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Amylia stood tall in her elven form, glowing with a faint silvery aura. Her Were form was less extreme than that of anyone else here and the differences more subtle. Still, she was clearly no longer quite human. Everyone stared at her in shock, everyone but me.
Amylia made no real effort to get out of her shackle since she knew that her changes hadn’t been great enough to allow her to slip free the way the rest of us had. However, that hadn’t been the reason she’d changed and finally revealed her secret. She’d done that merely because she was tired of hiding the truth of who she was from her own descendants.
“You’re…you’re,” Darek stammered, staring at Amylia with a look of disbelief.
“Your great grandmother,” she responded with a faint smile. “Many times removed.”
“You knew,” Traci exclaimed, looking at me.
“I asked her not to tell anyone,” Amylia said. Then she explained, “I had no idea that any of you existed until Erin showed me the invitation to the meeting. As far as I knew, my son was murdered when he was a teenager…before he’d ever had any children. I wanted to meet you all before I said anything.”
“But…Robert Dupree lived two hundred years ago,” Dr. Merchant exclaimed.
“As a sorceress,” Amylia reminded him with a sad smile. “I can live a very long time.” Of course, Dr. Merchant already knew that which was why he’d been so eager to talk to Gregor about Robert.
Trey gulped. “Then that means this Gregor guy…”
“Was Robert’s father,” Amylia confirmed sadly.
“Fuck,” Jake exclaimed with a look of horror.
Amylia briefly told them of how she’d kept her hybrid status from Gregor and of how Robert had supposedly died. While she was repeating the story, I slowly looked around, trying to think of something else we could use to escape. The one opening that I could see was that my ward circle had been built to contain me physically but not to contain my magic. Unfortunately, I only had a single token with me and it wouldn’t do much good at the moment.
“Gregor’s contempt of the Were seems to have only grown with time,” Amylia said. “I never would have expected him to go this far.” She shook her head sadly, looking guilty and pained. “To intentionally use his own descendants like this…”
“If he hates the Were,” Traci asked. “Then why is he trying to learn how to become one?”
“I don’t think he intends to become a Were,” Amylia responded thoughtfully. “At least, he would not consider it as such. More likely, he intends to create spell that would mimic our power. You see, among the Touched, a spell to transform into a different species is among the most difficult to cast, yet even the least powerful Were can do this instinctively. And as mythics, we have access to other inherent powers. I am more sensitive to magic in this form…and I can draw more of it. I believe Erin is correct about Gregor’s plans. He intends to discover how we do this and create a spell which would allow them to temporarily take new forms with vast power.”
“No fucking way,” Trey blurted out.
“Gregor may believe that your blood ties to him would make it easier for him to draw this knowledge from you,” Amylia continued, appearing to be thinking aloud as much as she was explaining. “A blood resonance effect might make it much more likely for him to succeed.”
“But wouldn’t they have to be class ten to cast that kind of spell?” I asked.
“Normally,” Amylia agreed. “But they could use rituals to make things easier.” At my blank look, she explained, “A ritual is a way of drawing extra magic and storing it so that you can cast spells that are normally beyond your class level.”
I stared at Amylia in surprise. “Great. NOW someone tells me about that.” I shook my head, wishing that someone would have told me about rituals before. Now, my succubus abilities let me cast higher level spells anyway.
“Rituals are an old technique that has fallen out of favor,” Amylia explained. “We don’t even teach them at the Academy anymore. They’re complicated and inefficient. You can spend three hours casting a ritual in order to gather enough energy for a spell that only takes fifteen minutes to cast. They do have their uses though which is why some sponsors still teach them to their students.
“So aunt June probably never even heard of them,” I muttered to myself.
I just stared at the ward circle that bound me in this spot, poking at the invisible wall. I’d gotten free from my shackle and had been testing this wall without a lot of success. However, I had something that none of the others had at their disposal. Magic spells. With that, I stretched my succubus wings as much as I could and then went to work trying something.
After a minute, Kaylie asked, “Erin, what are you doing?”
“She’s casting a spell,” Amylia answered, watching intently as I drew magic and formed it into the pattern.
“What kind of spell?” Darek asked.
“I’m not sure yet,” Amylia responded, not taking her eyes off me. “She’s not using a spell circle and is doing this entirely from memory. That’s extremely difficult for someone so young and inexperienced.”
The spell collapsed before I was even halfway finished making it. “Frak,” I muttered in annoyance. Then I asked, “Can everyone please be quiet so I can concentrate.”
I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the spell pattern I’d learned in class and had practiced a few times. I had to relax and let the pattern form again in my mind. Once I had it, I once again went to work trying to cast the spell. It was extremely difficult without the spell circle, diagrams, and notes, similar to assembling a large and complicated puzzle when I’d only seem the picture on the front of the box once before and didn’t have it in front of me.
When I was about halfway through with the spell, Amylia mused, “Oh yes, I see which spell this is. Very good choice.”
