I know that almost all of the authors here want to be the woman inside them and write much from that view point, but my question is if a young Man who never wanted or had any desired to be a woman was transformed totally against his will or without any chance to say no at all how would he maintain the rationale that almost all the authors here have their protagonist maintain. An example of this is the sequel that Tigger did "Change of Direction". I have read this story many times and find I have a true LOVE/HATE relationship with this story. The initial confrontation and subsequent confrontations always having the main character getting angry but their rationale or their love for the person who makes them undergo this transformation to always calm down. It is these confrontations where I have issues with the stories. As much as I am complaining about this, this is how much I truly believe that Tigger has written a great story. I am not just saying Tigger has done this. It just happens he is one of my favorite authors and this particular story is one of my favorites. Again is there a particular reason why no one wants to write just how these confrontations would go awry and how bad certain confrontations would truly go. When a LOVE one truly deceives, lies outright or lie thru playing word games or thru leaving out information needed to comprehend the true nature of the wrong the victim feels against themselves. The pain of a love one doing this would be almost unbearable as it would ruin TRUST and where there is no trust there can't be real loves. Please respond.
Force change
You'll find these type stories over on FictionMania
Forced Change
No I haven't found a story on any site that truly wants to show the type of confrontation that I think most young Men would have especially when someone they love and trust is responsible for this transformation.
Thanks for responding tho
Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be
There is
There is a story that follows the pattern you mentioned and deals with the betrayal rather well ( I thought ). Sorry, don't remember the title or the author ( double sorry ), but it was about two high school sweet hearts who swap bodies just before they are both due to attend the Navy Academy.
-- Sleethr
thanks Sleethr, I think I have read that story but I dont think that hits on what I am talking about. I don't remember there beign that much of a confrontation at all. But thanks again
Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be
Dear Mom By Morpheus
Here is a old story called Dear Mom By Morpheus. Its about a 16 year old boy who gets changed against his will by his mother. Its a letter he is writing to her. Suffice to say it doesnt have a happy ending.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
If I understand you
There are actually quite a few stories like what you describe here on BC and several on FM. I can think of two authors who have made something of a specialty of this sort of story. I'll let them volunteer links to their work or some of their fans can do so because that's how this works here. Someone asks for a story of a certain kind and fans and authors make suggestions. That actually works better than insisting that such stories don't exist.
But as to the question you do ask, the reason many stories do not go like this is that lots of people want something else from stories they write or read. One of the things people want is wish-fulfilment and one of the parameters of wish-fulfillment they often desire is that the guilt for the desire for transformation not fall on the protagonist. So such confrontational issues are not part of the script of the particular sub-genre that most forced stories fall into.
It's like romances, the hero and heroine are almost always going to end up getting married. In detective fiction, the hero is usually going to solve the crime. In westerns, lots of people ride horses. It's genre fiction, and genres have conventions. The confrontational sub-genre of TG fiction does exist but its a narrower subset of the whole because it does not fill the particular need for the happy ending lots of people are looking for.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
There are worse
when a man/boy or whatever is forced/tricked/coerced/whatever into wearing a piece of woman's clothes and 10 minutes later he is throwing out all his male clothes, and using hormones (with magic overnight boobs) and ready to have SRS. (Usually the person is also suddenly a sex crazed maniac despite never having had any inclination to have sex with a man before.)
There is a story
Where the mother gives her son drugs to feminize him and he runs away from home with a GF. He gets help and comes home to confront his mother. I saw it on story site, but don't remember the author or title.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Stories Do exist
I know there are stories out there, like there are needles in hay stacks as well. I guess Erin has explained it the best. Most people want a happy ending. Most of the authors and writers here want something that either they can't have or it has come at such a cost and I truly understand that. Erin is also correct and that I should have put my question or my understanding in a different format. I am a simple person who believes people should be who they are. Everything comes at a price and nothing in life is free. Some things come at a cost that is very high and sometimes at a cost so high it can be achieved.
But sometimes happiness can be brought out through pain and confrontation. It makes it harder to achieve but it is obtainable. I understand it is also harder for the author to have such confrontations and come out with the story they wish. I wish I had a talent to write. I can tell a good story but I am not adept to putting thoughts on paper. I have commented to several authors here how much I respect their talent and I do comment and try to stay positive or at least only use constructive criticism. Hopefully that is how it has been taken.
I grew up very small(I entered the 10th grade at 5"0 tall and weighed only 100 #s) I can't tell you how many times I fought bullies both boys and girls because I was so small. I know what pain, anger and rage are. I know what it feels like when someone tries to impress themselves on another because they think they are stronger, SMARTER(they know whats best) or because they think daddy's money entitles them do what they want no matter how it hurts others.
