In a blatant attempt to double the number of my readers to four, and still basking in the afterglow of completing SNAFU - at least in its first version (I want to do a full edit when I have time)- I'm inviting readers to inform me which of my outstanding serials - not including Bike - they would like me to write another episode.
To refresh memories these are:
Charlotte's Tale.
Soldier of Misfortune.
PFH - The British Kid.
Totally Insane.
Or if you don't fancy any of those, a brand new short story.
As blogs don't stay up for long, I'll wait to see which one receives the most support within a couple of days, and to keep it all above board, only comments here will count - so no PMs. Bonzi's decision is final.
All of them?
a new story!
sends catnip to Bonzi to get the decision to go her way ...
I've only read two.....
So far anyway. Based on that, I would say either PFH - The British Kid (since I can't get Melanie to finish PFH yet!) or Soldier of Misfortune. If I have to narrow it down to one, then PFH. If my memory serves, that ended with the main character just seeing her father who had been in a plane crash. It needs closure.
Having said that, I am sure that I would enjoy anything that you choose to write. I am almost through all of SNAFU, and had planned on Charlotte's Tale being next, but I will get to all of them in time.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
The British Kid or Totally Insane
And just so you don't think it's a waste, more of the core PFH IS coming, Ang. It just isn't my number one priority right now.
Melanie E.
You keep saying that sis......
Just kidding! I am happy that you are working on new and old stories alike, and you should know that. But I couldn't resist throwing that in my comment. After all, what are big sisters for?
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I do rather fancy Charlotte.
I wouldn't mind seeing more of her and her story.
Bailey Summers
I like british kid, princess for hire.
I have to agree with Bailey
I have to agree with Bailey on Charlotte's Tale, I've been waiting a while to see more of this great story.
Totally insane would be my second choice.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Any of the Above
Any of the above would be utterly fantastic. A new story would also be most welcome. If I have to decide on one I would like more of Charlotte's Tale followed by each of the others. Anything you write is enjoyable. By my humble mathematical count you have more than four loyal readers, lots more. Give Bonzi a little extra good stuff for dinner and I am sure he will see it our way.
Heather Marie
You make it so difficult . . .
. . . because you write such great stories that I can't choose between PFH - The British Kid, Totally Insane, or Charlotte's Tale. Could you possibly write an additional episode for each of these three?
I feel so guilty making this request since you give all of us so much already but I really love these stories.
Hugs, Sarah Ann
I'd have to vote for Totally
I'd have to vote for Totally Insane, not only a great storyline but a brilliant title. Like everybody else I'm happy to see any of these stories getting an update. Thanks for all the time and effort you put in to keep your many readers happy.
Regards, Dave
It has to be
Charlotte's Tale for me , And anyway it would give me a good reason to read it all over again :)
I'm Totally for Totally.
Hey Anghie,
Only because you did ask, otherwise I am completely behind the idea of a writer writing what they want/feel-they-should/are-inspired to write.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
hard to choose
I am voting on PFH - The British Kid but I also liked charlotte's tale
Totally Insane
I really like Totally Insane, and have wondered how it would resolve for quite some time.
Any or all of them. Your stories are all great to read. SNAFU was brilliant; I hope a third SNAFU series is lurking about.
When life throws tomatoes at you, make spaghetti sauce.
I'd have to vote ...
Soldier of Misfortune.
As the question has been posed, however I must agree with Hope, you should write on the subject/s that you are inspired by at the time.
Charlotte's tale
Would get my vote, but "the easest one to finish" would be the most obvious answer! Then you would have one less unfinished epic to worry about.
Another of your Masterworks
My vote would be for Totally Insane.
Totally Insane
I would most like to see progress on Totally Insane. My second choice would be Princess for Hire: The British Kid.
Anam Chara
Let me say I love your writing. Then, let me say I know what I might do on this otherwise sunny day, as I don't think I have read any of these!
So... I pass my vote to the wise cat...
Totally insane
Totally Insane works for me.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Charlotte's Tale
I would like to see more of Charlotte's Tale but then I'm prejous as that is my little sisters name.
Lets face it, you do a great job on just about any story you set your hand to. But if I had my druthers it would be PFH first & soldier second. But the main purpose of this missive is to thank you for the serenity of retiring each night with your daily servings. Thanks Another Brian
I think I'd like to hear more of Charlotte - of the four... But, something brand new is always exciting!
More Totally Insane Please
I love Totally Insane. Charlotte's Tale is number two on my list.
- Terry
Go Bonkers
I would vote for Totally Insane too, but all of your stories are a pleasure to read.
...a while back I came up with the insane idea of compiling summaries for Bike, then totally got behind (I must get around to catching up one day)...
Out of the four, I haven't read Charlotte or Soldier yet (argh! More stories to add to my 'pending' list! :D), so I'd have to go with PFH:TBK or TI. In a toss-up between the two, I'd go for TI.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I have re-read the story several times and just feel hanging in a "free space" when I reach the last published part, so please continue that story.
I'm totally insane
Oops - I mean I vote for totally insane
Adding another vote
I am adding my vote in the following order of preference:
1. PFH - The British Kid
2. Soldier of Misfortune
3. Charlotte's Tale
4. Totally Insane
Any other short stories are also welcome.
of the choices offered I would opt for "The British Kid", But there is another story I would really like to see completed and that is "Whatever Next".
Please consider concluding that one too.
Love your writings, please keep up the good works