I know people are probably getting tired of my blogs about my attempt to join the published world, but...
I want opinions, and this is the best way to get 'em alright?
So, here's my question for today.
I'm working on the rewrite of Oh, Cheers. Yes, rewrite, as in while a lot of the stuff is vaguely similar, there will be large swathes of the story set to change as I go through.
I've already mentioned that I'm pretty much throwing out the final third of the book in exchange for a brand-new ending that makes more sense for the rest of the plot and fits better with the overall feeling/theme of the book, but here's what I wanna know.
What else would people like to see reconsidered for the rewrite?
Did you not like a particular character's name or personality? Were there bits that you just didn't think made sense, or should be toned down/expanded upon?
Did you wanna see Dana dressed up as a munchkin?
Whatever the ideas/suggestions/criticisms are, let me know so I can consider them. The story's already shaping up to be nearly doubled in length at least, likely further than that. What will a few more suggestions do?
Melanie E.
As I recall...
There was a gaming session planned between books wasn't there? I remember Dana had been invited to attend and then the session was skipped. I think you said you were going to release it as a standalone but it never happened. I was actually looking forward to the chapter to see how Dana's change might affect her relationships with former friends. In the books as they stood we never saw much of that.
We have probably already covered all of this, but the only thing that I can think of beyond what we already talked about is maybe expanding on the reason behind Nancy disliking Dana so much. Whatever you do, DO NOT take out the Gilbert and Sullivan jab - it was great!
Any way, throughout the story, it's apparent that there is something behind Nancy not liking Dana, but you never get into the reason behind it - beyond Dana speculating about her losing her spot on the A squad to Dana.
Other than that - I really like what you're planning for the new part 3!
Later sis!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
An Opinion
I have often seen writers here ask their readers to offer their opinions on what they should do. WHile that comes across as being all rather democratic and inclusive, I have always been told by other successful writers that you, the writer must follow your heart and write the story as you believe it should be written.
Now these other writers didn't actually say 'follow your heart.' They used different metaphors, some quite colorful. But the bottom line in my mind, the one I adhere to is it is your story. You created the characters and you know them. Do what you think is right. Otherwise, you'll find yourself twisting in the wind, following the advise of this one over here on one chapter and another one over there on the next, resulting in a bowl of spaghetti rather than a story that is held together by a strong story line.
ANy who, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Nancy Cole
a.k.a. HW Coyle
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Firs of all, keep old version available.
It is quite good.
I have not analyzed your story. I've just enjoyed it. So parts 4, 5 and 6 will be greatly appreciated after you finish the rewrite ;-)
I have no intention to remove it.
Removing my original posts from here because I'm selling a rewritten version would feel like I was giving all the readers who've supported me over the years a big 'neener neener' while pointing at my bum and making kissing sounds.
What is here, will remain here. The published versions may have extra content, and will sure as heck include a lot more proofing and editing. If people find that work worth supporting me, then I appreciate it. But the originals will always be free.
Melanie E.
Just thanks!
Original was quite good. Making better version will not make original any worse.