Angels and Demons part 10

Angels and Demons part 10

When I woke up, it was pretty early, yet I still felt wide awake and full of energy. I was a little confused about this since I’d only gone to bed a few hours ago and shouldn’t have had nearly enough sleep to recharge this much.

After throwing some clothes on, I went to get some coffee and breakfast, only to find Nicole and Dani already up as well. Dani was sitting back with a cup of coffee and reading a magazine while Nicole was watching some kind of early morning talk show on TV.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Nicole called out when she saw me, sounding far too cheerful for this time of morning.

“It’s still early,” I protested, only to remember that Nicole had previously told me that they all usually got up pretty early. “Let me guess...we don’t need much sleep.”

“About three or four hours a night,” Dani responded, looking up from her magazine. Then she held the magazine out to Nicole, asking, “Do you think this would look good on us?”

Nicole stared at the magazine for a moment before responding, “No, that top wouldn’t go with our coloration.” Then she teased, “You still have the fashion sense of a guy.”

“Bite me,” Dani told her, pulling out a cigarette and then going to open the window.

I looked around and asked, “Is Rebecca up yet?”

“Downstairs in the gym,” Dani answered, lighting her cigarette and then blowing the smoke out the window.

I watched Dani for a moment and thought about what she’d told me last night. In spite of her talk about not being who she used to be, I suspected that a great deal of what she did now was still a matter of old habits, or at least trying to hold onto things that made her feel like her old self. Then again, she’d also told me that I’d need to find a balance between who I used to be and who I was now.

I shook my head, not wanting to think about that. Unfortunately, my newly long hair tickled my shoulders and reminded me of my new body nearly as much as the weight on my chest. With a sigh, I went and got myself a cup of coffee, then stood back and watched Dani and Nicole. It looked like they were both going through a normal morning routine, but since this was all still so new to me, I didn’t have any kind of routine yet. So after a minute of just watching them, I decided to go check on Rebecca.

As Dani had told me, I found Rebecca downstairs in the gym, running on a treadmill. She glanced at me when I entered and gave me a nod but didn’t stop running. I just stood back and watched her for a minute, absently noticing that the bandages were gone from her arm while being amazed at the pace she was moving. She was going at a pace that I’d consider a full out sprint, but she didn’t really look like she was exerting herself much.

“Why don’t you join me?” Rebecca finally asked, gesturing to the treadmill that was set up beside her own. “You should probably try to get familiar with what your new body can do.”

I hesitated a moment, noting that I wasn’t really dressed for exercise, but then I hopped on the treadmill anyway. As soon as I started running, I found that my new breasts bounced around very uncomfortably and had to stop.

“Sorry,” Rebecca told me with a look of chagrin. “I guess we’ll need to get you some athletic bras...and regular ones too. You can borrow some of mine for now.” Then she slowed down and stepped off the treadmill, giving me a faint smile as she added, “We tend to borrow each other’s clothes all the time…for obvious reasons.”

“Oh yeah,” I responded with a sigh, looking at her breasts and then down at my own. It seemed that every time I turned around, I was being reminded of my altered body and the fact that I now had three identical sisters.

“I know this probably isn’t something you want to think about right now,” Rebecca told me with an apologetic look. “But have you thought about a new name yet?”

“A little,” I admitted, a little embarrassed at that. Once it had sunk in that I really was going to change into a girl, I’d been considering what I could call myself. I just hadn’t been able to bring myself to say it aloud.

Rebecca gave me a curious look but didn’t really press me as we went back upstairs together. Instead, she asked, “Do you ever go running?”

“Not since high school,” I responded with a shrug. “I haven’t really gone to the gym since then.” Then I looked at her and mused, “I didn’t think you…that we had to exercise to stay in shape.”

“We don’t,” Rebecca replied with a grin. “I just like running.” Then her expression darkened a bit and she told me, “I never got to run around or do anything active when I was growing up so I guess I’m making up for lost time.”

I nodded in understanding. If I’d been stuck in a wheelchair for seven years, I’d probably want to take every opportunity I found to run as well. I could only imagine what it was like, spending your whole life being sick and unable to do much, and then to suddenly find yourself super healthy and physically able to do all the things you’d always dreamed of.

When we returned to the main living area, I caught the heavenly scent of bacon, just before Dani came out of the kitchen with a plate full of it. The rest of us happily helped ourselves.

“I am so glad I don’t have to worry about cholesterol,” Nicole exclaimed with a giggle.

“Amen to that,” Rebecca agreed, snatching up a couple more slices of bacon.

“So, what were you two up to?” Nicole asked, glancing to Rebecca and I.

“We were just talking about her new name,” Rebecca said, giving me an amused look.

Dani and Nicole both watched me with obvious interest. “What did you choose?” Nicole asked almost eagerly.

“I haven’t decided yet,” I lied, feeling awkward talking about it.

“How about Jarrodina?” Dani joked, only to get elbowed by Nicole.

“You are not helping,” Nicole told her, which only made Dani smirk.

“There’s Martha, Bertha, Marge,” Dani continued, providing names that obviously weren’t real suggestions. “You might want to decide before someone else decides for you.”

“Go ahead and take your time,” Rebecca told me with a gentle smile. “I know it can’t be easy.” She gave Dani a mock glare and then reluctantly admitted, “She does have a point though. If you don’t pick a new name soon, one of the bureaucrats probably will just so they have something to put on your paperwork.”

“Don’t let anyone push you into one you’re not sure of,” Dani added, this time looking serious. “You don’t want to be stuck with a name you don’t feel comfortable with.”

