Anyone picked up on this today? According to a report on BBC Radio 5 Emma is not asking for monetary compensation, just a better understanding of the issues she and other trans women have to deal with.
Oh, and you might want to scroll down to the 'kick a ginger kid' article.
That's right folks, we African apes will attack anyone we perceive to be different. As one door closes...
Seconds Can and Do Save Lives!!!
‘The radio is also a lifeline at times and I should not have to feel hesitant or anxious about using it,’ she said (PC Emma Chapman).
Some idiot in the Radio Control Room, questioning who an officer is is a 'HEALTH and SAFTEY' issue both for the general public and officers.
I wonder if there is some back room bigotary going on there?
I insist.
It is frustrating to hear of Trans folks being outed by their voices. There is voice training and it works, so I just don't think a T woman who is working, and has funds. has much excuse.
IMHO ...
I think it was a predudiced officer being dificult and attempting to be cleaver and now it has backfired, if this is found to be discrimination heads will roll.
It quite easily could have been an effeminate male officer in the same situation, and to my mind while this is a TG issue, there are larger implications.
Weather or not a male sounds like a male or a female, or vice versa over the radio is irrelevnt this could have been a serious situation and she could have beeen seriously injoured or even killed.
Just Imagine the headlines then.