Hugs ;o)

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My wife and I were invited to spend the afternoon of the 4th with a friend from church.

He was having some folks over for a bar-barque, and wanted us as part of the group. So we went, arriving about an hour late, due to my son-in-law's car needing a battery swapped. Why do they bury the battery of modern cars under so much junk?

It was a pleasant afternoon spent around his in-the-ground pool under the grape arbor eating burgers and slurping homemade Slurpees, trading stories with friends and no rush to do anything. But as with all good things, it came time for it to end. As we were getting ready to leave, my wife and I were standing in the kitchen with two other women and another couple were making their goodbyes. The man was standing in the door waving and saying his goodbyes from there while his wife was going around to everyone. The most any man got was a touch on the arm or a squeeze of the hand, but when she got to the kitchen, she hugged one of the women, then hugged me, my wife and the then the other woman.

I found it interesting, though she sees me as a man and I was masculinely dressed enough for no one to question the fact I was a man, she still bid me good-bye in the same manor as she did the other women. Love it when they treat me like a girl!



Teresa L.'s picture

I hope you hold that feeling for a while. I know it makes me feel good, on the phone i get called "maam" all the time, with just my "regular" voice, and when they come in and see I am "male" they sometimes get embarrassed or just ignore the "error" not that i ever correct them or say anything. :D



Teresa L.