direction of the nursery. "I can't believe you used that thing on yourself so you could feed her, pretty selfless if you ask me."
"It was the only thing I could think of at the time." I was suddenly feeling like a trembling child again.
He turned toward me slowly and studied my face, or rather Angel's face. No words were spoken between the two of us. He looked on for almost two full minutes, before timidly taking his trembling hand up and let his fingers slowly pull through my long blonde hair, causing me to inhale deeply. It felt as though my knees would buckle.
"Sorry about that, " He quickly pulled his hand away, as he realized what he was doing, "it's just been so long."
He looked away embarrassed; I knew that my nearness was having an effect on him, the swell in his jeans showed me that fact. I saw him trying to hide it from my view as he tried to change the subject.
He quietly walked into the living room, "I'm going to have to talk to you like I would have spoken to Angel, you know that, don't you?"
"That's fine... I don't mind. I imagine it would be hard not doing it anyway." I followed him into the room. "What about the baby... uh, your wife?"
He sighed and walked to her bedroom door. "I'll just tell everyone that she's our daughter." I looked around him at the sleeping infant, "It should be easy enough to convince people." I knew he was right, it wouldn't be all too hard to let them think that she was our child.
"I don't know how I'm going to explain this to our families though." He continued quietly.
"When did you last see them?" I wondered aloud.
"Four maybe five months ago, why?" He leaned against the doorway facing me.
I also leaned against the opposite doorway, "She looks like a tiny baby, maybe you could just tell them that I was hiding it?" He nodded slowly.
"That might work," He grinned, "Most of my family knew she wanted a baby, they all felt bad knowing we had been trying without any luck." He turned his head back to me slowly, "You know you'll need to keep breastfeeding her, for the duration if we try to pull this off."
I couldn't help my grin, "I don't mind."
He grew quiet and stood there studying me, again saying nothing.
Turning, I looked back at the sleeping girl, "What about birth certificates and items like that?" I felt him move behind me to look over my shoulder, his body close to mine. "She'll need a birth certificate since she can't use her old one anymore."
"We'll just tell them that she was born at home," He said, the vibrations of his voice dancing within my ears causing a tingle to race along my spine. "She only looks about a week old, any test would prove that she's got your genes, literally."
I felt him inhale deeply, "God you even smell like her." I felt myself smile.
"I... I don't think we should call her 'Angel' though." He spoke softly so he wouldn't wake her. "That name is already taken."
"By whom?" I responded, then felt like a stereotypical blonde for doing so. Then it was my turn to try and change the subject quickly, "But what should we call her?" I asked quietly.
"How about Alexandria? Then we could call her Alex and use your old name?" Ray wondered out loud.
"No, please don't use that name on her." I replied angrily. Then I said softly, "Whatever you pick is fine with me. After all, she is your child, you have a greater right to choose a name for her."
"Why? If you have to play the wife for however long, you need to be a part of this as well." He folded his arms across his chest and looked at the nursery door.
"What's my middle name?" I asked, then realized what I had just said. "I mean, what was Angel's middle name?"
He gently rubbed my shoulder and spoke, "You're going to have to quit thinking like that. YOU are Angel now, SHE isn't anymore." He paused and looked away, I could tell that he was missing her terribly.
"From this point forward, Alex doesn't exist. Angel is married to me." I tried to hide a slow smile, "And that baby in there is OUR daughter." His face showed the seriousness of the whole situation.
"Okay." I said in a small voice, "How about naming her, Abigail?" That suggestion was met with a short laugh.
"Her cousin was named Abigail, Angel hated that cousin." He rubbed his square chin, "We'll have to give her a name that fits her."
"What about, Cassandra? We could call her Casey for short." He wrinkled his nose and laughed. "Okay, I give up!" I said throwing my slender hands into the air.
He laughed again and shook his head, "Angel used to do that same gesture, when she grew frustrated with me." His eyes locked on to mine, "I guess I'll probably never really get over losing her."
"You didn't lose her," I calmly pointed toward the nursery. "She's in there."
An uncomfortable silence shrouded the both of us, I finally broke through its thin veneer, "How about Melody?" He just looked at me. I smiled, "I guess not."
I slowly moved to the couch and he followed, "What about the name, Brandi?"
He paused and slowly smiled, "I like that, and I think she would too. It's feminine and pretty."
I touched him lightly on the arm, "I like that name," His eyes darted to my hand, which I quickly pulled away.
He patted the arm of the chair, still looking at where I touched him on the arm, "I guess then, since we're both in agreement, Brandi it is!"
The days slowly merged into weeks, then months. Ray, baby Brandi and I settled into our roles quite easily. He had let his family know that we had a baby and named her Brandi. They were surprised that we kept it hidden so well, but they understood, because of all the problems the 'real' Angel was having trying to conceive.
It was pretty easy for us to get a birth certificate for Brandi, especially when they could tell that I was still breastfeeding our little daughter. I fell into the role of doting mother so quickly that it scared both of us.
My, Angel's parents visited us almost as soon as they found out. Thankfully, they didn't stay with us and we were able to keep our sleeping arrangements hidden.
In that entire time, Ray not once ever made advances on me. I never did anything to encourage him either, we each had a role in the family and stuck to it pretty well. The only time we ever showed affection toward each other was while we were attending functions within the neighborhood or his job. Any other time, it was business as usual.
It had almost been a year when I walked Brandi down to the mail box. We opened it up and with me holding her, she pulled out the mail with her chubby little fingers.
", mom, mom." She fired out the word in rapid succession, making me smile. The small stack of envelopes went straight to her mouth.
"No, no honey, those aren't good for baby!" I gently tugged it from her. She pouted and when I smiled she quickly turned away and threw her arms around my neck, still facing away, trying to 'pretend' to be mad.
I walked back into the house and laid the letters on the table, put Brandi down and began to fix our lunch. Brandi was now pulling herself up to the kitchen chairs, her unsteady legs getting stronger and stronger with each passing day.
I glanced back over my shoulder at her and was awarded with a toothy smile...well, as toothy as an 11 month old can get. She was so excited at her accomplishment that she caused me to smile, I crouched low so she could move toward me. As she stumbled, fell and walked, into my arms I squeezed her tightly. "How's Mommy's little girl?" I kissed her soft cheek, "Such a big girl!" I smiled as I put her into the highchair.
I carried a small bottle of juice over to her and sat it down, she picked it up and began to suck down the cool contents. "Is that yummy?" I brushed her golden hair from her forehead, and sat a tiny Vanilla Wafer in front of her. Almost immediately she began to slobber all over it and had it crushed beyond recognition, still, she cherished her cookie or, at least what had survived the attack.
I walked back into the kitchen and carried back our lunch, "Here you go punkin," I said as I sat the little sandwich wedges down in front of her, each cut into very small bite sized pieces. As we ate, I took the time to glance through the mail. Nested in the middle was a letter from Ray's parents who lived on the west coast, in Northern Oregon.
I took a nail and gently tore open the white envelope. I heard a noise in the living room as Ray walked in from the garage.
I smiled as he jostled Brandi's hair, "What you got there?"
