After listening to many users, I have decided to download Firefox and give it a try. The problem is when I try to find a safe site to use for the download, there are dozens that appear to be legit; however, I found out the hard way that many of these download sites install all sorts of malware and worse on my computer. For those in the know, what site do you recommend. Preferably the official Firefox site. Thanks.
The official
distro for Firefox is at You can get to it with a google search. Just make sure when you roll over the link that the status bar at the bottom of the screen points there before you click! Once installed, you can set it to stay updated. I love it. I have to program for Internet Explorer at work, it always feels like I'm fighting it.
Carla Ann
Go Slowly!
Even legit sites will give you "Free" "Add-Ons". Make sure you take your time and Un-Check(or possibly check the right boxes) for everything you don't want installed along side of what you are trying to instal.
The following is the main US English language site for Firefox.
PS. Personally I have 3 different browsers installed on my comp all at once.
I prefer Firefox my self for normal use.
That's a Good Link To Use
There are a number of useful Firefox add-ons that are available on
NoScript, Adblock Plus, and BetterPrivacy are among the ones to consider.
Once you have installed FireFox
Then you really need to install two additional items.
These are Adblock-Plus and NoScript.
goto Tools-->Add-ons-->See all (upper right of the screen) then select the two things from the Security sections
Then once you get used to it you can control all sorts of nasty tracking sites and disable them.
You can also selectively allow pop-ups from only desirable sites.
I can't imagine browsing the web without these two installed. On the odd ocassion that I have to use Internet Imploder I see the Internet in all it Adverted Glory. No thanks.
They all have their issues, but....
...compatibility is always helpful, yes?
Love, Andrea Lena
Forced to use IE or Chrome
A couple sites I use, force you to use IE or Chrome, and it is such a pain. They work OK on those sites but as soon as you get off those sites, the trouble starts.
so what happens if you try to use them
from a Mac or an iPad/iPhone?
If I encounter site like this I send a curt snotogram to the admins and never visit the site again.
Have all three
Of these on my computers, and use the one that works best for the purpose. I don't have a problem switching from one to the other.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Internet Explorer.
The number one browser for downloading a better browser.
I get trouble
with running Firefox and shockwave, apparently a rather common event. My IT trainer recommended chrome.
A quick search for "shockwave
A quick search for "shockwave crash" shows that it is not only FireFox that suffers. Chrome does as well.
Perhaps FireFox 25 will improve matters. The Adobe crapware now runs in a sandbox.
Downloading a safe Firefox
Here's where I got mine
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
non coffee drinking fox
well I read the posts on here, so I downloaded Firefox, imported all my favorites (over 2000). so then I try to get my daily crunchyroll fix and it tells me JavaScript is blocked. none of the help topics on Mozilla website could fix the problem, so for me its back to IE. I could run both, but then I would have to constantly port my new favorites back and forth, and I'm too lazy for that. I may try again later and see if they fix the java deficiency.
I know I wasn't the original poster but thanks for the info.
a man's reach should exceed his grasp,. Or what's a heaven for?
Did you install the NoScript
Did you install the NoScript add on?
If you did the bottom right corner of the screen is where you go to enable javascript for the various sites. You will then see just how many add and tracking sites that a single page can reference. That's where your download quota goes!
If not, then what version of FF did you D/L. I'm using vanilla FF V25 in a VM and I'm not seeing that.
Failing that give me a URL you are trying and have it failing and perhaps I can work out why.
{writing code for more than 40 years}