I cannot believe all the negative comments on this article... and about Transsexuals. This person was DISCRIMINATED against for being who she is! Hello? Any of that sound vaguely familiar to anyone else? Gee, what about the Blacks and their fight for THEIR rights? What about women and THEIR fight or their rights? I suppose all you negative folks here think that all blacks should still be slaves and all women should be barefoot and pregnant, huh? Remember this. The same things you all are saying about Transsexuals, were said about blacks and women who were fighting for equality! Unfortunately it seems that the only way to GET equality is to make noise, so that is what WE are doing!
Understand this. Transsexuals don't want any more than anyone else wants! We just want the right to be who we are, just like you want that same right! WE don't want MORE rights than you have, we just want the SAME rights!
There are too many uneducated comments here for me to address every one of them, but I will just say this. SCIENCE has PROVEN that a male to female transsexual has a brain structure almost identical to a genetic female's brain... likewise for a female to male transsexual. We are NOT the cartoons you see on Springer or Maury!
We are human beings who, according to the Constitution of the United States, are ENTITLED to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and are EQUAL, under the law, to every other human being!
Some of you will say that God doesn't make mistakes and that we should be what we were born as. Think about this. Maybe God, in his infinite wisdom, placed us Trans folks on this planet to teach the rest of you how to be accepting and tolerant.
I suppose a direct link isn't possible then? Pity. It would have been amusing to see the replies, although I note that the commentary was pretty fast moving.
Thanks Cathy,
Well said.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Thus far there is only one response.
Someone with an Arabic or middle eastern name likened my statement that our struggle is analogous to the African American or Woman's Sufferage movement to a "freak show." Obviously his mind is closed so I declined to engage in any further discourse with him. There are no other responses which indicates, to me, that no one could refute my comment and in fact were and are probably ignoring it.
Nothing more than I expected from the caliber of most of the other comments there. Typical sexist, bigoted minds expressing their disgust at something that their mini minds can't digest.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I don't think it's being ignored.
That commentary stream was moving so fast, not many people actually saw your comment.
I hope you know, Catherine, that my tag line:
"We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!", doesn't mean God made you a male/female so just suck it up, stop whining and let me live the rest of my life without ever confronting a new thought. A lot of the bigots would be killed by a new idea and a cold glass of water! I know that's how the religionazis use it but I'm saying something diametrically apposed!
Guy's body (sort of) mans desire for females, and a mind and desires for softness and beauty and the desire to decorate myself with clothes hair and makeup... I'd rather sing, dance (Poorly), paint, or plant flowers than watch a ball game; any kind of ball. Yup! I'm dual natured, a two spirit person: It's how God made me and I'm proud of it! I am what I am! It's all that I am: It's me and I can't be other. It's how God made me: No mistake here!!!
This old, card carrying, QLF member (now we'll see how old everyone is) agrees completely with you: I'm not ashamed, I won't go away, I won't hide myself to make the bigots more comfortable.
Haters will hate but they'll do that anyway! But don't try to define me, 'cause I ain't goin' away. Learn to accept us ALL.
I hope no one here is reading that line the way the bigots say it. If you did, let me know and I'll rethink it.
Your friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Last Train To Trans Central?
I had to google QLF. It's either Quality Liquid Feeds, Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence or the Quebec-Labrador Foundation.
Then I figured it might have been a typo and it should have been KLF. (I didn't really, I just wanted an excuse to post something more uplifting than a response to all those twats on that Yahoo site.)
All aboard, all aboard!
It rather assumes that everyone agrees...
...that everyone *ought* to have human rights. There are very many whose lives are focused on denying rights to others, or resenting the fact that they have any. You hear their rhetoric everywhere, with much talk of 'special rights' afforded to people they don't like whilst *their* 'rights' (i.e. positions of priviledge) are being eroded.
It's the default position for many angry white men sixty-five years of age or older, the target audience of certain television networks and radio commentators. Unfortunately for their business plans, that audience is dying.
Take heart!
This is good news!
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style