[Cod German accent] Very interesting...
Sales of my books are ticking along nicely on Amazon/Kindle, but a parallel activity has started here. Someone is reading my work and leaving kudos. Now, I obviously don't mind that, it scratches those little bits of my ego just in front of my ears, yeah, back a bit, mmmm... but it isn't my old readers. Those who had read my stuff the first time round left me lots of kudos-button-pushes, and clearly if they are re-reading it the button is no longer available. That means I have new readers.
Thank you, my friends. It is appreciated. I will, however, do the obligatory thing here and make the request so many writers on this site have already made: talk to us and tell us what you think. We are a friendly crowd here, and nobody will bite unless you sak nicely.
From the shadows...
I'll not claim to be responsible for your recent kudos, but I am often blown away at how good a lot of the stories are on BCTS. If, as often happens, I'm left at the end of a compelling and amazing story, with tears in my eyes, or my brain awash with insights or fond wishes of why can't that happen to me, or even if the story is not quite to my liking I still make a point of hitting the "good story" button as an appreciation of the authors efforts.
I do reread stories that I've enjoyed, and have noticed that I can press the button again on a subsequent read. Not sure if is by design.
It's is hard for us less literate or more bashful to sully a wonderful tale with a comment that might not measure up to the magnificence of the authors effort. Sometimes I've pressed the "send author a message" and let them know I've enjoyed their work. Often people's comments are insightful and well written and me leaving another "wow, I enjoyed your story" doesn't seem enough.
From a quiet and bashful reader, thanks for all the great stories. I throw a little money in the hat box when the budget allows, and leave a trail of kudos as I read.
Just popping by to congratulate you on selling work out there. Well done girl.
The crazy bitch! (By the way, that title has become official as per South Wales Constabulary.)
Well Worth Re-Reading
Steph, I always felt that your stories were under-appreciated because they often didn't conform to the cute-bunny vibe that many of the stories here seemed to cater to (this is not a criticism of those stories. I've done a couple myself when in the mood. FM seems to cater to a different audience too so people will read what they like and frequent the site that suits them) but for me the gritty reality of your work and the brilliance of your characters and their dialogue made them extra-special and any success that you have, either through attracting a new audience or through selling on Amazon/Kindle is richly deserved,
I've done both
Many stories I have re-read (I'm part way through 'Fortune's Soldier' by Tanya Allan) and have bought on Kindle so that I can take them with me (various Tanya Allans, Viewpoints and Something to Declare)
I believe I saw your review. Much appreciated.
Continued readership
Upon reading your blog, I went to look at my own work. My earliest, and most popular story, "Desert Princess" keeps accumulating reads, but no comments or kudos; it's up to almost 7000 reads.
I keep thinking about writing more but it just never reaches the keyboard...