For those of you considering publishing or have published e-books, especially on Amazon, I have a little bit of advice; advertise.
When I initially threw my hat into the kindle arena I had a few misguided theories about the way things would work. I figured I would put my book on Amazon, write a blog here and everything would work out fine; word of mouth would spread, and books will fly off the shelves.
It didn't quite happen that way.
Late last month, as I saw my sales take a dip, I decided to look into advertising on some of those sites designed just for Kindle. Boy am I glad that I did. I put out three ads, but only one has run so far, but the numbers speak for themselves. I've already outsold my best month by over 200 books and I get 2 weeks left to go. I will only speak of the first place that I went to I placed a 25 dollar ad (meaning I had to price my book at .99 cents, it cost 50 dollars if I price at 2.99) This wasn't the cheapest site, but the first date i could get available. Things paid off big. For one. During the sale I sold 300 copies of God Bless the Child, got my book ranked #2 in its genre (and it was a bigger genre not one of those real obscure ones) next to the book Wonder. I also broke into the top 100 author list for psychological thrillers (which is where Amazon places me).
But the initial boost in sales wasn't all. I am seeing increased sales across the board still. Selling over 20 books a day and have sold over 700 total books this month.
So what does this mean?
1. It means that transgender fiction is viable to the mainstream market
2. That there is money to be made if you invest in yourself.
3. You put out a professional product and you will be rewarded.
With that comes a little bit of a caveat that goes for BC readers as well and a call to authors who publish on the kindle.
A lot of places that will advertise your book require that you have so many reviews (usually 10, give or take). Only 3 of my books fit that criteria (out of 12). Now, I know a lot of readers here have Amazon accounts. It would be helpful and supportive if you left reviews on books on Amazon.
That said. Authors. If you want to sell your books, you have to give away some for free. All of my books on Amazon are available here on BC except for God Bless the Child (soon to be remedied). Anyone can read the book here and even if they didn't want to buy it, as long as they bought ANYTHING from Amazon, they could write a review on my book. I would very much like it if authors who produce longer works made them available on BC for reviews, but I don't know if anyone else does it.
If we, as a community, are going to make transsexualism socially acceptable, we need the mainstream public to see us in a positive light. Books can do that if they have the support.
Thank you.
On your commercial success!
I don't think I have recently read your books but I will add them to my to read list and then after that will definitely write you a review.
Katie, I'm
Katie, I'm stunned.
You are freaking me out here. I've got friends who have tried to sell e-books; some of them are fair, one was pretty good, a couple were in need of editing, but generally okay. Not one of those friends has had sales like you have.
And all those e-books were sci-fi or mysteries; ultra mainstream, if quirky.
I've not written to you, ever, except a comment or two, but I have read your posts and stories and know your own 'story' as you have shared it, and right now, all I really want to do is jump through the screen and give you a huge hug and shake your hand, because you have just succeeded in selling more of one e-book (which to be honest I'd not have suspected would sell like this) than all of me and my friend's attempts COMBINED.
YOU SO FREAKIN' ROCK!!! And to think this is happening when you are not exactly what one would call wealthy.... this isn't luck, this isn't dumb good fortune; this is effort, planning, sweat, hard work, and ingenuity paying off.
Congratulations, girl. You deserve ALL the cake :)
I am not up in Katie’s class as I only have 5 books on Amazon. But everything out there has been posted on this site as well. I believe reviews sell. New books get an initial run of interest, but to keep that interest up it takes reviews. I am going to ask the same thing Katie has asked. I know writing a review takes a little time, but they sure keep a few of us motivated.
Can you link to your author page or a book. I am almost done with my next novel and will have time to read.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life