As another fan of ‘Bike’ since it started, I am old fashioned enough to prefer to read my favourite stories in the old fashioned printed
format. I much prefer to read a book than via a screen, it is a much better reading experience.
When Angharad started what I thought would be a ‘shortish’ story I printed off each episode, to reread at my leisure. I never thought that she would keep her wonderful story going for 2000 episodes. As a silly old thing, I kept pace and printed my copy off each day.
The photograph below is all episode of bike to date. It stands Three foot three inches tall and weighs seven and a half stones.
I appreciate that some may thing I am weird for doing this, but the story has been a boon in more than one way. The story is as always lovely to read, a daily treat indeed. However I have increased my cycling and made a wonderful friend as well. So all in all my effort pales into insignificance compared to Angharad’s stamina effort brilliance and sheer hard work.
Love to all
Anne G.
Save a tree....
That's an impressive picture, but save a tree and read them electronically, lol!
Wow! Seriously, that is much larger than I would have thought. Where do you store that? How large is the font, and how much wasted space between chapters? I would be very curious as to how many books this would condense down to if it was converted to book form and bound.
Ang, that's a picture you should print and frame. A true testament to your writing prowess and stamina.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Just don't ...
... knock that pile over, Ann. You'll never, ever get it all back in the right order from episode 1 to 2000!
It's funny I've been involved in computers since 1961 on and off and I got quite used to reading on a vdu (once they came in) so I'm quite happy that most of my reading is like that. However, when I was debugging software I found it much easier to use a print out so I could scribble on it, so I understand your preference.
7.5 stones (105 lbs for Transponders and 48 kg for metric users) wow!
You mean radios use the same
You mean radios use the same weight measurement as Imperial?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Paper Stack
Cripes. I thought printing Tucker off was bad enough.
3 x A5 Lever Arch folders with duplex print at 10 pt... And that was to chapter 90.
Then I went Electronic.
A darned sight lighter to carry around. :)
With Bike, I split the ebooks into 200 chapter files.
I'm just glad I found ebooks before this Magnificent Epic came around. :D
My eyes are going.
I like reading it online, because I can press "control", "+" and make it much larger. :)
Anne, please do not let the
stack topple. If it does, just imagine the poor ground caving ing from the weight. LOL :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
Back in the old days, dropping a stack of punched cards was real cause for consternation. Someone came up with the trick of drawing a diagonal line down the edge of the stack to make sorting easier.
Punched cards
That trick doesn't always work...
When I worked at EMI one of the progs had to carry the night's development runs down to the machine room in a pile of those grey, metal card trays... one evening, the trays got dropped down the lift shaft!
Needless to say, it was impossible to work out what order all the recovered decks had to be run in. Not to mention half the decks had been ruined with lift grease and had to be re-punched!
It could have happened to anybody so we didn't nag the guy too much. But we all had free beers for a while.
Much more fun ...
... to draw cartoons on the cards and watch them move as the cards are fed by the reader. IIRC they were easier to watch if we set all the cards to go into the reject tray. Oh how we used to waste company time playing the fool back in the 60s LOL
All piled up...
like that I sure brings to mind the phrase, "dead tree version."
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Almost as big as some of the laws that our hallowed halls of lawmakers pass without reading.
Eccentric thing to do in my opinion. Nothing wrong with eccentric. I've been described as such myself. See me out on the road to confirm.
I take the word to mean "rotating slightly off-centre" in more than one sense ;-)
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."