Again my thanks to all who has responded and thanks Erin. I already knew this but I just needed someone to remind me and not take life so seriously all the time.
Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be
Forced transformation by either magic or drug/virus
I'm not sure if a nono-virus is what you meant but It took me a while to find the story again.
'Esther is certain she can remake her good for nothing, slacker of a son into a worthwhile and industrious member of society. Artie… well… ' - Quote from the story
Also some time ago I read a piece, that was presented in the form of a letter, as a last farewell to 'Her' 'mother' who feminised 'Her' and sold 'Her' into prostitution, and now 'She' is dying due to being HIV+, Just thinking about this piece makes me feel anger toward the 'mother' and sorrow for all the protaganist has lost including 'Her' Life!!!
Sounds like Escapee by
Sounds like Escapee by Samantha Michelle . You can find it at Bev's Balcony. Just use the link at the top BC's home page.
Julie O
Julie O has created a character in Fresh Start. The main character was changed from male to female (Josh to Jirra) and has the problems anyone, thier family and friends in that situation would have to deal with.
Julie O
I have read that story and almost everything that Julie O has written. That is a great story but here again Jirra was too rationale in my opinion. Especially when she first came to the breaskfast for the fist time as Jirra and the owner of the resort was talking about how everyone needed to be on the same page to keep what happened a secret so the resort didn't get ruined and everyone could keep their jobs. Jirra in my opinion would have blown up about nothing being said about how or what was going to be done to help her deal with all the pain, agony of loosing everything that she knew and what she had been taught by her dad about being a Man. Especially with what her dad would have taught her about being a Man as he was an officer in the Military. But Julie choose to give Jirra more rationale ability than I think every 17 yr old boy I know and have known every has possessed. This is my frustration with authors. You can allow the main character to blow up be non rationale for a time and then let rationale and LOVE come into play and still have the happy ending. Pain is apart of life that everyone at times has to deal with. It is alright to howl at the moon when a tragic or dramatic event happens, but then we must come back to reality and deal with it. Everyone has heard of the boy who wouldn't cry at his mother's funeral because boys don't cry and later at some inopportune time something causes him to blow and let out that rage and pain. It has to be dealt with an experts say that once that happens true healing can come about.
Thanks for allowing me to vent
Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be
Magical changes
When you start dealing with magical changes the rule book goes out the window. In the story you mention there is a strong element of some sort of magic inherent in the change, and that may extend beyond the physical aspect into the mental. For that matter the entire staff might have been given a nudge in their thinking also. I don't know what JulieO's intentions were, absent that information I can only guess. But it could be a hidden point intended to be brought out later in another story. Magical rules only have to be internally consistent, other than that the boundaries of what can and can't be done are determined by the author
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Force equals betrayal
And what you describe is why I seldom read Magic or Scifi stories. Yes, there are some exceptions by some exceptional authors, brought to my attention by my uncle.
Unless the author betrays the protagonist doubly by first changing him against his will and then destroying his memory of who he was he will HATE the person who transformed him. Could you be forced to do something completely against your nature and come to like it? I couldn't! And, if you destroy his memory, he's not really the same person: So what's the point?
Could anyone here, could anyone, continue to love someone who would betray him like this? Most here know the pain of being forced by circumstance (life) to live in a role against their true nature: Could you really forgive someone who forced you into this?
I would come to hate someone who subjected me to this. It's why I don't read much forced fem fiction unless it's clear from the beginning that there will be a penalty imposed on the perpetrator. Call it payback, recompense, justice, karma, or vengeance, I don't care. I want it.
I require it!
Toddy Bear
My short story
'Loss of Face' deals with part of the area you mention, where the protagonist feels betrayed by those he trusted.
I think you might like ...
my story Til Human Voices Wake Us. It sounds like it's almost exactly what you're looking for, or close enough. *grin*
You can find it here. http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/12520/till-human-voice...
M2F vs. F2M
I have always believed that when a male is "magically" transformed into a female then you essentially have a F2M TG, unless of course the magic also transforms the gender identity.
I read a story dealing with this (sorry I don't remember precisely which): A boy has an accident, his genitals are damaged and vagioplastic surgery is performed. Prior to the surgery the boy does some research and decides that he will strive to live as a F2M TG.
Having said that, I always keep in mind that the stories are fiction, I don't insist that the story must follow the limitations of the real world around us.
To me a great story is a story where the characters are consistent, preferably where the plot contains more elements than the actual transformation, e.g. love story, mystery, crime etc.