In September of this year I will be undergoing Gender Re-assignment Surgery. I met with DR. Sherman Leis in Bala Cynwyd today and we set the date. I am healthy in all aspects and am ready to make the step I have been waiting to make for a long time. The Surgery will take place in Philadelphia. I have met with Dr. Leis several times. I made my decision based om location, availability and if an emergency arises I am close to the surgeon.
I have met some of his patients and they speak highly of him. I do trust him and have saved the money for the surgery.
If you want to see what I look like check me out on facebook. jillmicayla @facebook, The before pictures are atrocious.
I see an eating disorders doctor and watch very carefully what I eat. No carbs, no sugars, no potassium, minimal sodium, no dairy products, proteins and only certain ones. My diet is restricted and monitored by a team of doctors. I can eat some veggies but not all. no bananas due to sugar and potassium.
Thrilled for you!
Looking forward to a great report! And much love to you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Congratulations!! Hope
Congratulations!! Hope everything goes well and you stay safe.
We are the change that will save the world.
Good for you
I hope it all goes well. Philadelphia, that's why it has a Welsh name. You realise you won't be able to ride a bike for a few days afterwards.
Angharad :)
I have a stationary bike I'm not allowed to ride now. I'll be glad when I'm really healthy, I also hav.e a tread mill I cannot use either.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
A bit of trivia
Bala Cynwyd was one of the ends for the Underground Railroad and that whole area has a large number of people descended from those who were saved by the Railroad.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Jill, here's to
wishing you the best in your gender reassignment surgery. You deserve only the best.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Jill, I am glad you are completing this part of your journey. I have only one thing to add, and it is a reminder that you have heard about a billion times (OK so that is a exaggeration, but you and everyone else knows what I mean), but it is one that cannot be spoken to you, or written about enough.
SRS is PERMANENT! It cannot be reversed! Please be absolutely sure this is what you NEED (not want or desire).
Good luck in what I feel is a decision that you have already researched, talked with only you know how many counselors, psychlogists, and other Drs. to reach this point, and this decision. It is not a decision to be taken lightly. (says someone who will not go this far, but who has several friends who have and who so far (even after 7 yrs in one case) do not regret the decision. And after all, in spite of all the counseling from many sources, it is still your decision. I commend you for that!! Huggles!
Hang in there! I support you 100%!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Its a solid decision
I have waited since forever (well since 1996) to make this move. I waited first for my daughter to graduate from school, the for the money to be available, then for to be certain, then for my health to improve. it was always something. Memorial day I decided to take care of me. I have the money, I have the health, I am totally positive. I do not see it as a big bandaid affect, but as a congruency as mind and body as one.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
I wish all good things for you. You have my concern, my heart, my joy, my envy but above all my respect.
Jill, I am glad you are completing this part of your journey. I have only one thing to add, and it is a reminder that you have heard about a billion times (OK so that is a exaggeration, but you and everyone else knows what I mean), but it is one that cannot be spoken to you, or written about enough.
SRS is PERMANENT! It cannot be reversed! Please be absolutely sure this is what you NEED (not want or desire).
Good luck in what I feel is a decision that you have already researched, talked with only you know how many counselors, psychlogists, and other Drs. to reach this point, and this decision. It is not a decision to be taken lightly. (says someone who will not go this far, but who has several friends who have and who so far (even after 7 yrs in one case) do not regret the decision. And after all, in spite of all the counseling from many sources, it is still your decision. I commend you for that!! Huggles!
Hang in there! I support you 100%!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Jill, I am glad you are completing this part of your journey. I have only one thing to add, and it is a reminder that you have heard about a billion times (OK so that is a exaggeration, but you and everyone else knows what I mean), but it is one that cannot be spoken to you, or written about enough.
SRS is PERMANENT! It cannot be reversed! Please be absolutely sure this is what you NEED (not want or desire).
