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The title of my new story is not the final title. Summer Night is more or less a place holder title because I couldn't think of a better one. If anyone had any good ideas, please post them and I will be eternally grateful.
You'll think of something
I've done the same thing with my Assassin sequel which I've called Moving On because I couldn't think of anything else. I'm sure I'll change title and if I can think of anything to help you I will, Best of luck publishing your story. I've had nothing but bad luck with mine and am thinking of spliting the novel into two books. I think the reason it isn't selling is that an eleven hundred page novel is just too much. Hang in there, Arecee
The only thing that comes to mind......
Is "Endless Summer" - but I'll put some thought into it.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus