I've come to realize that I have a curse upon me. I don't know which witch doctor from which tribe or perhaps an old Sicilian gypsy that my Great Grandfather stole sardines from, but it has become evident.
If there is one thing I do well when it comes to writing is create wonderful characters that people really care about. And that's where my curse begins. See, I write these stories. The story lines aren't all that involved or complex or even original. Heck, most of my material is stuff I remember from old sitcoms that I transgenderfy. Most of my novels are from songs. God Bless the Child is nothing more than The Little Girl by John Michael Montgomery, A Different Kind of Life is a rehash of How Life Can Change, Wrestling Against Myself is autobiographical for the most part (I was Tiny in real life and there was a Corey who I knew). But the characters, those are mine. I don't even know how I do it. But people fall in love with my characters.
So here comes the curse:
People like my characters so much that they demand more stories. The problem is, sometimes I don't have a story in mind for those characters and the idea of forcing it seems unfair to everyone involved. Sometimes it's a matter of time. I do plan on continuing with Jenny from the God Bless the Child trilogy, but that's the only character who I have earmarked for anything (except for Andrew in the current work). The rest are pretty much done with. I'm sorry you grew attached. I would like to think everyone lived happily ever after.
Right now I am working on a Christmas story. I think it sucks, but I am hoping to get over a head cold and salvage something out of it.
I know where you are coming from
I don't think it is a curse.
I even blogged here about it. http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog/46692/when-leave-well-alone
If you are writing for pleasure then you could do what I've done (but had no takers yet) is to basically say, 'if you want more then please feel free to write a sequel'.
I think that this approach allows you, the author to get off the hook for a bit at least.
I feel blessed
that readers ask me for more - so d'you really. Whether that's because, so far I've donated my work or it's really popular, I'm not sure. Free things do tend to be popular, don't they.
It's okay
I've always found that characters tell their own stories. Robert E Howard always said that he felt like Conan stood behind him telling the story. To be a little less Jungian, whatever you call it, the Flow, the Groove, Right Headspace, etc., if you can't get back to that creative stream, it's hard to tell new stories for those characters.
All I can say is what one of my first real creative writing teachers told me. "Tell the stories you want to tell."
It was I who cursed you.
At the very end of my previous life, I bumped into you while you were expressing curiosity about something. Naturally the results were fatal for me. Evidently I did not die instantly, as I had sufficient time to shout "CURSE YOU!", before my untimely demise.
Now I admit it was a little harsh of me, you didn't do it maliciously after all, and I do have up to 8 more lives. Send me a private message, and I'll be happy to undo the curse.
Its a difficult balance
Its a difficult balance between writer and reader. There has always been characters I've liked to see grow or develop longer from books I've read since I was a kid. Nature of the beast I suppose. As a reader I just hope for the best and now a days hope the writer does not lose his or her mind before finished...
Somtimes I think,
It is really up to the character, if that make sense.
They will whisper their story to you when they are ready.
And I for one will be anxious to read them, but not if its forced.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
Maybe just maybe !!
If you can find the Great grandchildren of that gypsy and send ohmaybe a case of sardines then could lift the curse so you can get on with your life after all you should be held responsible for what grandpappy did HUGS Katie :-) Richie
That isn't a curse, it's
That isn't a curse, it's common. Bad writers keep writing, like when a TV sitcom jumps the shark, but doesn't seem to ever end.