Brianne 03 - At Home

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Brianne - At Home

I went to my room and flopped down on my bed. I felt exhausted. I must have
dropped off to sleep right away as the next thing I remember is Mum shaking
we awake.

"Wakey, wakey Brianne. Time to get up."

I staggered to the bathroom, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I must have gone
to sleep as soon as I hit the bed as I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday.
I dropped my jeans and squatted on the toilet for my morning slash when it hit
me - not my piss, but what Mum had said. She had called me Brianne. Using some
toilet paper I dried the end of my clit, just the way Sue had taught me. No more
shaking. I pulled up my jeans and headed for the kitchen.

Sitting at the table I was playing with my cereal, not really hungry but I was thirsty.
I was on my second large glass of OJ when my sister, Jen, came in.

"God, you look awful." As she passed behind my chair she bent over and whispered
in my ear. "Been doing a bit too much wanking, I bet. Hairy palms next."

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. "Oh shut the fuck up." I yelled, running for
my room. Slamming the door behind me, I threw myself onto my bed, burying my
face into my pillow. The tears just kept coming. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what a mess.
This time yesterday the sun was shining. Brianne was feeling really good, excited,
bouncy. Even Brian felt better than he had for a long time. Now everything had
changed. It was just like it was in the cartoons. Everything was dark and heavy. I
felt as if I was being smothered by a heavy, black blanket. I was angry. I struggled
to get out from under the blanket, the fog. The more I struggled the heavier the
damn thing became.

Sometime later there was a knock at my door. "Brianne, honey, it's Mum. May I
come in?"

"Go away. Leave me alone."

"No, sweetie. We've got to talk. Please let me in."

"Fuck off. Leave me alone."

"It's not going to happen, dear. We have to talk and we can't do it through a door.
Please, Brianne, let me in."

It wasn't a mistake. I had been hearing right. Mum wanted to talk with Brianne.
Something was going on. Something had changed since last night.

"Please yourself, the door's not locked."

Mum came in. She sat beside me on my bed. For a long time neither of us said anything.
I just felt her stroking my head. It was if she was slowly pulling the darkness away.
My anger was leaving.

"I called the school and told them you were not well so you don't have to worry
about that for today."

"Oh, Mum, I love you. I really, really do."

"I know you do, dear, and I love you. Come here."

I got up and sat on her lap. She put her arms around me and hugged me close. It had
been a long time since we did this. She pressed my head to her breast. I could hear
her heart beating. She stroked my hair.

"Mum, why did you call be Brianne?"

"I've been wondering for a long time, years actually. I know you been doing
some experimenting. I've covered for you a few times when you pinched some of Jen's
things. I was never sure though. Sue and I had a very, very long talk last night. She
is a very nice person and I know a lot now. Sue told me about what 's been going
on for the past few weeks and about your new name. I like it, sort of suits you.
Come on, I need a cup of coffee and you have to have your breakfast."

We sat around the kitchen table for the rest of the morning, talking, talking. I was very
embarrassed at first but the more we talked the easier it got. I could tell that even Mum
was not very comfortable when we started.

"Mum, I'm sorry I was swearing at you."

"It's alright darling. I understand. Let's not talk about that anymore."

Mum was pretty easy going with Jen and me but swearing was an absolute no no. We
both knew all the words and used them pretty freely at school with the rest of the guys
but at home, never.

"Well, this has been a bit of a surprise. I guess we'll have to make some changes
around here, but I want to be sure. You really like being Brianne, you don't want to
be Brian, right?"

"I don't know. I really like being Brianne but then I get scared. What will people say."

"It'll be tough dear, but if that is what you really want, we'll find a way to make it
work. There is a couple of practical things we have to sort out right away. Obviously
you have to finish this year as Brian. God only knows what we're going to do with
next year. At home you can be Brianne or Brian as you like."

"But Mum, Jen will freak out. She'll tell all her friends and they'll all make fun of
me at school."

"See, you're not the only one with problems. Yes, she'll be surprised, but I think you
will be also. She cares for you a lot more than you think. Once she get used to the idea
I think she'll enjoy having a sister especially a younger one."

"I hope you're right, but I still think she'll freak and tell everyone."

"Well, we'll worry about that later."

It was a long morning. We had lots to talk about. I was really surprised to find
that Mum really knew me better than I knew myself. She reminded me of all
kinds of little things that happened over the years. By lunch time we were talked
out but I think we were both felling better.

"I think we should have some lunch then we could go over to the mall and Brianne
can get some of her own clothes. Its about time you stopped borrowing other people's."

After lunch Mum and I raided Jen's closet. I was surprised to find that she had
several padded bras. I had always thought it was all Jen. I slipped into a pair of
lime-green panties that had a pretty little yellow bow in the front and one on each
side of the leg opening. Mum helped with one of the padded bras, I still need practice
with them. I can usually manage on my own now but today I seemed to be all
thumbs. Nervous I guess. We found a denim skirt. Nothing fancy, just a plain skirt
with a patch pocket. It reached about half way down my thighs. A yellow, sleeveless
top finished off my outfit. None of her shoes would fit so I had to make do with
a pair of my own runners.

