Sad and Crying

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I took my cat Madeline to the vet today. She was such a good cat. I had her in a little pink basket that I put a pillow down in and she just laid there, occasionally rubbing her cheek against me. At first you could tell she was very scared, but she didn't put up any fuss and we waited for 2 hours to see the vet.

All of a sudden, Madeline couldn't use her rear legs. They are completely paralyzed. It start with a refusal to jump up on things, then turned into a limp of the back leg and now both back legs don't work. It is heartbreaking to see her crawl around and drag her back end. I cry just thinking about it.

The vet checked her out. There is no injury. All the little test that they did to see if it was something with the leg went fine. So the vet boiled it down to two options. One will clear itself up with treatment in a week. The other is fatal called FIP.

My cat is a young cat. A friendly cat. She doesn't deserve to die. I'm praying that it's the less serious. Madeline got a steroid shot and some oral medication (I gave it to her once today and she don't like it much but it went down). I am all over the place emotionally. I can't stop crying.



I'm Hoping the Best For Madeline

littlerocksilver's picture

We've had cats for more than 40 years. Each one is different. They return love for love. We've said goodbye to far too many, but we seem to have room for more.


May Madeline

fully recover and be the wonderful companion you want and need.

May Your Light Forever Shine


You and Madeline have my best wishes. When our cat Zoey passed, I was crying for days. Our furry ones are our dearest friends. There is nothing wrong with being concerned over their welfare.


I hope it isn't FIP

as that is invariably fatal, though you may be able to prolong her life.

I lost one cat to FIP, 24 years ago. At least that is what the vet said it was. he said it was highly contagious, but from all I can find out it is not, and the $125 shots he recommended for our 10 other cats is useless. ( They did not get the shots, and none of them go FIP. ) For that matter, the test he ran is considered useless, too, even now, over 20myears later.

So, I hope the treatment you are giving her for whatever else she might have works.


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.



... it's not anything serious and she gets well soon.


When I was 7 my dad rescued a

When I was 7 my dad rescued a six week old kitten from the steelworks where he was employed as a maintenance bricklayer. The poor little thing's mother had probably been killed. We never found out. Dad carried it home - nearly five miles - on his bike, and from the moment I set eyes on it I was in love.

I say 'it' because while Whisky was female we always referred to her as 'he'. Perhaps it's because as a stray she was never really tame. She'd never let you stroke her for very long, or curl up in your lap. On the rare occasions when she'd show you a little affection you felt you'd earned it.

The time I tried to teach her to talk. The time I accidentally trod on her in the kitchen and cried my eyes out for the rest of the evening. The time she heard the flies buzzing on 'Grantchester Meadows' - side 3 of Pink Floyd's 'Ummagumma' - and launched herself at the speaker...

Then there was Tinda - short for the Indian curry Tindaloo, and you don't want to know why - who my friend Janet and I shared a house with in the late 70s. A real Tom. We'd feed him on scraps and tease him with spaghetti, which he adored. I'll never forget the morning I arrived at the bus stop on my way to work and everyone started laughing at me because Tinda was still clinging to the toggles hanging down from my parka. Try using that as an excuse for clocking in late!

Cats are cynical. They use us. We're their meal tickets. But once you get that, it's impossible not to admire them.

I wish Madeline a full recovery. May you post many more pictures of her over the coming years.


Ban nothing. Question everything.

As a serious Cat (and Dog) Person...

Ole Ulfson's picture

I feel your pain and sadness. I'm also praying for a happy outcome since the Doc. seems unsure.

I'm praying for you and Madeline that neither of you will suffer.

Bless you both,


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!


Love and Light with you and your Dear Madeline

Goddess Bless you

Love Desiree

I will be sending my love,

I will be sending my love, prayers, and positive thoughts to you and your much-loved cat Madeline.



{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}