I love the interactivity of this website, why else would I be up at 4.30am wanting to respond to a few comments at the end of my latest little effort at fiction.
The first point to address is what happens to Meryl, the girlfriend of the hero/heroine. Why isn't she around in the main series?
Well I suppose I should 'fess up and admit that she was a device inserted into the prequel to show what Celyn has lost, or thinks that she has lost, in addition to taking part in the sports that was so central to her life as a boy, from the gender change.
But, and it is a big 'But', relationships at that age (14-15) are nearly always fairly short lived, even if they appear intense at the time. Young hearts heal quickly and I am sure that Meryl will find someone equally nice soon after her breakup with Celyn.
But why isn't she with Celyn and gang in the main series? Two possible explanations to that. Firstly it was mentioned that Celyn's friends all live in the same small valley and therefore it is possible that Meryl has to make an extra effort to be with them. Secondly Meryl and Celyn will find it difficult to go from having a relationship to being friends in a small group and inevitably one or the other would drift out of the group and since Celyn is more rooted in the group then it would most likely be Meryl.
Finally, why didn't Celyn trust Meryl with the truth? The dilemma for Celyn, only a few weeks after having accepted that it was even worth living was that she would be very aware of the latent transphobia and homophobia in school. She would feel that if she told Meryl then inevitably at some point the secret would be out and she would have to deal with the prejudice that she alludes to in part 8 of the main series.
I tried to show in the main series that she should have trusted her friends to support her because in most cases transphobia and homophobia at that age is superficial and can be challenged.
Anyway thank you everyone for all the comments and the questions. As regards a sequel, 'Celyn in the Sixth Form' as someone suggested, it is definitely a possible starting point for some future project.
Group dynamics
I definitely agree with you. Teenage group dynamics are such that if Celyn is still in the group, then Meryl would want to stay away. This could be out of anger, out of heartbreak, or even out of concern for Celyn. All that she was told by him/her is that he is totally impotent. She might have been afraid that she would say something to the others that would embarass or hurt Celyn and therefore she stayed away from them all. Celyn's discovery of her female sex drive came much later after the two had long drifted apart. For all we know, Celyn may have already seen Meryl with a new boyfriend and therefore had no reason to approach her again.
This was an excelent series and I would certainly welcome a sequel.
Love, Jo
Celyn's breakup with Meryl seemed unnecessarily harsh but as it is but weeks after her surgury her fears are understandable.
I would think Neryl stays away from Celyn for fear of being further rejected. Plus the main story occures 18 months later, mostly over summer. We don't know what happens in the interium, only that Celyn's sexuality returns and she is attracted to men and women.
Teenage love is fickle, but isin't it true at any age? Perhaps they can reconcile once the puplic announcement is made at that school assembly? Celyn needs friends. Maybe Sian and Meryl become a couple with Celyn's help and she finds another love. Who knows who she will end up with? All I know is Meryl did not deserve this half truth -- though I'm sure Celyn had no sexual desires that soon after surgury and starting female hormones so it wasn't a lie just incomplete.
It must be hurting Celyn to lie to her. He and now she are too good a person to lie for long.
As to your other story, we want Blair's trechery and lies to blow up in her PM face. A very disturbing view of the near future. Acidalia is another excellent near future story that is as or more disturbing and both because they are just faintly possible.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
A total rupture between these kids is neither acceptable nor realistic. Face it Alys, you are going to have to do something here. I don't think your readers will allow anything else. We are revolting, so there!!!
Come On,
Nods to Joanne
I agree with Joanne, we are revolting!
erm, wait a tic, that didn't come out quite right...
Not Revolting
I am sure you are all lovely :-)
Thank you for the Explanation
Thank you for the two well written and entertaining stories. I appreciate that you explained your motivation regarding the character Meryl. It's your story and your vision. It's right for you to do it to please yourself first. It's not like we're paying you. I agree with you that this is a great place to share ideas and viewpoints as we all have our opinions. Again, thank you for sharing your creativity with us.
Thank you Alys
Thanks for writing and posting a prequel to a price to pay.I am one of the ones who hopes you will continue this story you have done such a great job and I see many different angles you could do.As for Celyn and Meryl I see your point about teen love but I think it would be interesting if you wrote about the sixth form.Then as has been implied Celyn will be fully out and transitioned.It might be nice if you wrote in a piece about what happened after you left of with a prequel to Meryl and her finding out about Ceyln's change.Then you could have them reunite and have her find out the truth why Celyn left her and show her reaction to it as well as to Celyn's change.May your pen not run out of ink and your thought's out of good storys Amy
Sixth Form
Thanks for providing the series.
Your characters, and the situations that they encounter, do not always neatly fit into a story line that I and other readers might prefer. They are your creations and situations, so obviously you can generate the plots as you desire.
I hope you stick with your instincts. The characterizations are all first class. For example, Heulwen’s optimism and ability to deal with her problems reminds me of some very sick children I have known. They often inspire the adults around them. Some have recovered, others… That episode rang true and was an integral part of Celyn’s maturation. Many other characters ring equally true. This sets you apart from most authors.
I also hope that you continue the series. I impatiently wait for the sequel. But do so at your own time and pace. The quality of your writing is more important than the impatience of your readers.