Bedtime Silliness

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This is a short piece I wrote several years ago but never had the courage to post. Please be gentle with me. :)

--SEPARATOR--Michelle sighed softly as she clicked the close button on her web browser, “That was a lovely story,” she said, “I just wish some of those authors wouldn’t exaggerate feminine behaviors.”

Another weekend spent reading TG stories was coming to an end and she was not looking forward to another week of answering telephones and doing paperwork at her job.

“I wonder what it is that makes authors think they need to portray that level of femininity?” she said, “most Bio Femmes don’t act like that, so why should TG’s?”

Her monologue continued as she made her way through the small apartment to the bedroom.

“I mean, really! All that lisping and limp wristed nonsense just gives me shivers.” A small shiver ran down her spine just to demonstrate the point.

She opened the bedroom door and reveled in the coolness that enveloped her as she stood in the doorway. Summer had been in full force for a month now and the only place in the apartment with air conditioning, a small, recently purchased, window unit, was the bedroom.
A teasing smile appeared on her lips as she pulled her elbows against her sides and bent her forearms up to 90 degrees, letting her hands hang limply from her wrists.

“Hello darling, so wonderful to see you.” Michelle drawled as she waved a hand limply at her partner who was already in bed and reading a book. She crossed through the doorway and closed the door behind her, preventing the coolness from further escape. Her smile widened and she began to giggle as she watched a confused expression cross her partners face.

“What are you doing?” asked her partner.

“I’ve been reading transgender stories again and apparently I’ve been doing everything wrong. I don’t walk around all limp wristed and swishy or talk with a lisp.”

“Of course you don’t sweetie, you’re a girl, not a transgender stereotype.”

Michelle’s giggles tapered out as she stripped off her jeans and top and tossed them to the floor near the other discarded clothing waiting to be laundered. She reached behind herself and unclasped her bra, letting the straps fall off her shoulders and down her arms as she dropped her bra on top of the already discarded clothing. She picked up her nightie from the bed and quickly pulled it over her head. The silky fabric slithering across her nipples caused a small reappearance of the shiver she felt outside the bedroom.

She pulled the bed covers back and slipped into the bed. Leaning over, she lightly kissed her partner on the lips. “I love you”, she said, as she snuggled up against her partner under the blankets.

“I love you too.”

The bed shifted gently as her partner closed his book and set it on the nightstand. Reaching out, he turned off the lamp then settled back into bed.

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Stereotype not too prevalent on BC

Good start and write as you like for your experience. Nice having you here look forward to reading the way you see yourself and see things in general.

Hugs, JessieC

Jessica E. Connors

Jessica Connors

A good short story

It wasn't until I reread the ending that I realized that the person was TG herself. Cool story.


Barb Allan

Nice and to the point

You get your point across quickly and easily, good job. It's a good skill to have - looking forward to seeing more from you.



Lord, what fools these mortals be!