"Me or Brandi?" I asked, then seeing that she was offering her father a bite of her deformed sandwich. "Oh..." I laughed as he pretended to eat her sandwich and part of her arm, making her break out into a fit of hearty giggles.
"Look Ray, it's a letter from your parents!" I held it up to him, he slowly took it and leaned against the counter to read.
"Did you read this?" I shook my head no in reply. "They're coming here to visit, because they want to see their little Granddaughter." I smiled and passed Brandi her bottle again.
"That's great! Brandi should get to know her Grandparents." I took my index finger and gently touched Brandi's nose causing her to try and grab my finger.
"But, they want to stay here! In our house!" I gave him a quick look, "Yeah, that's right, where they going to sleep?"
"We don't really have the room, Ray." I began to worry. "Where WILL they sleep?"
"We'll figure something out," He said thinking hard, "Maybe we could convert the garage into a room?"
I drummed my fingers against the table, the nails tapping, sounding like a trotting horse. "That might work, I know it's been done before. I could help you when Brandi is sleeping." I looked from her to him, "How long before they're coming here?"
He looked at the letter, "Next month, the 12th. Looks like they'll only be staying a week though." He read further, "Uh-oh."
"What is it?" I paused as I fought with Brandi's little hands, trying to keep them out of her applesauce.
"While they're here, they want to do some house hunting."
I had been trying to wipe the applesauce from Brandi's face when she pulled the washcloth from my grasp and was using it as a hat. I looked up at Ray who was watching our little battle, and smiling.
"She's got more on her, than in her stomach!" I giggled, as she began to try and wipe her own face. Then looking back toward Ray, "It would be nice for you to have your parents a bit closer, wouldn't it?"
"Yeah, it would, I really miss them." He stepped around to the other side of Brandi and tried to distract her so I could finish cleaning her up. "Their moving closer would probably save us money on our phone bill."
I nodded as I took our dishes into the kitchen. Ray picked Brandi up and carried her off to change her, "I'll hurry up and start cleaning out the garage as soon as I'm done here, we have to get this project underway pretty soon if we'll have that room ready for them by the 12th."
I followed the sound of his voice back to the nursery, leaning against the door I smiled at them. Ray was blowing against Brandi's stomach causing her to squeal and kick in laughter. I found myself giggling over their antics.
He looked up and smiled, "What you laughing at?" I only grinned wider.
"You don't watch it and you'll be next," he kidded, then looked back at the little bundle of wiggling energy laying on the dressing table. "Isn't that right, Brandi, she doesn't watch her laughing at me and Mommy will be next."
I suddenly realized then, he had referred to me as her Mommy, I couldn't ever remember him doing so before! I felt my throat tighten, joyous tears welling in my eyes.
I slowly walked into the living room and stood looking out a window, I heard him walk up behind me. "Well she's all ready, put down for her nap." He waited, when I didn't look back at him he slowly came around. "What's wrong? Are you crying?"
I couldn't speak, I just laughed through my tears. He smiled and pulled me close, holding me near. "Are you okay?" His hand pulled the stray hairs from my face, "Was it something that I said?" Again I only laughed, tears still streaming down my cheeks. I tried to wipe them away but he pushed mine aside, holding my face between his large, strong hands. "What is it? What's so funny?"
I took a deep breath and again burst into silly laughter, he frowned and tapped his foot against the floor. I sighed, giggling and shook my head, "I don't know why I'm laughing, I'm just so happy."
His hand had slipped to my waist, holding me tightly. "I guess I would rather have you crying because you're happy than because you're sad."
I gave him a hug and whispered into his ear, "Thank you for what you said in there... it means a lot to me."
He leaned away, staring blankly. "I said something, what did I say?" He had a little boy smile crossing his face as he spoke.
"You called me Brandi's Mommy, that was something that I had hoped to hear for quite a long time."
He used his thumb to wipe a trickling tear away.
"You deserve it, she couldn't have asked for a better mother." I looked down at his kind words and blushed, he lifted my head back up. "I mean that... sincerely."
My heart leapt, I felt like singing for joy. Over this past year, I couldn't help seeing what Angel had seen in him. It was odd to me, but, I felt I was falling in love.
We finished the room a day before his parents pulled into our driveway, Ray and I met them as soon as the car pulled to a stop. Ray hugged them both, until his father noticed me standing there.
"Hey Angel, come on over here and let me give you a big hug too!" I walked into his great bear-like arms as he squeezed the life from me. I felt myself being pulled from the ground, feet dangling about three inches above the cement.
"Put her down before you crush her," His mother scolded her husband, I mouthed her a thank-you.
"Okay now, where've you hidden her?" The big man sat me down and rubbed his huge hands together smiling. "Where's my granddaughter?"
I turned toward Ray's mother and smiled, leaning close, "Is he safe?"
She chuckled, "I'm not sure, Brandi's all he's talked about since we left Oregon." We giggled as he tip-toed toward the house, as if he would wake her from way out here.
We all followed Ray into the house, quietly. At the door he gently pushed it open and whispered, "Mom, Dad, meet your granddaughter Brandi."
His mother whispered, "Awww... she's precious."
The big graying man smiled and patted Ray on the back, "Good thing for you, she looks like her mother." I giggled softly.
His mom reached into a bag and pulled out a stuffed bear, laying it beside Brandi in the crib. "I made it myself, with lots of love."
I leaned across the edge of the crib and peered down at the bear, "It's beautiful, " I whispered to Ray's mother, "You have quite a talent."
"I'm glad you think so, I have something for you too!" Her tone was quite low and she said it with a hint of laughter in her voice.
I whispered to Ray, "We probably should help them unload the car before Brandi wakes up." He nodded in agreement as we all quietly left the nursery.
Back outside, we unloaded their car and moved all of the items to their 'new room'. I smiled, feeling proud at what we accomplished in such a short time, together, as a family.
His father looked appreciatively around the room, "You did all this yourself? Just for us?"
Ray looked at me and smiled, "I had help, otherwise it may never have gotten done."
"We needed the extra space that this room would provide, you just prompted us to move a bit quicker to create our guest bedroom." I added.
His parents turned toward me, his mother nodding slowly. "I'm glad to see you're so handy Angel. I would never have thought that you were."
"Oh?" I laughed.
"Nope, I always had you pegged as the type of woman that would never touch a paint brush." She replied.
Ray just laughed and placed his arm around me. "Oh, there are loads of things about Angel that might surprise you two."
His father chuckled softly, "I see you even got the little one into the action." We all turned and looked into the direction he had been looking. We were all facing the wall where we placed the bed, in one great arching semicircle, but not passing the width of the bed. There were hundreds and hundreds of tiny little hand-prints, all in the primary colors.
"Planned?" His mother looked at both of us questioningly.
I smiled and looked at Ray, "No, she got hold of some paint that we were thinking about returning. It looked cute on the wall so we left it that way." He put his arm around my waist and patted my hip, "It was Angel's idea."
"The first ten hand-prints were a surprise, the next hundred or so, were planned." I laughed, "Who knew Brandi was such a budding little artist?"