"Now, let's do something with your hair. We'll have to get you an appointment at
the salon but with a little bit of gel I think we can make you presentable."

The final touch was a bit of make-up. Strangely, in the past few weeks with Sam
and Sue I had never tried any. Mum gave me a little bit of eye-shadow, a touch of
colour to my cheeks and some lip gloss.

"Go and check yourself out in my room."

I went to Mum's room and looked at myself in her full-length mirror. Sue's thirteen
year old schoolgirl had become, even if I say it myself, a good looking young lady.
If I didn't know better I could easily have fallen for her.

We spent the afternoon at the Mall. It was the first time in years, if not ever, that I
actually enjoyed shopping with Mum. We didn't exactly go on a spending spree
but we certainly spent more than I was used to. Luckily there were some sales on
but even so by the time we had bought a few essentials the Visa was going to be
a few hundred dollars more than usual. The first stop was shoe store where I wanted
to try on everything in the place. I really wanted a pair of heels of some kind but
Mum insisted on being practical so I didn't get the pink or the green high heels that
I fell in love with but instead ended up with a new pair of runners and a brown open
toe with about a 4cm heel. Sears provided a selection of panties and bras. Old Navy
had a sale on tops and we found two skirts at Rikki. As we headed for the exit I
noticed a group of four or five boys coming toward us. One of them was Sam.
I though they were just going to walk by but Sam did a double take and came over.

"Hi Mrs. Dale. Hi Brianne."And there, right in the middle of the Mall he put an arm
around my waist, pulled me tight to him and planted a kiss right on my lips. There
were some jeers, cheers and whistles from his friends. I was blushing fiercely.

"I take it you two know each other?"

"Oh yes Mrs. Dale. We're going steady, hasn't Brianne told you? Can I carry those
bags for you?"

"Yes thank you. It is Sam, isn't it?"

Sam waved to his friends, carried our packages to the car and came home with us.
During the drive home I was bubbling over with excitement as I tried to tell Sam
about our afternoon and all the lovely things we had bought. At home Sam brought
all my packages to my bedroom. I started to drag everything out to model them.

"Come here." Sam pulled me over to the bed. We lay down with our arms around
each other. We kissed. His tongue pressed against my lips. I opened my mouth. His
tongue slipped into my mouth. I pushed back and began to explore his mouth. Our
tongues were engaged in a war. Who was going to win? My clit was getting hard.
I could feel Sam's cock pressing against me. His hand slid down my body. He was
caressing my arse. His fingers found their way under my skirt. He eased down my
panties. I felt him squeezing my cheeks. A finger found its way into my crack. It
worked its way round to my hole. My cheeks clamped in a reflex.

"Just relax. You're going to enjoy this."

I tried to. He stroked my boy cunt. My clit was rock hard. He teased by running his
finger around my cunt, pressing slightly and then moving away. I arched my back,
pushing out my arse as I tried to follow the finger.

"Hot little bitch, aren't you. Bet you've never been fucked, have you?"


"But you sure as hell want it. Here give this a good suck. Get it good and wet." as
he pulled his finger away and stuck into my mouth. I could smell the earthy aroma
of my own cunt as I sucked on his finger. He pulled his finger out of my mouth
and pressed it once again against my cunt. My cheeks tightened.

"Relax, take it easy. Just press against my finger as if you are going to have a crap.
Now relax as I push - there see." I felt the tip of his finger entering into my cunt.
"Now once more - push -relax." More of his finger slipped into my cunt. I could
feel him inside me. I felt him beginning to pull out.

"Don't. Stop. Leave it in. Fuck me." His finger was nearly all out when he pushed
all the way in again. In and out, he fucked me with his finger. "Oh christ, I'm
cumming." I shot my load. Sam left his finger in my cunt as we lay there.

"Enjoy your first fuck?"

"Oh god yes."

"Well finish it off." He pulled his finger out of my cunt and pressed it to my lips.
As I licked it "my turn now. Get up. Kneel down here." he pointed to the floor. I did
as he said. My panties were down round my knees and there was a massive wet spot
on the front of my skirt where I had cum. He undid his belt and slipped his jeans
down to his knees. His clit was straining against his lavender panties. He pulled it out.
"OK bitch, suck it." I bent my head and kissed the tip, savouring the taste of his
pre-cum. "Suck I said" and he grabbed my head and forced his cock into my mouth.
I took him in and sucked. I had given Sam many blow jobs by now but today he was
rough. He didn't wait for me to suck, to kiss, to fondle his balls. He held my head
and thrusted with his hips. He fucked my face. He came into my mouth. As I was
savouring his cum I heard a voice.

"So that's what you two have been up to."

Oh god, caught. There was Mum in the doorway.

"You should at least close your door. And as for you, young lady, if you think I'm
paying to have that cleaned" as she pointed to my skirt "you've got another think
coming. That's coming out of your allowance."

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Brianna Has Come Home

Very sweet and sentimental. Will be interesting to see how everybody reacts to the new girl.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

brianna ..

ok wow have a good one .
[email protected]

mr charlles r purcell
verry good story i wood love to see a lot more of this all i can say is wow verry good thanks for shareing