As soon as I completed the spell, I released it and an instant later, the concrete floor around me suddenly shattered. The ward circle that held me prisoner was destroyed, as were the circles of Trey and Kaylie who were close enough to get caught in the effect.
“I’m free,” Trey exclaimed as he stepped out of the wreckage of his circle.
“Oh my God,” Kaylie said, staring at me with a look of amazement. “That was awesome…”
“Very good,” Amylia told me with a look of pride. “Very good.”
“Now get the rest of us out,” Jake said.
“We’ll get you out in a minute honey,” Kaylie told him then looked back at me for confirmation.
“It’ll take a bit,” I said with a grimace, glancing to the door and hoping that no one came to check on us. “I’ll probably have to cast the spell a couple more times to get everyone…”
Jake was already moving to stand by the door. “I’ll keep watch while you do.”
“Does it always take so long to cast a spell?” Traci asked curiously.
“It often takes longer,” Amylia answered. “The rock cracking spell is a fairly simple one.”
“Fortunately,” I muttered. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to remember the pattern.”
I moved to a new position and then began casting the spell again. This time, I’d placed myself so that when I shattered the concrete floor around me, I’d be disrupting the circles of Amylia, Dr. Merchant, and Jake. Once Amylia was free, she’d be able to cast some spells of her own and we’d really be ready to get out of here.
I was about halfway through casting the spell again when the door opened and Trey yelled out a warning. I snapped around to look, losing my concentration and the spell pattern collapsed, ruining all the work I’d just done. An instant later, I saw that Trey had grabbed hold of the single person who’d come through. Monica.
“Let me go,” Monica cried out in terror. Then she saw me on the other side of the room, still in my succubus form and her eyes widened.
“I thought we were just saying that,” Kaylie said.
Monica looked to Amylia and then froze as she saw her, still in elven form. She gasped in shock and squeaked out, “Amylia?”
“Don’t hurt the girl,” Amylia told Trey.
Trey released his hold on Monica but stayed between her and the door so that she couldn’t get away from us. “Is...that you?” Monica asked nervously. “What did they do to you?”
“They did nothing to me,” Amylia told her gently. “This is the form I’ve worn every full moon for a very long time.”
“You’re…you’re one of them,” Monica gasped. “You’re a Were.”
Amylia hesitated a moment before responding, “Yes. Like Erin, I am a hybrid. Now Monica, why did you come in here by yourself. I don’t think it was to tease Erin or gloat.”
At the mention of my name, Monica looked to me nervously. I was tired of scaring people and seeing how it kept coming back to me so I remained where I was, trying to look as nonthreatening as I could.
“I…I…,” Monica started. Then she stared at the ground with an expression of guilt. “This isn’t right…” She held up her hands, revealing a metal key in the palm of one and a yellow stone that looked something like amber in the other.
“A key for the shackles,” Amylia said in surprise. “And a keystone for the ward circle.” Monica just nodded at that. “You came down here to let me go.” Monica nodded again.
Trey let Monica go and stared at her in surprise, as did just about everyone else. “What do we do with those?” Trey asked, gesturing to the key and keystone that Monica still held.
“Holding the keystone will allow you to pass through the ward circle as though it was not there,” Amylia explained. “Anyone you are in physical contact with will also be able to pass through.”
Monica held out the key and keystone and Trey accepted them. She made no move to turn and run, though I could see that she was tempted to do so. Kaylie went next to Monica while Trey walked over to Darek’s circle. He held his hand through it as though the ward wasn’t there at all, and then Darek grabbed his hand and walked out of it without difficulty. After this, Trey went to Amylia’s circle, unlocking her shackles and letting her out. A minute later, all of us were free from our cages.
After Amylia was out of her circle, she began changing back to her normal form. She’d already made her point to those of us here and apparently no longer saw a reason to remain in that form. However, I stayed as a succubus for now. Being stronger, able to see in the dark, and able to fly could be pretty useful in an escape. I wasn’t the only one to think along those lines as Dr. Merchant transformed as well. I just grinned at the sight of having a sabertooth tiger on our side.
“Thank you,” Amylia told Monica. “But it might not be safe for you if they learn you helped us escape. Come with us. You can return with Erin and I to the Academy.”
“No,” Monica said, giving me a nervous look. “Kidnapping people isn’t right, but I can’t leave Marcus.” Then she smiled faintly and said, “I’ll just tell them Erin used mind control to make me help.”
Amylia nodded and we began leaving through the door, though Monica remained behind. I glanced back as we left her, surprised that I actually felt worried for her.
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Missed it by That much!
But I was close in guessing how they might get loose.
However, what are they going to do to take care of dear ol' hubby and his minions, especially Marcus? Marcus is a fanatic, he will never stop trying to rid the world of weres. Kind of a Fred Phelps kinda guy. I've run into those types elsewhere, and they are totally blinded by their warped beliefs. You can kill Marcus, but you can't change him.
