My 35th Book published! - When I count to Three.

Wow! My thirty-fifth book has now been published. Considering I started publishing only two years and two months ago, that's not bad (even if I did 'post' several before that).

My latest book was born out of an idea - what would happen if a person was hypnotised to become the person they knew they should be - and then failed to hear the hypnotist remove the trance?

Silly idea, but it came to me in the beginning of May and I managed almost 100,000 words and published it yesterday. I think that's a record, even for me!


Here is the blurb on the back:
“…..and when I count to three, you will forget everything I’ve said.”

The problem was that Max didn’t hear the instruction from the stage hypnotist.

Was this the catalyst that shook student Max Connor out of his hum-drum existence and start him down an unexpected road; or would he have travelled down that road anyway?

Tough question, but the only thing that mattered was that travel that road he did.

To be fair, he had already taken a few teetering steps (probably due to the high heels), but for reasons that at the time seemed logical. The first time he dressed as a girl, he did so because his girlfriend at that time thought it would be cool. It was so cool that she went off with someone else, and every guy at the party wanted to get off with him!

The second time was of his own volition (as the girlfriend was history by this time), and he felt he had awoken someone within who was not going to go away easily.

However, due to a set of unusual circumstances, he falls in love with a girl called Sally, who just happens to be more into girls than guys. She persuades Max to become Maxine for three months whilst working at a remote hotel in Scotland. During this period, Maxine decides that she is going to stay, so Max had to decide whether he wants her to.

Actually, it became an easy decision, but a very tough road, as you will see.

Find it here. When I Count to Three on Amazon Kindle

I have to admit that if it wasn't for this site (and others like it) and those who've encouraged me in my work, I would never have had the guts to try and publish anything. I'd like to encourage those who feel they'd like to try to do the same. Hell, if I can do it, anyone can!


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