Rainbow Girl - Part 1 - Camera work

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           His left arm pulled me a little closer. I felt his strong chest pressing against my breasts. I discreetly stroked his leg. We had to be careful since the new Moral Behaviour act discouraged exuberant public displays of affection.

Rainbow Girl - Part 1 - Camera work

by Alys

Part 1

The brakes screeched, and the faint acrid smell of ozone assaulted my senses, as the intercity train slowed down coming into Pen-y-bont station. The train came to a stop with a slight shudder. The automatic doors beeped their warning and then slid smoothly open. A few people, civilians and militia alighted and others came on to take their place.

The carriage TV's , either side of the carriage, sounded a louder than usual attention grabbing whistle. A well dressed male announcer wearing the New Hope armband, encouraged but not compulsory, came in view.

"Good afternoon viewers, brothers and sisters. This is the 4pm news update on NH1, sponsored today by Blair's Laxatives. First the headlines, the debate on the government's emergency consolidation bill has just began, the winner of this year's big Sister has been announced and the fine, warm weather is set to continue. Now we go live to our Westminster studio to follow the debate on the ........................."

I tuned out and let the announcer's voice drift into the background. I snuggled up to Hywel's side my head resting on his shoulder. His left arm pulled me a little closer. I felt his strong chest pressing against my breasts. I discreetly stroked his leg. We had to be careful since the new Moral Behaviour act discouraged exuberant public displays of affection.

"I love the weekend", said Hywel.

"Yes me too", I replied.

"I really miss my parents in the week. Webcams are no substitute for being there with them"

"Yes", I agreed, "I wish I could see mine more often. It's the shame that the only school worth going to is so far away from home"

"....The Prime Minister, Mrs Cherie Blair, explained the need for the Consolidation Bill in the light of increased activity by the Mudiad terrorist group, she then went on to castigate all of the opposition parties for not having their leaders present...."

"Why do you think there are no other wide-cric schools in Wales?", asked Hywel

"I don't know", I replied, "but I am glad we don't have to be militia members in our school"

"Yes me too, by the way my parents are thinking of trying to find me new lodgings, one where I can have friends to stay after 7pm and even have a girlfriend to visit", said Hywel smiling at me.

"That would be lovely, but at least you can have visitors. Mrs Parry doesn't let us girls have any! And don't you mean that you are hoping to PERSUADE your parents to change your lodgings", I said with a laugh.

Hywel laughed back. "You're right but one can hope"

"...the leader of the opposition, Mr Gulliver, began his reply by wishing the deputy Prime Minister a speedy recovery and then......"

All too soon the train was slowing for Caerdydd station and Hywel's destination. He stood to gather his school and overnight bags.

"You must come and meet my parents soon, Enfys, they are dying to see you."

"As soon as I can Hywel, it's not easy at home at the moment. It's hard to get away"

We walked hand in hand to the carriage door. With a repeat performance of the previous stop the door opened. Hywel turned to give me a chaste kiss on my lips.

"See you Sunday, cariad*", he whispered in my ear and then stepped off the train.

We stood and waved for the few minutes before the train pulled away again. I stood there and watched until Hywel and Caerdydd station was out of sight. I fetched my shoulder bag from the luggage rack and let myself into the train toilet.

I pressed the button on the base of the bag, a low hiss of air entering the partial vacuum was accompanied by the bag doubling in size as the cleverly disguised folds in the material moved apart.

I opened the base of the bag and took everything that was in it out. I quickly stripped off my jewellry, my black school cardigan, my school tie, my white school blouse, my medium black skirt, my plain bra and panties, my gaffe and my shoes and tights.

I put all these items, except my shoes, with my 'Enfys Jones' ID into the base of the bag and pressed the button again. A tiny, almost silent pump began extracting the air and reducing the size of the bag again.

I wound the bandage around my chest to flatten my breasts and secured it, then I dressed quickly in the regulation New Hope militia outift, black t-shirt and jumper with NH insignia with black fitted trousers. I tied up my shoulder length hair and secured it under a militia cap, finally to complete the uniform, black socks and the same shoes as before. I was lucky that the shoes were standard for both genders. It would have been hard to fit them in the bag in the secret compartment.

A final quick wipe of my face to remove all of my subtle make up and I was out in the corridor looking very much the young enthusiastic male party member, with my ID now saying "Lyr Rowlands".

I still had a few minutes before we arrived at Casnewydd station. I took my 20 MPix camera and began surveying the surrounding countryside through the zoom viewfinder. We were approaching some derelict looking factory units when I noticed that there were a number of expensive and new looking cars parked in one of the factory courtyards.

I zoomed the camera in and on an impulse began taking pictures in automatic mode. As we quickly came near I made out a number of men in posh coats dragging another man, who was hooded, towards a wooden pole. They quickly tied him up. They took his hood off and spoke to him. He shook his head in a weary way, his face looked battered. I thought his face looked very familiar but I couldn't recognise it. I continued to take photos at very brief intervals.

To my shock, four of the captors stood back, took out guns and fired a large number of shots into their captive. He slumped, obviously dead. The next actions of the captors seemed odd. They went to the backs of their cars and in pairs carried 5 large objects, no doubt human, in what looked like black body bags. The bags were opened and then the bodies were arranged around the scene and guns were put into their hands.

As I recorded this upsetting incident the sun suddenly flashed off my camera and I saw one of the killers turn round with a pair of binoculars. I ducked out of sight. I hoped that he had not seen me.

At that moment the full impact of what I had just seen made me feel very nauseous and I had to run to the toilet to be sick.

A few minutes later we reached Casnewydd station. I scanned the crowds for either of my parents, but there was no sign of them.

"Well I suppose I will have to take a taxi", I said to myself.

I walked along the platform, still in shock about the murder and as a result did not notice something unusual about the way out.

There, at the station exits, there were burly New Hope adult militia stopping and searching every passenger. It looked like a full body search too and as I slowly walked towards them I noticed with horror the growing pile of cameras on the table nearby.

* cariad = my love, my sweet, lover, girl/boyfriend

To Be Continued...

End of Part One

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Interesting beginning

I'm beginning to think that Wales must be the capital of the transgendered world!

Wales is a country Kaleigh,

Angharad's picture

Caerdydd (Cardiff) is it's capital city, which is also my home town.

Thanks for the nostalgia Alys, although I don't recall militias or firing squads when I lived there or in Casnewydd.




wales is a country

This set a few years in the future, thanks for the comments.




It's seems a pretty accurate description of present days Wales to me ;)

Bit different from the last one Alys but equally intriguing.


re: The Rainbow Girl - Part One

That is a very interesting beginning. It actually reminds me of the text adventure game "Border Zone" by Infocom somehow. You've left a lot of unanswered questions such as why the protagonist is crossdressing, what murder she witnessed, etc. If the presence of breasts are any indication that they're naturally female, and if she's happy dating a boy as a girl, then I doubt she'd want to transition to be a boy herself.. though who knows. Should be an interesting story to follow :)

It's Those Bloody Leeks

joannebarbarella's picture

They get everywhere and breed like paperclips!


very V For Vendetta (the comic more than the movie).

I've just joined so I'm catching up on some reading. Like this start very much.


Rainbow Girl - Part 1 - Camera work

Like the start of this story.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine