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The sunrise was near and I could see the first hints of its rays on the distant horizon. However, it was not here quite yet.
I sat up and stretched my body, especially my wings. I felt sultry. I felt sexy. And I felt oh so very VERY satisfied.
I’d spent nearly the entire night having sex with Traci, feeding until I’d eventually reached my fill and then continuing to just have sex just for the sheer pleasure of it. Now, my entire body felt unbelievably good, and for the first time, I actually felt fully satiated.
Traci slept on the ground beside me, still in satyr form. I’d left him completely worn out, though it had taken me most of the night to do so. I gave him a kiss and then stood up, smirking as I did so.
My entire body surged with energy and pleasure, and after my activities, I felt even more awake than before. I savored how good this all felt and stretched some more. At the moment, I felt unbelievably sexy…and completely feminine.
“Something has changed,” I purred in a sultry voice.
After succumbing to my succubus nature so completely and having sex with a man all night long, something deep inside of me had shifted irrevocably. Anything left of my old male identity had been washed away and I now knew without a doubt that I was female. I not only knew this as a fact, I also reveled in it.
At this point, the sun finally rose enough to exert its power. My body began to shift and change, shrinking back down as my succubus side receded. When I finished returning to my normal form, I felt a sense of disappointment over what I’d just lost.
I looked down at Traci, who’d just finished transforming back as well and had woken up in the process. She let out a loud yawn and sat up, then looked down at herself and then me.
“Oh shit,” she whispered, blushing and trying to cover herself.
I looked down at myself and sighed, realizing that I’d lost my clothes and had absolutely no idea where they’d gone. Since Traci and I were behind the barn, we had to make our way back to the house to get new clothes.
“If I’m going to be walking around naked,” I mused, activating my talent and transforming again. If other people were going to see me naked, I wanted it to be in my enhanced form.
“Damn you look hot,” Traci said, then blushing.
“I feel hot,” I answered with a satisfied smile, still thinking about last night.
“I need to get to bed and get some more sleep,” Traci told me self-consciously. “You really wore me out. I was so caught up in everything that I couldn’t even think straight.” She paused and then admitted, “I used to tease boys about thinking with their little heads. Now I’m doing it…”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it a little head,” I told her with a giggle. “If I remember right, it was pretty big.”
Last night, I hadn’t even hesitated before letting Traci put that monster inside me, and somehow, it had actually gone in without a problem. Now that I was in my right mind, I couldn’t imagine how it even fit…though I certainly remember enjoying it.
Then I let out a sigh, realizing that I’d finally lost my virginity. It hadn’t been as a guy…or even as a normal girl. It had been as a sex crazed succubus who’d been completely overwhelmed by her instincts. I wasn’t sure what to think about that.
“A satyr and a succubus,” Traci mused with a shake of her head. “That was really something. I couldn’t control myself at all…”
“Me either,” I admitted with a bright blush.
“So what now?” Traci asked me after a moment, giving me an appreciative look. “Do we start dating?”
I stared at Traci for a moment before awkwardly reminding her. “I’m only into guys.” After last night, I was more certain of that fact than ever.
Traci gave me a look of disappointment and sighed. “Is this where you give me the I just want to be friends speech?” Then before I could answer, she asked hopefully, “How about friends with benefits. I mean, last night we went together really well.”
I nodded faintly at that, feeling just a little scared over how much Traci and I had been drawn to each other. As a satyr, she produced unbelievable amounts of sexual energy which made her completely irresistible to a succubus. And as a very sexy female creature who exuded an aura to attract men, I was irresistible to her.
There was no doubt in my mind that Traci and I wouldn’t be able to have any kind of romantic relationship. After all, in our human forms, she might be attracted to me but I wasn’t interested in her that way. And in our Were forms, we would be so interested in sex that we wouldn’t be able to think of anything else.
“Well, maybe we could try that again sometime,” Traci suggested hopefully. “Friends with occasional benefits and all.”
“Maybe,” I responded with a self-conscious smile. “But I have a guy at school that I’m into and…” I paused, not sure what to say.
“Yeah,” Traci admitted. “This is pretty weird.”
After taking another minute to brace myself emotionally, I started back for the house in order to find where I’d left my glasses…not to mention my clothes. As I walked past the barn, I heard some faint voices from within, proving that Traci and I weren’t the only ones who hadn’t spent the night in the house.
When I went into the house, I found people sleeping on the couch, the floor, and in the several bedrooms that were available. There were more people than places to sleep comfortably so people had made do with what they had available. Those who had slept in Were form had been woken with the rising of the sun and changing back, though most of those in the house had changed back to normal first.
Those few who were up and awake now were groggy and tired, which almost made me feel guilty for being so wide awake and full of energy. I was pretty sure that I held enough residual energy from last night that I could have cast a few class ten spells if I wanted.
I quickly found the bag with the spare clothes I’d brought with and got dressed, even putting on one of my favorite shirts. It was a black T-shirt with a picture of the firefly class spaceship Serenity on the front. Unfortunately, Monica had destroyed my previous favorite shirt. I think I was even more upset with her about that than I was about her making me naked in public.
I found some food in the kitchen and settled down at the table to eat. Kaylie, who was one of the few other people who was fully up and about came and joined me. She kept giving me odd looks, making me feel extremely self-conscious.
