Today i have taken a decision that I have been fighting for what seems like eternity. This is not a cry for help as it seems noone can help nor even wants to. Sadly I will not be able to complete any of the stories that I was writing. Nor will I be able to read any of the wonderful stories that I have enjoyed so much on here.
All my stories both written, planned, started and stopped.
<a href="" traget="_blank">Links.rar</a>
If through some miracule I survive what I am about to do to my self I may be back if so no doubt my blog will update.
<a href="" traget="_blank">Blog</a>
Please JC
Whatever you are planning, please, please tell us that you are okay.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
The fact
that I am repling here can lead to too answers one is I am still alive and the other is no I'm not okay, I feel awful apart from anything else I can't even kill my self successfully. Lfe gets to th pont where it sucks so badly I may as well be dead then I can't succedd in topping my self, truly I feel like shit now.
Thanks for all the concern how ever.
The Legendary Lost Ninja
Glad you failed
because in success the bad guys win. Take it as a sign from The Goddess that you are still needed here for some reason as yet unrevealed.
I think it is a triumph...
...that you're still with us. Hang in there.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
People Should (and do) Care
Its very difficult to know what to say in this sort of situation. I'd suggest you talk things over with a close friend. Talking often does help.
It may seem impossible now but life can get better. I've been in despair myself and close to the edge of madness twice.
And you said that no-one cares, that's never true. For example, people who've only exchanged a couple of messages with you are concerned about you.
What I wanted to say was said much better over 400 years ago:
Thank you all for your support and encouragement, I do realize that I'm not the only one who has a shitty life, and I know that lots of you have been through episodes the same or similar. Last night I obviously wasn't in a state of rational mind. If I had been we would not be having this conversation. :?
From my current point of view I am uncertain whether living is the answer but seemingly it has been taken out of my hands for now. I will return to the doctor early in the week and ask to be put back onto something that will mellow my moods. I don’t think it’s the answer and it will certainly not solve any of my problems. Death while not a solution is a good (at times it seems so) answer.
Many Thanks
The Legendary Lost Ninja
I might as well come right ou
I might as well come right out and say it: suicide is a permanant solution to a temporary problem.
Please, don't try to harm yourself again and tell your doctor what you have posted here. It forms an important part of your diagnosis.
The initial objective of medication is to elevate your mood. They take about six to eight weeks or more to be fully functional. Don't stop taking your medication after two or three weeks because you are feeling better. I'm not crazy about being on antidepressants either, but they are a better solution than being depressed and suicidal, or, worse, self-medicating with alcohol or street drugs.
No antidepressant works on everyone, and it is impossible to determine in advance which drug or combination of drugs will work for you. If you can't handle the side effects, ask for something else. It may take several tries to find the right combination for you. If you find you are becoming more depressed or anxious after starting medication, it is very important that you see your doctor as quickly as possible.
Self-harm is almost always a cry for help. You've shown us strength by making an appointment to see your doctor.
I became suicidal 15 years ago. The road ahead will not be easy for you, but it is worth the time and effort.