And things look like they are going good.
Truth to tell, we are limping along here, the drives we are using aren't any newer that the one that failed so keep your fingers tied in knots for us. We're also using a CDN to distribute images and static files so that takes a tiny bit of load off the server. This CDN is called CloudFlare and if you see a CloudFlare page, it means our server is temporarily not responding and CF has stepped in to give you one of their error pages. It's not cloud computing, more like light fog. :)
If you do get that error screen, there will be a button to try to reach BC again. Count to at least 30 before you hit the button please and if you get it a second time, wait five minutes. That will likely give the system time enough to clear whatever the problem is, usually a traffic spike or connectivity issues.
More news later!
Hugs to all,
Going good!
Going well, dear girl, going well - duh!
Your efforts are much appreciated over the past few days, I'm sure it's been a real pig of a time. Thanks to all of your team for restoring this bit of stability to the lives of so many people who rely on it so heavily.
You done good - um!
Thanks Erin! :) I have had to
do just as you advised a few times.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well done, Erin and The Team!
Great job.
Lets hope that the rubber bands and sticky tape holds things together for a while longer!