"Simply lovely, just precious" She just stood and studied the little room. Then, after a minute or two she finally turned and smiled, tapping the side of a suitcase, "Ray, honey, could you set this on the bed for me? I have something that I would like to give to Angel."
He shot me a smile and lifted the case up for her, and she popped its lid and began to dig through the contents. A moment later she pulled out a small box and handed it to me. "Here. Now, I expect you to use it and not hide it away somewhere." I slowly took it from her and glanced at Ray, but he only shrugged his shoulders and waited for me to open it. I knew that he wasn't in on this strange gift, and even his father had a curious look on his face.
I slowly began to open the box, folded over the object was buried under vast amounts of tissue papers. "I always felt badly that I wasn't able to get back here when you two were married. I made the bear for Brandi, as sort of a baby shower gift. This is to try and make up for missing your bridal shower.
I gently pulled back the tissue, revealing a silky, shiny cloth folded neatly inside. "What is it?" I asked.
"Well now, I guess to find that out, you'll need to actually remove it from the box." She smiled and patted my slim arm.
I slowly lifted it out and placed the empty box and tissues on the bed, "What is it, honey?" Ray asked.
I began to unfold the item, gasping at its shimmering beauty. His father whistled, elbowing Ray in the ribs. "I bet I know what you'll be seeing tonight?" Ray's face reddened deeply, almost as red as mine must have been!
"I expect you to wear that and not hide it inside one of your drawers now." His mother laughed, handing Ray the empty box she had removed from the bed.
I was so shocked I couldn't breathe, holding the thin straps in my slender fingers, letting the garment flow like liquid to the floor.
"It's beautiful, Mom." Ray whispered, "But..."
"It's lovely," I Interrupted. "I'll cherish it always."
His mother began to laugh, "It's just a night-gown... something to wear when you're trying to turn on your man. It looks like it should fit you."
"How come you never made one of them for yourself?" His father asked, laughing.
"I haven't had to worry about that with you for almost 20 years." She giggled, winking at me.
"Oh?" He chuckled. "And why is that, if you care to divulge?"
She smiled slowly, "Sure, what can't get up, can't get out."
He straightened up, raising one eyebrow. "We'll just have to see about that now, won't we?"
She ignored her husband's quip and waived her hand, "Go and try it on, I think Ray wants to see if it fits."
Ray's father cast him a glance and muttered low, "The roof may still have snow on it, but there's sure a hot fire in the furnace."
"I... uh," I looked at Ray for help, but he smiled weakly and shrugged. She grabbed me by the shoulders and ushered me from the room.
I was unsure of what to do, I had never paraded out in front of Ray wearing something this sexy before! I realized that he had seen this body before but I never wanted to put either of us in such a compromising situation.
I slipped into his bedroom and began to change, feeling so strange to be in his room in the first place, since I had been sleeping on the sofa-bed for the past year. It was how I wanted it and wouldn't take no for an answer. Ray said he didn't like it, saying that he felt he should be sleeping on the couch but I kept reassuring him that I didn't mind. In fact, that was exactly how I wanted it to be.
I stood next to the bed completely naked, hesitating on donning the silky garment. "You ready yet?" His mother called quietly.
"Not yet," I whispered back.
Fingering the delicate cloth in my fingers, I slowly pulled it over my head and let the slippery material slide over my breasts and past my hips. I looked down, the neckline was almost dropping below my nipples. I groaned.
"You got it on yet?" She again called out, I pushed the wrinkles out of the cloth and stood looking into the mirror. I was stunned at just how beautiful it made me look! "Well?" She spoke through the door.
I sighed and looked at the door, "Yes Mom, I have it on."
"Does it fit?" She asked.
"Oh... it fits." I sighed, slowly turning around before the mirror. I leaned against the mirror, placing my forehead on its reflective surface. Whispering to myself, "It fits just a little too good."
The door quickly swung open, I was startled to see Ray being shoved inside. His head was turned, looking back. "Mom, what the heck are you doing?" He demanded to the rapidly closing door.
"I know what it's like to be young with a small baby, you never seem to have the time for yourselves."
I wasn't sure what to do, I looked for a hiding place but ended up giggling at my predicament. Ray, still facing the door, placed his hands on his hips, his mother continued, "You two just do what comes natural and don't worry about Brandi, she's in good hands. We'll watch her for however long it takes."
We heard them walk away from the door, Ray still stood facing the closed door. "Can you believe that?" He turned toward me, "What the heck do they expect us to do in here?" His eyes widened as soon as he saw me in the gown.
I felt my face blush, "We'll just sit in here until they think we've done it, well you know. Then we can leave." I began to pick my clothes off of the bed, "You're going to have to turn around so I can get this thing off."
He stood staring, his mouth opened slowly.
I waited, then folded my arms. "Earth to Ray, come in Ray?"
He blinked, then swallowed hard. "God, Angel, it looks great on you."
I looked down, my two nipples were straining against the thin material covering them. "It is pretty, isn't it?" I whispered.
I glanced back up, the shimmering gown was having its intended effect on Ray. I blushed as he realized that he was becoming aroused.
"Damn it, Mom." He growled and sat down on the bed, covering himself with a pillow.
"I'm sorry," I apologized.
"For what? You didn't have anything to do with this." He again glanced at me smiling weakly, "It's me who should apologize."
"Why do you say that?" I leaned against my hands, propping myself from behind.
"Well, for this." He waived his hand toward his crotch.
"That's a pretty natural response, isn't it?" I laughed quietly.
He grew silent, "You know they are going to expect us to sleep together while they're visiting, don't you?"
I nodded, flipping my hair over my smooth shoulders. "I know."
We sat silently for almost 10 minutes, each of us lost in our own thoughts. The only sound was the clicking of his little clock on the dresser. I happened to glance at him as he adjusted himself, thinking I wasn't watching.
He waited and sighed, "Do you suppose we could go back out yet?"
I laughed, "If you want them to think that we just did one of those slam bam, thank you things, be my guest." I pointed toward the door, he laughed.
"Mom would know better, I guess we'll just wait." He stood up and walked to the dresser, picking up his alarm he opened a drawer and tossed it inside. He turned and grinned, "It was driving me nuts." I giggled softly, looking around the room for something to occupy my time.
He quietly stood and tapped his fingers along the dresser's surface, "So what the heck are we supposed to do?"
I laughed and pulled my feet up onto the bed, "It's pretty obvious."
"Well, yeah, I know that." He laughed and opened up his dresser drawer.
"What are you going to do?" I asked, looking around him.
"I figure that they are expecting us to, you know, I should at least get a change of clothes."
I looked away and nodded as he began to unbutton his shirt. "We probably should mess up the bed a bit too, don't you think?" I asked.
"Probably should," He said as he tossed his shirt into the hamper. "We'll need to make this look really convincing to her."
"Your mother wouldn't come in here, would she?" I said looking at the door.
"No, but that won't stop her from checking up on us afterwards." He tossed his shoes into the corner and slipped out of his jeans.
