Some good, some not so much?
She's out of the hospital, so I'm guessing out of immediate danger? Found a thyroid issue on top of the diabetes, heart, stroke, dementia. Definitely a lot on Her plate. Since I'm the primary care-giver it just loads mine to a bit beyond full!;0
Trying to make some renovations to the house to make things easier and safer for Her to be here. That means finding new homes for a couple very touchy Chihuahas!!! Visiting nurses really don't want their ankles bitten.
Anyone in the mid-west that might not care about severely high maintenance pups, please PM!!! Took them to the APL yesterday and they were put on a three week waiting list.
Love And Hugs,
A Severely Stressed Jonelle!;0
Hang in there girl!
I know how hard what your doing is! Hugs & prayers, Taarpa
I have been there with my own mom and had to take care of her until she died over a year ago. You need to have a will drawn up for her so that you do not spend a year and half in probate on the estate. As far as the dogs I can suggest looking a group called big dog rescue in your area, they are all around the US and they take dogs of all sizes including cats and other pets. Also check with Petsmart they might have some ideas and some vets will take them if all else fails which they work to places them for their clients.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
I wish I could take them
praying for both you and your mom.
Sounds like fun, not! Jonelle.
Make sure you look after yourself as well. Try to get a friend to relieve you and give you some private time for yourself.
Re dogs, we had a similar problem with my mother and her two dachshunds, we placed and ad in the paper for a family to take care of the dogs, and had no trouble in finding them a home.
Hope your Mom recovers soon.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
The trouble with a bad thyroid is that it can cause just about every other ailment as a result of the weakened body systems.
I hope the best for you and your mum. They are getting better at treating thyroid issues.
Abigail Drew.
Hope you find a home for the
Chihuahuas. Wishing the best for you and your mother.
May Your Light Forever Shine