After a comment I received today on Motherland Part II. I am officially giving up writing. Why bother? What's the point? Slaving away for months on end, giving up a social life only to find out that I could have spared myself the heartache if I had just gone to and purchased pre-written essays from their large database of prewritten essays, term papers, research reports...wait, do they have a transgendered fiction section?
The following was posted as a comment on my episode of Angel, Motherland Part II. Anyone else get this?
///Most people will find
Most people will find handling the payroll, taxes and filings overwhelming. You will probably spend less on the help than you would on interest essays online and penalties if things go awry.///
There was a link to an essays online website where we can buy essays. I'm slightly confused why one would choose to advertise a pre-written essay service on a site for transgendered fiction where we specialize in using our brains (and hearts) to express ourselves through writing.
More than likely it was a spambot and not a real person.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Nope, never seen that before. However, even I with my dyslexia and my difficulty in writing anything would never even think of getting anything written by someone else and claiming it was mine. I have had the displeasure of knowing others who have though.
Spammer fried
Sorry about that, they are being a real nuisance lately.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I lost a comment. Then again, they probably didn't write that themselves.
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
It's been my experience that spammers are new users (because we don't let them get very old) and often post several instances of the same spam in several different stories.
They're part of an Internet "business model" created by sleazy jerks who advertise "easy money for click-throughs," or some variation of that theme, and so recruit spammers who are paid by the click. The secret of discouraging them is to *never* click through a spam, since the mere act of checking it out generates a (tiny) bit of money (and encouragement) which goes into their pocket.
As Erin pointed out, they're a nuisance, and perhaps worse, because they dishonestly suck money out of other people's effort and processor time. I personally consider it a theft of service, but I don't know if the putative crime has ever been addressed in court, although I'd love to see a test case.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Don't let the spammers get you down or is that bastards?
Not 100% sure on that Rhianna lyric.
I DO appreciate what you write and post here. Am a little behind at the moment so have tot commented on your latest but if anything like the earlier chapter is will be a winner.
As you said in the past about this story, you don't want an easy or necessarily happy life or time for your heroine. Though a little love and happiness might be nice.
-- grin --
Write for yourself and we will read.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Thanks John...
I wan't upset in anyway about the spam, I was being satirical that I could have just bought a story to post on here instead of going through all the work to do it myself. To think there are those who would have no ill feelings towards themselves turning in someone else's work. As I finally finish my revisions this weekend, I will take a much deserved break feeling very proud of my achievement on a personal scale. All this work and effort, regardless of the feedback, is worth it for I achieved what I set out to do, and this is to write for my number one
As for Angel. No spoilers, not hints, no nothing other than, the next part will be up any day now, and you will just have to read. Hope you enjoy.
Mega Hugs,
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
Spammerazzi non carborundum
Don't let the spammers grind you down... :D
My internet has been spotty recently.
Turns out it was a bad router, which I am in the process of replacing now. Sometimes my comments went through sometimes not. Could have sworn I left one for you on that chapter, especially with the way it ended. I've been enjoying Angel and would really like to see it finished.
Thanks Maggie...
It's almost finished. I hope to finish tonight...finger's crossed. Thanks for always leaving a comment, they are most appreciated.
Mega Hugs
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
Like Erin said
The spammers have really been hard at it lately. Even on Gmail I have to delete 15-20 spam emails a day. And I've seen several on here that Erin didn't have time to catch right away. Go ahead, take your well-deserved break. Then you can come back refreshed and relaxed. In the meantime ignore the spammers, or drop Erin a line and let her know so she can take care of it when she can.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Those spambots
are at the tuckerspawn chat site as well.
May Your Light Forever Shine
To be honest I don't get any spam I have some cool blockers on my comp that stops them cold but I can see it as a problem for those who have sites and such. Rues dives in to the spammer hoard swinging with a bat filled with nails pointing out at the the end. With a cry that could curdle cheese and strip paint off your bathroom walls and a determination to leave nothing standing or working , rips them apart till all that's left are bits and bytes. Dam spammers ( wipes brow )
hugs rues
motherland II - payroll????
Maybe I missed something in this great story but it seems to me that the subject matter of the comment bears little to no relationship to the story context. My first reaction was that someone had a 'bot' which picked up key words and posted the comment but that would mean they needed to be logged in to do so.
Second, I went back to the BCTS copies of the story and did not find that comment so I guess you had it removed.
Third, DON'T under any circumstances stop writing (unless you are tired or brain-dead for the time being) I for one, as well as many others continue to watch for the next chapter of this tale.
Anesidora ;-)
I'm a spammer.
I'm a spammer. I'm Sir Spam Alot. I bring joy to those in a can. You can fry it, stir it, chop it and slice it onto a slice of bread. And for those that are more adventurous you can just plainly eat it out of the can.
Sings the official song from Monty Pythons. "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM...."
Spam is a wonderful delight. Joins ib in singing "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM..."