My eyes were pulled to the obvious arousal he was having. Trying to ignore it, I began to pull the blankets from where I had tucked them in earlier in the morning. Noticing his the reflection in the mirror, I saw him staring at my behind, slowly shaking his head. I heard him sigh deeply.
"Pull up the corner of the sheet," He whispered.
"Like this?" I asked.
I felt him get on the bed, "No, more like this." He reached around me and gently began tugging at the bottom sheet from under the corner of the mattress. I sat up and waited for him to get out of the way.
He also sat up on his knees and looked at me, Oh Christ." His eyes dropped down to my chest, he raised a trembling hand toward my breast. I slowly closed my eyes, breathing deeply. "ah, you're falling out." He gently pulled the material up, covering my exposed breast.
He looked away and sighed, "You have to know how hard it is for me to be like this, with you wearing that."
"I understand." I whispered, catching him looking at my smooth, tanned legs.
"No, I don't think you do." He placed his pillow again over his erection. "You can't imagine what it's like having someone around whom you find yourself sexually attracted to and not be able to do anything about it."
"I don't?" I laughed. "I may have been young, before all of this. But my body sure knows what it wants."
"Really?" He sounded surprised. "You were attracted to me?"
I laughed at his comment, "And still are." I looked down, trying to hide my reddening face, "Angel sure was, so I guess I am as well."
He looked me up and down, "God, you don't know how many times I wanted to... well, you know."
I adjusted my knees under me, "And you can't imagine how many times I wanted you to... well, you know." I laughed uncomfortably.
He picked up the pillow and placed back at the head of the bed, "I guess I don't need to hide that anymore."
I scooted closer to him and ran my long fingers through his hair, "No, not anymore, it's a natural response."
I felt his hesitant touch on my breast, and he pulled me close with a kiss. Resting his forehead against mine he sighed, "I don't know if I can, I feel like I'm cheating on Angel."
I nodded slowly, "I understand, it will take time." I kissed him lightly on his top lip, "If and when you're ready, I'll be here, willing."
He sighed, almost in relief. "Thanks."
We waited around for about two hours, then finally he left the room. I stalled for another twenty minutes then headed out into the living room, expecting to see Ray with his parents. Ray was gone, as was his father.
"They drove into town for a late supper." His mother sipped her coffee at the table. "Come sit down, I'll pour you a cup. I headed into the kitchen, like walking toward the gallows. "Hope you don't mind me helping myself."
"It's okay." I replied softly, "Did Brandi wake up while Ray and I were... out?"
She turned and placed a cup in front of me, "No, she's still sleeping."
I took a sip and stared into the inky blackness of the liquid before slowly setting it down. "Do you want to talk about it?" She spoke as she patted my arm.
I only responded with a furtive glance. "Are you and Ray having marriage troubles?" She continued.
I swallowed hard, not sure of how to answer. "It's okay, sometimes it's a good thing to have someone other than your husband to lean on." She smiled at me weakly, then patted my hand.
She leaned back in the kitchen chair and studied my face before speaking, "It's been awhile since you last slept with Ray, hasn't it?" I nodded slowly, she continued, "You two really didn't do anything earlier, did you?"
I took a trembling sip, the cup shaking in my grasp.
"I didn't think so," She sighed, taking another sip of her coffee. "How long has it been?"
I scrambled in my mind for an answer to give her.
"How long?" She grasped my hand in hers, "Go ahead, out with it."
I felt tears welling in my eyes, more from fear than anything else. His mother took them as tears of sadness. "Oh, you poor dear. I'm so sorry." She pulled a tissue from her pocket and handed it across to me. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
I cleared my throat and spoke just above a whisper, "Ray and I have nev... not made love since we moved into this house..." I felt a bit better telling her some sort of 'truth'.
She sadly shook her head, then patted my hand. "It happens, Angel, I've seen it before." She waited for me to look up at her before continuing, "Usually only lasts about six months, after having a baby." She stood up and filled her cup again. "Well, we'll just have to do something about that now won't we?"
I looked up quickly, "No... no... it isn't like you're thinking, Mom, please don't say anything to Ray."
She smiled devilishly, "I won't have to." She quickly took my arm and pulled me into the bedroom. "I'm sure you'll have what we need in here."
"Oh crap!" I thought, "What have I just gotten myself into?"
Ray and his father walked into the house, "Got the Vittles, woman!" The big gray haired old man shouted gleefully. "Hope you don't mind pizza and movies?"
The little woman stood before Ray, taking the pizza and placing it on the counter. "I'll take that, now you go off and get ready."
"Ready for what, Mom?" Ray laughed as his little mother began herding him toward the bedroom. "What the heck has gotten into you, Mom?"
"Dress nice, like you were going on a date." She said as he was ushered through the doorway.
"A date?" He wondered as she pulled the door closed behind him. I waited until he was safely inside the bedroom before stepping out of the bathroom.
"Wow!" His father exclaimed as I stepped into view. "Somebody want to explain what is going on around here?" He didn't need any direction as he looked straight at his wife.
"They're going out, we're staying home with the baby." She replied placing a slice of pizza on a plate for her husband.
I walked into the living room and sat down, fidgeting with the hem of the dress I was wearing. Ray's father sat on one of our bar stools with his mouth agape. He slowly whispered to his wife, but not so low that I couldn't hear it. "What the heck you doing, woman?" He glanced at me quickly, "You trying to get her to give you more grandkids? He'll have her pregnant before they even make it to the car!"
She laughed, "Don't be silly, dear."
I shuddered, pulling at the short hem. "About time you come out!" I glanced up to see Ray walking into the kitchen.
"Where'd you two hide Angel?" They pointed into the living room where I was sitting.
"Uh... Wow!" He gasped when he saw me.
I looked down, embarrassed for him to see me dressed like this. "Yeah... that's what your father said." I stood up slowly, he followed me with his eyes.
"I made reservations for you at Shantel's, Angel said it was your favorite." His mother smiled, pushing both of us toward the door.
He looked me directly in the eyes, "Sorry about that," I whispered, "You know how forceful she is."
Ray nodded, walking me around the car.
"Boy do I!" he agreed.
He waited for me to seat myself and closed the door gently.
As he was taking his seat behind the steering wheel he glanced up and muttered under his breath. "Make sure you wave to them, they're watching us pull out."
Sure enough, there they were, waving from our porch. I laughed and gave them a friendly wave goodbye.
We drove on for a few miles before Ray finally spoke, "We don't have to go to Shantel's if you don't want. I'll understand."
I laughed and looked out of the window, "She'll probably call them and see if we arrived."
"Probably." He chuckled. I could feel him watching me even before he spoke, "I forgot what you looked like in that dress."
I glanced down, "This is the first time I've worn it. You're probably thinking of Angel..."
"Probably," He sighed. Another few miles he drove on in silence, then finally he cleared his throat and said, "I'm really sorry for all of this."
"Don't be." I whispered, looking out the window. "You had no way of knowing what she was going to do."
"I wonder what she is planning?" He frowned, "With Mother, it's really hard to say."
"I know," I sighed.
"Know?" He glanced my way quickly, "What did you two talk about while we were gone?"
I began to cry, "She was asking if we were having marital problems, what could I tell her?"
