The fuse I lit nearly two weeks ago is about to reach its end...
Mom is coming with me, at my invitation, to see my therapist tomorrow (September 5th), where I plan to come out to her. *deep, calming breaths*... Wish me as much luck as you can find. I think I'm going to need it.
The session went incredibly smoothly, despite a technical glitch that left mom reading the letter I'd written for her directly from my computer. She was more accepting and willing to try that I'd dared to hope. ^________________^
Thank you all who've offered your good wishes and support! It made a difference for me, in being able to wait for her to finish reading! You are all amazing! ^________^
Here's all the luck I can wish you
I hope it helps!
Melanie E.
Good luck
I hope things go well.
Victory and sucess. In Klingon. I wish you all the fortune and courage you need to face this. Also that your mother takes this in stride.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Good luck girl!
I hope it all goes well for you hon. Big Hugs, Taarpa
It's a step you have to take...
We'll all be with you in spirit. But remember, whatever her reaction, this is not about her it's about YOU!
She doesn't control your life: Parents sometimes forget that they raised their children to be autonomous adults, not perpetual children to be controlled.
Good luck,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
My thoughts will be with you!
Good luck and I admire you for doing it this way. I wish it were an option for myself, but alas, it is not. Due to my age and the space between us, it is necessary for me to go it alone in telling my family.
Be courageous in the knowledge that you have many friends here and much support!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Good luck, and all the positive thoughts to you and yours. I hope it goes well for you.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.
Leigh Veritas
Dearie, You are doing fine.
You have been dealing with this for quite some time and are showing insight, caring and compassion in providing support as you invite your Mother truly into your life more deeply. I wish your Mother the Good Luck and the wisdom to appreciate the Good Luck that she already has in a child like you.