My comment on the BET issue is hard to find, here it is.

I cannot believe all the negative comments on this article... and about Transsexuals. This person was DISCRIMINATED against for being who she is! Hello? Any of that sound vaguely familiar to anyone else? Gee, what about the Blacks and their fight for THEIR rights? What about women and THEIR fight or their rights? I suppose all you negative folks here think that all blacks should still be slaves and all women should be barefoot and pregnant, huh? Remember this. The same things you all are saying about Transsexuals, were said about blacks and women who were fighting for equality! Unfortunately it seems that the only way to GET equality is to make noise, so that is what WE are doing!

Understand this. Transsexuals don't want any more than anyone else wants! We just want the right to be who we are, just like you want that same right! WE don't want MORE rights than you have, we just want the SAME rights!

There are too many uneducated comments here for me to address every one of them, but I will just say this. SCIENCE has PROVEN that a male to female transsexual has a brain structure almost identical to a genetic female's brain... likewise for a female to male transsexual. We are NOT the cartoons you see on Springer or Maury!

We are human beings who, according to the Constitution of the United States, are ENTITLED to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and are EQUAL, under the law, to every other human being!

Some of you will say that God doesn't make mistakes and that we should be what we were born as. Think about this. Maybe God, in his infinite wisdom, placed us Trans folks on this planet to teach the rest of you how to be accepting and tolerant.

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