He sighed and slowed to a stop, pulling next to the curb. "You didn't tell her the truth, did you?"
I dabbed a tissue at my eyes, "No, I just let her think that we... we haven't been intimate since Brandi was born."
"So, why you crying?" He sighed. I shrugged my answer, "If it's any consolation, you really do look stunning." I looked up and smiled, "That's what I wanted to see." He patted my exposed thigh and caused us both to look down, he pulled his hand away quickly. "Sorry."
"Don't be," I sighed.
We sat in an uncomfortable silence for the entire trip to Shantel's, then he offered his hand as I climbed out of the car. "Thank you, Ray." I smiled as the man took our keys and drove away to park the car.
I was led into the great lobby where we stood before a bank of mirrors, I noticed Ray glance toward my reflection. He slowly pursed his lips and shook his head as the host led us toward our table. He held my chair and again I felt him looking at my legs while I adjusted myself in the chair.
Slowly he walked back to take his seat, "I don't know how much more of this I can stand," He sighed.
"How much more of what?" I asked innocently.
He gave me a short laugh as if saying "You know very well!"
As I looked over the menu, Ray cleared his throat and asked, "What do you think you'll have?"
"I was thinking of something small, like a chicken breast," I replied, turning the page of the menu.
"You can actually get a larger portion, we can afford it." He grinned, looking over the menu in his hand.
"Maybe a year ago, but now, I think something small will be just fine." I closed the menu and laid it on the table, next to me.
The waiter took our orders and returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses, "I didn't order wine." I whispered to Ray. "I thought I told him coke."
Ray smiled, "I thought if we're going to do it up right, we might as well go all the way."
I took a sip and made a face causing him to laugh, "Careful now, that has a way of sneaking up on you."
"Fine. Then, I won't drink any." I said as I pushed the goblet away. He chuckled and took another sip of his own.
I sat making small talk with him for almost the whole time, fingering the rim of my tall goblet. The time passed quickly and in what seemed like only minutes, our orders arrived. We continued eating and talking, enjoying each others company for the entire meal. Soft music was playing in the background, I recognized the tune and looked over my shoulder into another room.
"Looks like the band is starting to play, do you want to go into there and listen for awhile?" He handed his card to the waiter and drummed his fingers to the rhythm of the old standard.
"That singer has a lovely voice." I commented as the waiter brought Ray back his card.
He smiled, "That is Adam Fontana, he is exceptional, isn't he?" Both Ray and I nodded as Ray pushed his card back into his billfold.
"Come on Angel, let's go listen." He gently pulled me to my feet and threw his arm around my waist, directing me into the Lounge. We again walked along a long bank of mirrors, lined with beautiful flowers and tall plants.
Through my drifting hair, I caught sight of Ray looking at our reflection again, his eyes seemed to be drawn down my legs to the slender heels I had on. Again, he gave me that look.
He seated me at a small table, my back to one of the mirrors. From time to time I could feel his gaze on me, but I was there to listen to Mr. Fontana. It finally dawned on me when he began to sing another old song, who it was that he reminded me. I tapped Ray on his hand, "Isn't that one of Nat King Cole's songs?"
He tipped his head and listened, "Yeah, it's called, 'When I Fall In Love'."
"Pretty, isn't it?" I sighed.
"You sure are!" I looked over toward him, he was slowly turning his goblet between his fingers, a serene expression on his face.
"What?" He glanced up at me, "What did you just say?"
"Me? I didn't say anything or at least I don't think I did."
He smiled and stood up, "Care to dance?"
"I don't know how?" I replied.
"Sure you do, you're a female, aren't you?" He laughed and pulled me to my feet again. "I thought all females knew how to dance!"
I laughed softly and let him direct me to the dance floor where another two couples were moving slowly about the floor. "Let me lead, that'll be the easiest," He laughed and put his hand on my waist.
We ended up dancing almost the next hour without a stop, finally when Mr. Fontana took a break, we did as well.
We found ourselves walking outside next to the fountain, he looked down into the brightly lit water and laughed.
"I want to thank you for everything."
I ran my small hand along his back, "That's okay."
He brushed my cheek with the back of his hand, "I want to kiss..."
I didn't wait for him to finish, I pulled him into me and we kissed deeply. At first, he tried to pull away, then settled down and returned my kiss. As our lips parted, his eyes were still closed.
"Wow!" He sighed.
He held out his arm and I slipped my own through it, "Come on, Angel, let's go home."
I felt my heart drop, I wanted more, so much more. But, I complied and slowly walked along beside my husband toward the front of the restaurant.
The house was quiet when we finally arrived home. Without thinking, I began to gather my pillow and blankets, heading toward the couch. "Where you going?" He whispered, the light illuminating his dark silhouette.
"To bed," I whispered back.
"Not out here, remember?" He took my bedding from my hands, "My folks are here," I made one slow nod with my head, and followed him back toward the bedroom.
We entered the room in complete darkness, "Should I turn on the light?" He whispered.
"Probably wouldn't be a good idea, we might wake Brandi." I bumped into his back and giggled.
"It's awfully dark, maybe you should at least open the curtains so we have some sort of light to see by." I whispered quietly.
I wasn't sure where he went to until I noticed his shadow against the curtain. Slowly it opened to shed the soft moonlight from outside into the bedroom.
"Which side is mine?" I whispered.
"Take your pick." He chuckled.
I turned and watched him remove his shirt and drop it onto a chair sitting in the corner. He sat down and began to pull his shoes from his feet.
I turned my back toward him and tried to reach around to unzip my dress. I could feel the tab of the zipper, but it stayed just beyond my grasp. I sighed softly, "Ray, could you help me here?"
"Sure," He whispered, trying to keep his voice low. "Is it the zipper?"
"Yes." I sighed, feeling frustrated. "I can't reach the stupid thing."
I felt his hand against my soft skin, his warmth causing me to shudder. Slowly the zipper was lowered, causing the material to fall away.
"God, Angel, you smell great!"
I felt myself lean into his hands, slowly he raised them to my slender neck. "Angel, we shouldn't."
I tipped my head back until my hair fell against his strong chest, his hand caressed my cheek. "I'm afraid we'll go too far."
I placed my hand against his cheek pulling his face down toward mine, my glistening nails reflecting the soft light from outside. He lowered his hand to my hip and then around to my stomach. I rolled in his grasp until I was facing him, "Angel, you know what's going to happen if we don't stop."
"I know," I whispered seductively, then gently placed my small hand against his growing crotch. His soft gasp said it all.
Slowly we lowered ourselves to the bed, still kissing. Ray studied my face in the dark, "Are you sure? You know what could happen?"
"Everyone who knows us, thinks we're married. What difference would it make if I became pregnant, again?"
"Again?" His voice lowered, "What do you mean... again?"
I giggled, "Well gee silly, we do have a daughter."
"Oh, okay, I see where you're coming from." He whispered as I began to pull my dress off. Leaning toward him, I kissed his soft lips pulling his bottom one in ever so gently.
"Where did you learn how to do that?" He whispered softly. "Angel... she used to do that to me!"
