I need an editor.

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Hey, I hate to ask. But I need some one to proof read and edit my stories. I need some one who understands where I am coming from in my writing and sees the pictures I am trying to paint with my words.
My stories are not dark often but the one I am working on "My Prison" is darker then I have ever written. Partly because I am including snippets of my life in it.


Bit busy at the moment.

elrodw's picture

I have done some editing for others, but I'm a little tied up at the moment. On top of that, there some sub-genre's that I'll work on, and some I'd be worse than useless on.

Maybe next time.

Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein

I can proof read....I gots

I can proof read....I gots good Engrish. Seriously though....happy to help if and when I can if you still need help.

Dance the dream you're in