PS: I got crowned a "nazi domestic terrorist" trying to "destroy the U.S. Constitution" today by a bigot in a discussion on gay rights. Pathetic but funny. Thought about using it for a screen name.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Hang on...
... someone accused you of being a "nazi" for being pro-gay?!? Do they have any idea the irony in that statement, given that gays were one of the groups nazis put in the concentration camps? I guess it shows they were an idiot as well as a bigot. :-(
You Can't
Expect logic from those types of people. It was an argument about the flip side of the 1st Amendment concerning a high school boy who had been barred from wearing a shirt with a red diagonal slash through a rainbow. The school deemed it disruptive and made him change it. The ACLU stood up for him and said it was a Freedom of Speech issue and the school caved and allowed him to wear it. Some guy commented along the lines of "The First Amendment stands until the homosexual bullies strike back." We were all like Homosexual bullies? Huh?
I commented that the guy was living in a different world from the rest of us and his reply was along the lines of saying he lived in the United States and was honor-bound to defend the U.S. Constituation which I and others like me were trying to tear down, then he finished by calling me a "nazi domestic terrorist enemy".
Someone else invoked Godwins Law and said "you lose". His reply to that was even less coherent.
Like I said, he lives in a different world than the rest of us.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
but the danger isnt past. Roger will try again, unless they can stop him...
Am I the only one that's noticed that they're only free from the room? They don't know where they are, and they've been stripped of useful items. They can escape, but to where? How do they outrun prepared idiots (Okay, the phoenix, pixie, and sabertooth can probably manage to get a good distance, but there's no telling about the dryad. Satyr and Succubus trying to get away? Not likely to happen, unless it's to get on top of another tall building to screw :)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I just realised something
I just realised something else. It might be better if they all ended up at the Academy, at least for a few days.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It is nice to see that some of these people have some compassion! Monica may hate Erin but at least she understands that what's going on is wrong. Great chapter.
AS a succubus, at least at night, she can fly, and fly well.
The girl surprised me a little, but then I think she realizes her beloved brother is delusional and being manipulated by that twisted sorcerer.
IF he was counting on blood resonances to allow him to copy the patterns, is he still linked to his ex wife?
IF so, there may be a doomsday scenario she can use on him. Shatter her own anti aging magic and quite possibly BOTH of them will rapidly age and die.
But she is too nice a person for her to die as their only hope. And I assume the blood resonance for him is only with his descendants, not necessarily to the wife.
I DO hope Marcus will not hurt his sister. There is hope for her if she lives and maybe even Marcus though in his case they need to strip him of his magic or look it up un till; he is sane.
His family kicking him out still has me wondering, did they really and why? Are they as stuck up as him and thus kicked him out for embarrassing them and tainting their reputations or where they honestly outraged that he would try to kill another student?
Still think he either needs to die or nearly die heroically or Merlin the Second needs to do what he failed to do and that is properly punish Marcus for his original attempt to murder Gayle.
Or Gayle's mentor can claim that right which she turned down original in favor of the pompous sorcerer being forced to admit he was NOT Merlin and that Gayle and her sister were both decedents of the Lady of the Lake.
This whole mess is in part due to that serious flaw in the Academy's creation, the inability to seriously punish crimes committed at the Academy and or by its students. Time to change that rule NOW.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. But first, get our Weres to safety then time to kick some sorcerer's butt and NO MERCY as he would show none.
P.P.S. Erin's magic abilities are growing very rapidly. Can Amylia teach her how to do a ritual -- as Amylia must know about them -- or to *read* the pattern of whatever one they are planning to use so it may be corrupted and backfire on that sick sorcerer and his minions.
P.P.S. Liked the rock breaking spell. Though my idea of the Succubus and Satyr powering -- snicker -- each other *up* has its *charms*
-- grin --
John in Wauwatosa
I disagree about the rituals.
They _should_ teach them at the Academy, even if it's only in passing.
The whole point about a ritual is yes, it might take you four hours to do what a higher level could do in fifteen minutes - but you'll have a token that you can use that is technically out of your class.
For that matter, if you used rituals for things like the age slowing spell, you might be able to give it extra oomph and slow your aging even further. (Or grant it to someone else)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Or more to the point
the slow-aging spell for those who doesn't normally have enough power to cast it. However I get the feeling it's also part of the whole tech advancement thing. Why spend magic to do something when the mundane world has a cheap easy solution. Save your magic for the stuff that tech can't do.
Unless I miss my guess some of the mythic patterns takes so much power no one can cast them even with a ritual. Perhaps save a few with special power-ups like Hybrids possess.
I'd suspect that the real
I'd suspect that the real reason that the Were patterns aren't copyable is that the Touched don't look for them correctly. Touched talents are external effects - meaning they go from the inside, and go out. Were talents are internal effects, they go from the outside in.
You might also _have_ to be a Touched/Were combination to really look for them, and trying to locate your own would be a bit like hunting for the trees in the forest. If Amylia had looked at Erin's shape change, she might have been able to spot the pattern.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.