I kissed his broad chest, "I guess more of Angel was in me that we originally thought." My kiss lowered to his rippling stomach.
His hands were entwined in my long hair, my kisses trailed toward his navel. "Oh...God, Angel," He sighed as I began lowering his underwear.
He quickly pulled away from me, "Wait, Angel, hold up, stop."
I groaned and sat back on my knees, "Now what?"
"I can't ask you to understand, but it's a husband and wife sort of thing." I could feel him moving away from me. "I just feel too much like I'm cheating on Angel!" He moved back to his side of the bed and pulled the sheets over himself, as if to hide.
"Are you serious?" I sighed throwing my hands into the air. "I thought we were all past that!"
I could see him looking down, "So did I"
I scooted to the opposite side of the bed, "So, after this past year, you still don't see me as your wife?"
"It's not that," He sighed throwing himself against his pillow.
"Then what is it?" I also threw myself into my pillow, "Am I that bad?"
"Hardly," He spoke softly. "I still can see you as the boy, Alex."
I grabbed his hand and placed it over my soft, rounded breast still shielded by my silky bra.
"Does that feel like a boy to you?"
"No, not... not at all." He tried to pull his hand away but I held it there. Suddenly, I lifted a cup of my bra and inserted his hand between the bra and my breast.
"Does that feel anything like a boy's chest?" I sighed, closing my eyes in pleasure.
"Angel, I..." His voice cracked.
"What about this?" I breathed erotically, "Would a mere boy do that to you?" I had slipped my hand under the waistband of his shorts. He said nothing as his eyes closed, letting me pleasure him quietly, gently.
I rolled toward him and leaned against his chest, still slowly working his crotch with my ministrations. "Angel, I just never wanted to force..." He slowly pushed my hand from him and gently caressed my cheek.
"I can't help but look at you like... like a woman." He sighed pulling a long lock away and letting it fall softly to my shoulder.
"That's the way I want you to look at me," I kissed his hand as it passed my lips. I could feel my eyes welling full of tears, "I want it to be more, like this. I want to become a complete woman, I'm not satisfied with just looking like one."
"I never thought," His voice was low and husky sounding, "But you became Angel to take care of..."
"I know, but, I still needed to feel, satisfied, the way only a woman can be satisfied by a man."
"With chocolate?" His chest bounced as he chuckled.
"Hardly," I propped my head against my hand, elbow laying on his thick chest.
Ray slowly ran his hand along my shoulder, "What do you want from this relationship? When all this started, you wanted to just stay looking like Angel, now something's different."
"That's true," I sighed, "Living this way over the past year, I've come to love Brandi."
I looked down and traced a tiny circle around his small nipple.
"And you," A tear rolled down my cheek as I spoke.
"Are you crying?" He raised his head up, as my tear fell against his chest. He could see the wetness reflected upon my cheeks, then wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "I didn't know!"
I began to giggle, his hug had somehow unhooked the strapless bra I was wearing, and it fell onto the bed between us. He opened his eyes, "Was that?"
"My bra," I giggled through my tears, I began to search for it with my hand. "Give me a second, I'll put it back on."
He glanced down and smiled mischievously, "Don't bother."
I glanced quickly at him, laying in the dark smiling. "Are you sure?" I asked.
"Quick! Kiss me before I change my..." I didn't wait for him to finish as I threw myself against him, smothering his face with my gentle kisses.
I felt him slide his hands down along my back hooking his thumbs gently under the silky undergarment, slowly pushing it down toward my knees. I tried to do the same to him, but his great weight kept me from it. "If you want me, I'll need help here." I whispered laughingly into his ear, then gradually began kissing him down his neck toward his shoulder.
In his hurried excitement, he forced his shorts down past his knees, working them off with his feet. I moved to a kneeling position between his strong thighs, his throbbing member pushing hungrily against my smooth stomach. I found myself being pulled by him, up to where I was laying lengthways along his body; my breasts were hanging against his chest. He pulled my face to his, and our lips gently touched, tongues entwined in passion.
Between my own thighs I could feel his rising erection as it stretched upward to its maximum length. I lowered my mouth to his lips and began to tongue him.
Slowly, I lowered my kisses to his tiny nipples, he sighed in pleasure as I began to wet them with my tongue. "I should be doing that to you," He gasped as I began working on the other one. The whole while, I had his shaft trapped between my slender thighs, gently rocking my hips with the rhythm of our love.
His breathing was becoming erratic, "You keep that up and we'll be done a whole lot sooner than either of us want to be done," I stopped my motion. He gently took me by the waist and moved me toward him.
I felt the throbbing tip of his shaft touch me, dancing with the pulse of his beating heart, causing an electric jolt to course through my body. I pushed against it, trying to impale myself onto its hardness. It slowly entered, lubricated with my own wetness. I felt the air leave my body in one great erotic gasp.
In unison, we began dancing to our song of love. I couldn't speak, only my sighs to each thrust could be heard. I pushed against his chest and sat upright, his shaft entering to its hilt. I closed my eyes, gently rocking my hips to his own, head back, hair cascading down gently tickling him on his thighs.
We rocked in the darkness for what seemed a lifetime, only with the first hints of either of our impending orgasms... he would pause. He smiled devilishly, knowing that he was keeping me dancing just at the edge of sweet release, far longer than I wanted.
I looked down at his closed eyes, a slight smile hinting the corners of his mouth. My hair was cascading over my soft breasts, draping against his muscular chest. He again slowed, just as I was close to orgasm. I groaned, pleading for him to continue, so I could finally have the release I so desperately needed. He slid his hands along my smooth thighs, around my soft rounded bottom, slowly up my waist and back. He was drawing me toward him. As I lay along his chest our lips met, hungrier than before.
Gently, he began to roll me over onto my back, still impaling me upon his sturdy shaft. Slowly my thighs were forced apart by his weight as he began a rhythm that until now, we had not matched. My breath left me in short bursts, forced out by his weight. The air passing from my throat created soft little erotic whimpers that only seemed to ignite us both even more.
I could feel my own electric arousal building, swelling to heights I had never known! He knew I was close to release, I kept waiting for him to stop or pause as he had before, but we continued on with our rhythmic pace. He raised himself up on his elbows, his hips thrusting deeply, like a piston. Sometime during the last few minutes I had allowed my feet to raise and lock behind his waist, helping to draw him in with each thrust.
His forehead was dappled with sweat, and the moonlight glistening against his powerful pectoral's. My small hands sought his chest, gracefully gliding up until they rested against his damp cheeks. I glanced down between my breasts, now glowing from the perspiration of our lovemaking. Beyond that, I could see a faint shadow where my thin thighs were creating a frame of his pelvis as it thrust home, deep inside me.
Outside the first early morning birds were already chirping, calling out to potential mates with their beautiful singing. Suddenly, as a great wave in the ocean, it took me. Building as a small ripple somewhere inside of me, slowly outward it raced, then picking up pace until it crashed into my mind like a great tidal wave of euphoria and passion all rolled together. I caught an excited moan as it surfaced, pushing me closer and closer to the release that I coveted.