Good luck in what I feel is a decision that you have already researched, talked with only you know how many counselors, psychlogists, and other Drs. to reach this point, and this decision. It is not a decision to be taken lightly. (says someone who will not go this far, but who has several friends who have and who so far (even after 7 yrs in one case) do not regret the decision. And after all, in spite of all the counseling from many sources, it is still your decision. I commend you for that!! Huggles!
Hang in there! I support you 100%!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
too many submissions
It looks as though I submitted my response at least three times. Would someone please delete all but one of them for me?
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
I tried to access facebook,
with no luck. I've posted my pictures here on my latest blog.
Given I'll be about 6 months (give or take) behind you I would love your impressions of the experience. One blog I read on Laura's Playground said it was very anticlimactic. Still, it is a cumulation of a dream. One I happen to share.
I had a friend suggest I make a calendar for a countdown to the day of surgery. I'm not doing that. I am excited but I am keeping a level head about what is taking place. I chose the doctor for several reasons. His location in regards to where I live. That is in case of an emergency I will not have to hope I make it out west or over seas if complications arrive. The cost, is relatively for me the same as I really do not like flying, so it saves me from spending extra money on anxiety/panic medication just to fly. I've met with the doctor and he will be doing the surgery not an intern just learning the ropes.
I can have as many visitors as I want after surgery, any place else I'd be alone. I am not good left alone. I get anxious and panic when I am alone, then I have a PTSD episode.
My one thought I've had n the past 24 hours is I get my virginity back.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
The only thing...
The only thing I'd use such a calendar for would be to make sure I had stuff ready on time... Would hate to have to postpone the operation due to missing a deadline.
Found your two profile photos... (I'm assuming the penguins weren't you, unless you do voice over...)
Good Luck!
Best wishes on a successful journey to wholeness!
The family here at Big Closet are thinking of you.
Good luck girl.
I hope your surgery is successful and as Angharad says, no biking for a bit,
Congrats, and Welcome to the Rest of Your Life!
Congratulations! I was just wondering about how the whole surgery picture had changed since everyone I knew had gone through it; it's very cool that there's someone on the east coast, and they're probably good, as Philly has more research hospitals than anywhere else I've ever been.
I hope you have some time before surgery to see the city—it's much, much cooler than I'd ever been led to believe, and the people seem to be pretty nice, too, contrary to Philly's (bad) reputation.
(Given my somewhat odd lookout, I especially enjoyed the Mütter Museum and Eastern State Penitentiary, but there's also the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and all that American revolution stuff.)
-- Jane
I was stationed in
I was stationed in Philadelphia twice and Live just over an hour away. I've seen all the historical land marks and places people don't even know about like the oldest toy museum. The oldest pretzel shop, the oldest wino hangout. the worst place to be mugged. I was the representative for incoming foreign nationals visiting the Philadelphia Naval Base. I actually gave them tours of Philadelphia, showing them the highlights of the city.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
I met him..
I met him two years ago at the Philly Trans Health conference. He seemed to be a very compassionate doctor. I have my FFS on Tuesday, assuming I don't catch a cold or anything.
Best wishes for you.
P.S. You've probably configured your Facebook account to make you NOT findable... So, searching fails.
look under Jill Micayla or
look under Jill Micayla or Jill Anglin
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Found it!
under Anglin...
I wish you the very best!
I hope and pray that all goes well and you come through with flying colors. I envy you like crazy. I'll never be able to afford the surgeries unless I win a lottery or some rich hardly known relative dies and leaves me a wad of cash.
We've been friends for a long time, and i'm glad you're finally going for the big one.
hugs and lots-o-love,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
nnnnn dooooon you forget it. We share a common bond, womanhood, always have always will. For me its not a life change. Its mind and body congruence. I've always been feminine. always thought like a female. Now the fuzzy picture will be coming in clear. You are welcome to come to Delaware to visit. I like having company. Cathy the door is always open and for any one else reading this come on over. Mi casa su casa
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
I wish
you the very best of success and pray your recovery is speedy and without problems.
You are wlcome to come and visit
If you feel like coming up north abit come on up
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.