I nodded at that and then quietly said, “Monica.” All three of them looked at me and I blushed, embarrassed at having chosen such a feminine name. I quickly added, “My mom always said that if I had a sister, she’d planned on naming her Monica.”

“I think it’s a great name,” Nicole exclaimed, giving me a hug while Dani nodded approval.

“Good choice,” Rebecca told me with a smile. “I’ll let the paper pushers know so they can make it official.”

Then Dani abruptly asked, “Did you take your shot yet this morning?”

“Not yet,” I admitted, realizing that I’d been so caught up with my migraine and the final stages of my transformation that I hadn’t taken it for several days.

“You’ll want to take it then,” Rebecca told me, giving me a thoughtful look. “At least if you want to go out and see the rest of the base.”

That caught my attention since I’d gone straight from the quarantine room to much a much larger and nicer quarantine in Heaven. Since my changes were now finished and I was stable, that drug should actually work to make me less infectious. Heaven was actually fairly nice, but I couldn’t resist grinning at the thought of being able to leave…at least for awhile.

“That’s right,” Nicole exclaimed with a broad grin. “We still have to give you the tour and show you off.”

“Show me off?” I asked, suddenly nervous.

Dani gave Nicole a dirty look and elbowed her. “I don’t think she wants to be shown off like some kind of pet.”

Rebecca hesitated a moment before admitting, “A lot of people in the unit know you got infected and were turning into one of us. I think most of them are curious to see you now that you’ve finished changing.”

“Oh God,” I groaned, suddenly feeling self-conscious and thinking that maybe I shouldn’t go out.

“If it makes you feel better,” Rebecca said, gesturing to Nicole, “the three of us can do our hair in pony tails so no one can tell which is which.”

“Or we can all wear hats,” Nicole added.

“You’re gonna have to face other people sooner or late,” Dani told me with a sympathetic look. “But if you’re not ready to do it today, we can probably hold off a few more days.”

I nodded at that, relieved that they weren’t going to drag me out if I wasn’t ready to go. However, I was also embarrassed about this as well. “I feel like such a chicken,” I admitted.

“Don’t,” Nicole insisted. “It’s natural to feel nervous. I was a little nervous about letting other people see me after I changed to.”

A minute later, Dani looked at me with a grin and asked, “Want to play some ping-pong?”

I hesitated for a moment, remembering how badly she’d beaten me the last time we played, then also remembering that I now had the same augmentations that she did. At least I thought I did. It wasn’t like I’d had a chance to test anything out yet.

“Sure,” I agreed.

“Great,” Dani smirked. “Now I don’t have to hold back.”

When we began playing, I was delighted to find that I could keep up with what Dani was doing much more easily. However, she still beat me, just not as bad as before. We tried another couple games and she won each of those, though the last one was really close. I just wasn’t sure how much of her victory was due to her being more familiar with her reflexes and how much was due to her just being a better player.

Rebecca and Nicole had stood back and watched me play against Dani, and when we were done, Rebecca announced, “I need to take a shower.”

“I guess I should get mine out of the way too,” Nicole said, starting towards the showers with Rebecca.

“You coming too?” Dani asked me as she followed after them.

All three of them stopped and looked back at me as if waiting for my answer. Their expressions were all fairly guarded and I wondered if this was some sort of a test or initiation. Then I realized that they were just trying to include me in what they normally did. They were trying to treat me as though I was one of them.

“You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable,” Rebecca said, giving me a gentle smile.

I watched the three of them for a moment, surprised to realize that instead of being turned on by the idea of showering with three hot girls, I was actually giddy at being included like this. Without a word, I nodded and slowly started towards them at the showers.

The shower area was fairly large and there were enough shower heads that we each had our own, as well as plenty of space. Because of that, it was more like we were taking showers next to each other than together. Still, Rebecca and Dani began helping wash each other’s backs.

“You want me to get your back?” Nicole asked me.

I hesitated a moment and she took that as agreement because she came over and began scrubbing my back. I stood there, feeling nervous and thinking about how she’d seduced a few days ago. However, there was absolutely nothing sexual about this contact and all she was doing was washing my back. I didn’t even get turned on at having a naked girl touch me like that.

“Now you get me,” Nicole said, turning around so I could wash her back.

Nicole was definitely a beautiful woman, and as I began to wash her back, I thought more of the sex we’d had together…as brief and disappointing as it had been. But at that moment, I wasn’t feeling turned on by her at all. I felt something…but it definitely wasn’t sexual in nature.

By the time we finished with our showers, I had relaxed a great deal and no longer felt so self-conscious about showering with the others. After all, what was the point of being self-conscious about my body when theirs were identical?

When I grabbed a towel to dry myself off, I noticed Rebecca, Nicole, and Dani were all giving me quick glances and smiling faintly. They seemed happy with something and that left me vaguely confused. Then I suddenly realized what it was.

Ever since I’d arrived in Heaven, the three of them had been trying to make me feel as though I was welcome…as though I was one of them. Even Dani had been doing that in her own odd way. They were happy because they saw my showering with them as an indication that I was starting to trust them…to accept them.

I just a little confused by this revelation, and oddly enough, happy as well. I wasn’t sure why, but this mattered to me as well.

Then before I could make sense of my own emotions, Nicole called out, “Hey Monica.”

I was a little startled for a second, until I remembered that was me. I blushed, wondering if I’d ever be able to get use to answering to that name. “Yeah?”

“I’m glad you’re our sister,” Nicole blurted out, putting one arm over my shoulders. “Now hurry up and get dressed so we can give you the tour.”

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