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I've been a little sluggish with my posts thanks to very demanding school courses and the fact that my flash drive which had all my updates crashed. unfortunately I hadn't backed them up anywhere else as my Pc was being repaired as well. Now i'm stuck as i can't rewrite the stories from scratch as most of them were spur of the moment. however Nicole is okay as is A New Direction, hope to post before the month ends.

Sydney Moya


Been ,done really sorry.

I wonder if the God Aries had children like Zeus but backwards to Zeus's children making them anti Muses.

I have had flash drives send into the ether's enough of my creations that I am familiar with the loss of our darlings before they were born. I blame Aries son Murphy I am very sorry you have joined the club who curse his name.

Huggles with comforting sounds.


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


WIll not give up!

Ha! but i will have the last laugh someway, somehow, just have to figure out how!