I began to pull harder against Ray with my legs trembling from our excitement. I wasn't about to let him stop what he was doing to me! I felt him tense up, and twitch. It started deep within him until he shuddered along the length of his body and sighed huskily, then it began.
I felt his muscle buried deep inside of me begin to swell, then pulse, again and again and again. It was like rockets going off all around us as my own release came crashing against his. I covered my mouth to try and contain the sultry scream that wanted to cry out from my lungs. I rocked my head from side to side as he lowered his head down to my heaving bosom, tenderly taking a hardened nipple gently to his lips.
I couldn't help my own reaction as I pushed against his mouth with my chest, slightly arching my back. Still he continued to push into my womb with his steady rhythm, filling me lovingly, with his seed. I smiled slowly as he began to kiss and caress my neck and chest with his ministrations, causing me to giggle softly.
I lay like that, with him on top of me for a few minutes, until he began to gently slide out, his shaft softening. I drew my slender hands around his neck and drew him down into a passionate kiss. "Thank you," I sighed.
"I should be thanking you." He smiled, causing an erotic chill to race between my crotch and nipples. "Especially, considering what may have just happened."
"And what would that be, my love?" I kissed his hand as it caressed my cheek.
"Well, when a guy and a girl..." He quipped, causing me to laugh. "I'm sure you know what happens," He added, also laughing.
I sighed and kissed his lower lip, pulling it inside my mouth erotically and running my tongue along its surface. I let go, smiling as he rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't care what happens," I whispered seductively. "As long as it happens with you and Brandi by my side." The comment brought a grin slowly to Ray's face.
He looked down toward my chest, full heaving breasts moving from the breathing of our exertion.
"I never told you one thing about that medallion you used," He said softly.
"Oh? And what was that?" I whispered into his ear as I gently slipped my tongue inside causing him to scrunch his shoulder and back away.
"You may not be too happy when I tell you," He raised his head and looked into my eyes, I could see a hint of concern.
"What?" I whispered, concerned, looking back into his clear, loving eyes.
"The medallion won't allow you to turn back if you become pregnant." He tightened his lips, frowning, "I should have told you long ago."
I smiled and held his cheeks, "Well then," I lowered a hand under the covers, "Maybe we should do something about it, to be sure that it's permanent?"
"Like what?" He whispered, as I gently took hold of his softened shaft. "Oh!" Ray giggled like a 16 year old school boy. "If you're sure?"
I began to slowly draw the skin back and forth gently, causing it to begin swelling in my demure hand.
"Oh, I'm VERY sure!"
It had been three weeks of love, a whirlwind of romance that Ray and I shared. I grinned fondly at the memories, recalling our quiet nights alone. Smiling, I looked down at little Brandi, as she sat perched upon my knees, quietly chewing the wafer that I had given to her. I leaned forward and turned the little test kit toward me, Brandi made a swipe at it and squealed.
"What do you think?" I questioned the little girl on my knee, "Would you like a baby brother or sister?" She looked up and smiled, showing her tiny teeth, and the grin seemed brighter than the sun itself. I gave her a hug, pulling my tiny daughter to my chest.
"!" She bubbled, I brushed her soft blonde hair from her forehead and kissed her gently. Glancing at my watch, I waited for the allotted time to expire, Brandi took that moment to pull the top of my shirt out and look down, causing me to giggle.
"Just like your father," I whispered softly, kissing her ear. I knew better, but in order for her to develop normally, both Ray and I needed to keep up our ruse. She had to grow up thinking we were her parents.
I heard a door gently close and Ray call out, "Honey?" His keys jingled against the hard surface of the counter as he laid them down, "You home?"
I hugged Brandi and called out to him, "We're in the bathroom!"
His steps grew louder as he walked back toward us, "You decent?" He asked, knocking lightly on the door. Slowly it swung open, "What's up?" He stopped in mid sentence as he realized what was laying on the counter.
I smiled and looked up at him grinning, "Are you? Are we?"
His eyes danced between me and the kit laying on the counter, slowly he leaned over to get a better look.
"I'm going to be a father?" He began laughing.
"Looks that way." I smiled as he hugged both Brandi and I together. "Of course, it won't be official until I actually visit a doctor."
He motioned for me to follow him, "There is another way we can be sure."
I walked behind him into our bedroom, he opened a drawer and pulled out the baggie containing the Medallion of Zulo.
He took a deep breath and gently held it out by the chain, "If you truly are pregnant, nothing will happen." I took a step back.
"But, but I don't..." I felt tears stinging my eyes. He picked up one of his shirts and waited.
"It'll be okay, if it changes you, we'll wait the 12 hours and change you back to the way you are now." I sat Brandi down on the floor, and stood watching his outstretched hand containing the medallion, suspended from the chain.
I quickly wiped my tears and steeled myself, slowly stepping forward as if walking to the gallows.
"Okay, I...I'm ready." I sighed.
He held the spinning charm near my soft skin, gently he pushed it to me using the clothing in his hand. I winced, not sure of what to expect. As soon as he pulled his hand away, the Medallion of Zulo was quickly inserted back into the safety of the baggie.
"Anything yet?" He asked, I froze in place only moving my eyes.
"Nothing yet," I quietly whispered, looking at Brandi standing against our bed. I held my breath, waiting for the returning tingle that I had felt a year ago.
"Get your folks settled into their new home?" I tried to think of anything to take my mind from the pressure of the moment, so I had decided to ask about his parents.
Ray frowned, "Yeah, they're all settled in." He studied my face, and his scrutiny caused me to raise my hand to my cheek.
"What? What is it, Ray?" I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. "Has it started?"
He shook his head, "Don't see anything yet."
I sat down on the bed and looked into our mirror. "If it hasn't started, I don't think it's going to."
I looked up at him, and he was smiling. "Looks like we may be expecting!"
I couldn't control the excitement I was feeling! I stood up and threw my arms around him. Our lips met and we stood holding each other for several long seconds. He smiled, touching his forehead against mine, "Looks like there's no turning back."
I only pulled him in harder, "I don't care, I'm where I want to be!"
We sat in the bedroom for almost a half hour, waiting for the changes that never came. Using our blankets, Brandi had pulled herself up onto our bed and was crawling over both of us. Ray was leaning his head against his hand, the other slowly rubbing circles against my abdomen.
"Angel tried for so long to get pregnant, why do you suppose it was so easy for you?"
I glanced over toward him, "You're not mad, are you?"
"No, not at all." He shrugged, scooping Brandi from my chest and holding her suspended above his head as he rolled to his back. Her great gleeful squeals made us both laugh, "She doesn't seem to mind." Ray laughed, and jiggled his arms causing her to again break into a fit of laughing.
"But, why do you suppose it worked for you when she obviously had some kind of medical condition?"
"Maybe the medallion screens out any harmful impurities in the body?" I replied and rolled against his strong chest. "Maybe, through the change, whatever was wrong, was fixed. Or maybe it was just the stress of trying to conceive that kept her from becoming pregnant."
"We'll never know." He said. Slowly he turned and faced me, sitting up with Brandi on his knee.
"You feel like taking a long drive?" He asked.
"I guess so, where to?" I sat up as well, taking Brandi from him.
He stood up and looked toward the drawer where he had placed the baggie containing the medallion, "I have to right a wrong."
I stood up and held Brandi so she could straddle my hip, "You didn't say where to yet?"
"Come on." He pulled the drawer open to grab the baggie. Ray began to push items around in the drawer, "I could have swore I put it in here."
I looked over his shoulder, "Maybe you have the wrong drawer?"
He began to open the others and scowled with each failed attempt. "It HAS to be in here somewhere, I just had the stupid thing!"
I lowered myself to the floor, checking beneath the dresser and again behind it. It's not there either." I replied honestly. "It couldn't have gone far, honey. I'll keep my eyes out for it when I'm cleaning.
Ray nodded, I could tell it was bothering him that we were unable to locate the little medallion.
For almost four months I kept my eye pealed for that baggie, both Ray and I searching high and low. I was on my hands & knees moving our shoes from under the dresser, sorting which we wore and which we did not when I saw the glint of plastic in the toe of Ray's shoe.
"Ray...Ray!" I called out, my soft voice sliding up in pitch as I struggled to my feet from the position I had been searching in.
"Honey!" He gasped as he hurried to assist me from the floor, "Are you okay?" He scowled at me, "You shouldn't be on the floor Angel, you're expecting!"
"Oh Ray, I'm barely showing and you know it, our child is just a tiny bump!" I raised his shoe to him and reached inside to remove the bag that had slid down to the toe. "Look at this...It's the little necklace!"
His smile broadened, "First thing in the morning, I'm calling in sick and we're going to take that little trip I had promised you!" He kissed me and pulled me close, "NOW...I can right a grievous wrong!"
The following morning, I followed him through the house, and picked up the diaper bag and a few bottles from the refrigerator. Out into the driveway we went, where he took Brandi and buckled her into her car seat. I kept wondering what Ray had planned as we both climbed in and closed the doors and rolled down our drive.
For several miles I sat quietly, wondering what he had up his sleeve as we continued to drive well into the night. I slept and woke sometime as the sun was rising on the horizon. Our surroundings were vaguely familiar, I felt a pang of fear in my chest as I began to recognize landmarks.
"Why... why are we here? Why did you bring me back to this godforsaken place?" I felt my throat tighten.
He smiled and gently touched my cheek, "I'm not taking you home, I could never do that to someone I love." He turned back toward the road as he concentrated on his driving. "Besides, your home is my home...don't forget it."
"Then where... where are we going?" I glanced back at Brandi sleeping without a care in the world.
He smiled, "When Angel bought the Medallion, we were at a garage sale. I realized, while we were talking that day...back there on the bed, that the little girl at the sale was acting strangely different. Then it hit me..."
I looked down at the baggie laying on the seat between us, "The medallion?" I asked.
"I have a suspicion that the mother used it against that child," He flipped his signal on and pulled into a parking lot. "Turning a young boy into that sad girl, I remember her crying."
"You're going to give him a chance to return to being a boy?" I placed my hand on his as I spoke. Pride swelled in my chest for this man I fell in love with.
"If it isn't too late," He pointed toward a house across the street from a park, that's where the garage sale was. He opened the door, "We can wait over there, in the park, she should be along sometime today."
"How will you recognize her? She's been stuck in her form for almost two years!"
He nodded slowly, she was probably seven or eight when we bought the necklace from her mother. She couldn't be more than nine or ten by now."
"Girls change quite a lot during those years, grow know." I was struggling to push the stroller through the mulch that surrounded the swings. "Some young girls have even been known to begin puberty by ten or twelve."
We walked over to the infant swings and I lifted our beautiful daughter out of the stroller and placed her into the swing. And began to push Brandi in the early morning sun. For an hour we played when I heard Ray clear his throat, "She's coming, that has to be her."
I looked up as a thin girl walked along the sidewalk slowly.
"She looks sad." I whispered as she walked closer, she was looking at the ground.
"Jeffery?" Ray called out softly, causing the girl to stop.
"Jeffery?" He again asked the child.
Slowly the little girl nodded, "I..used to be called Jeffery," She looked back toward her house, "But that was long ago, before she..."
Ray held out the baggie, the child's eyes grew wide. She looked from it to each of us, "The medallion!"
Then looking up toward Ray, "I...I remember you! You two bought this from our garage sale, didn't you!"
Ray nodded as I pulled Brandi from the swing, "Take it, do whatever you need to with it." Ray looked at me and smiled, "We don't need it anymore."
Tears streamed down the little girl's cheeks, "Thank you! How... how can I ever repay you for..." She fingered the baggie and its contents, tiny droplets of tears falling upon its clear surface.
I pulled her close and hugged her slender body, "It'll be okay, you'll see." I said in an emotional whisper. "It can be a hurtful thing...but it can also be a blessing. I can attest to that for myself!"
She gave both of us a great hug and ran home, as fast as her thin legs could carry her. I looked at Ray who was smiling, "You're such a nice man, you know that?"
He put his hand around my waist and pulled me close, "Come on, honey, let's go home."
I smiled as we drove along that same path that we had taken nearly two years ago, only this time, I wasn't running away from someone. I leaned against Ray and squeezed his hand. No, this time I wasn't running away, not since I had a family that needed me. I looked back at Brandi, eyes closed and sleeping again from the motion of the car. "How could I ever repay you for what you've given me?" I wondered to the little sleeping girl. I also closed my eyes, laying my left hand on my husband's thigh. "I'll try being the best mother a girl could ever have, that's how I'll do it." I sighed.
Ray looked down, "What was that?"
I smiled at him and laid my head back on his shoulder, slowly rubbing a small circle on my stomach, not believing what was about to happen to me. In time, our little family would grow by one, in a year or two, who knows? I smiled and again looked up at Ray, he was smiling back at me with a single tear trailing down his cheek. No words were spoken, he only mouthed the phrase, "I love you Angel."
For many years readers have begged me to continue the story of Jeffrey. His story of anger and redemption is continued in 'Angel In The Mirror.
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This was as I remembered it
I will be very interested to see where you take it now.
I've read this one before.
But this my favorite part. Love lost, love never known... Both given back or for the first time because of the medallion. The results of using it aren't always bad, are they?
another chapter?
I very much look forward to that. And I've loved the story up to this point.
A Better Answer?
>> "Angel tried for so long to get pregnant, why do you suppose it was so easy for you?" <<
I think when both Ray and Angel 2 (was Alex) were changed with the medallion and the nursing bra, and grew larger, lactating breasts, they were changed into a woman who was recently pregnant and was nursing. Angel 2 kept that body that had been pregnant at least once and still has it even after weaning Brandi. If Angel 1 had anything wrong inside that caused her infertility, all of it was corrected by Angel 2 when she changed into a nursing mother. It had to be corrected or she wouldn't have been pregnant so couldn't have been nursing.
If I were Angel 2 after her milk dried up and normal levels of hormones, mainly estrogen, were restored; I think I would have had Ray a lot more quickly. ;-)
Thank you for such a enjoyable story!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,