“You and Traci were certainly busy last night,” Kaylie said with a smirk, making me nearly choke.
“You know about that?” I asked, knowing that I had to be blushing bright red.
“Everyone knows about that dear,” Amylia said as she came into the room. She gave me a pointed look with a raised eyebrow. “The two of you were hardly subtle.”
“Or quiet,” Kaylie added with a grin. “I’m pretty sure everyone heard you.”
“Oh frell,” I muttered, feeling absolutely mortified and banging my head onto the table in front of me. I was suddenly VERY thankful that dad hadn’t come to the party.
“I think someone would have thrown a bucket of water on you two,” Kaylie said with a chuckle, “but no one wanted to risk getting between a satyr and a succubus.”
I stared at her in horror and then banged my head on the table again. I weakly tried explaining, “I couldn’t control myself…”
“Erin,” Amylia told me, putting a hand on my shoulder and giving me an odd look. “I strongly recommend that you and this satyr girl avoid changing near each other at the same time.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, still blushing brightly and being unable to meet her eyes. “Probably a good idea.”
It was less than a minute later when Traci came in to join us for breakfast, letting out a loud yawn and then looking at Amylia and Kaylie’s faces. “You told them,” Traci blurted out with an embarrassed look. That led to a renewal of jokes from Kaylie.
Once we were finished eating, we went back to the living room where everyone else was starting to get up and move around, though admittedly, without much energy. Suddenly, the front door opened and a man rushed into the house. He had a white plastic mask over his face, the cheap kind that had holes for eyes but nothing else.
“INVOKE,” the man yelled, holding up something in his hand.
Suddenly, I was thrown to the floor as was every other person standing. I hit the ground hard and let out a gasp of pain.
“Idiot,” yelled a woman who came through the door behind the sorcerer who’d just attacked us. “You were supposed to hit them with a sleep spell…”
“I grabbed the wrong token,” he snarled in response.
More people rushed through the door, four men and one woman. All of them except for one of the men wore identical white masks. The man whose face I could see was somewhere in his early to mid-twenties and had a very nervous look on his face, almost one of fear.
“Don’t move,” the woman yelled, holding up a small blown glass figurine and exclaiming, “Invoke.”
Suddenly, I couldn’t move at all. From the gasps, exclamations, and lack of movement from the others who’d been knocked to the floor, I wasn’t the only one.
“See, I told you,” the man without the mask exclaimed. “Get them first thing in the morning and they’re all tired and off balance from being up all night…”
“Shut up,” the first man snapped at him. “We don’t need advice from a monster.”
Just then, Dr. Merchant ran into the room, probably to see what the cause of the noise was. He froze, staring at the man without a mask and exclaimed, “Conrad? You said you weren’t coming to the gathering…”
The name Conrad triggered a memory. I’d seen that name on the family tree that still hung from the wall. It was the name of one of the mythics from Traci’s branch of the family, but one who hadn’t shown up. Or at least, he hadn’t shown up until now.
“If you move, we’ll kill you,” one of the masked men announced, one with a black diamond painted on the forehead of his mask. I assumed that meant he was the leader. Then he gestured to his people and commanded, “Get the mythics as planned.”
“And him?” the woman asked, gesturing to Dr. Merchant.
“He’s neither mythic nor part of this bloodline,” the leader said. “But he might still be useful. Bring him too.”
Just then, Amylia began to yell, “Invo…”
Amylia was suddenly cut off as the woman kicked her in the face, then yelled out, “This one’s a sorceress…”
“I know her,” blurted out the masked man who’d been quiet until now. He rushed over and exclaimed, “This is Amylia…one of the instructors from the Academy.”
“What the hell is a sorceress doing with these animals?” the woman asked.
The kick to her face appeared to have freed Amylia from being frozen because she sat up and glared at the man. Then without warning, she reached out and yanked off his mask, revealing a handsome young man with blond hair. Her eyes went wide in obvious recognition.
“Marcus Tamwright,” Amylia blurted out.
The blonde man…Marcus glared at her and then turned to look at their leader. “Sir?”
“”We’re taking her with us,” the leader commanded in a cold voice. “Bind her well.” Then he reached for a medallion around his neck and stated, “Invoke.” Suddenly, everything went dark.
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The action really picked up in this chapter! I would have thought that some of the Were's would have had the ability to put up a bit of a fight, but the element of surprise is huge. I wonder what Marcus has planned? Perhaps revenge on Gayle and the Academy?
Great Chapter!
It Just...
It just never stops...does it? How can you keep this up? Is there no resolution? Only the SHADOW knows!!!
we have a turncoat who let these evil Touched hit his own family while they were most vulnerable. The kicker is that Erin is at max power and that is an ace in the hole. Amylia might just surprise them too. The interesting part is that THIS bloodline was targeted by them... Why?
I can't say I'm surprise that Marcus fell into bad company.
I think the plot thickens!
Fell into?
How about formed his own fell company?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
max power
Erin may be at max power, but i doubt she has any readily available tokens
Probably the boobs spell, a
Probably the boobs spell, a couple of elemental spells, and the sexiness spell.
I seem to recall that the Academy students tend to always carry something around with them, even the ones that don't do combat. Oh - she may have the bracelet.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Even if
she has any tokens, there's not a lot she can do. The strength of a sorcerer matters when the spell is cast or the token made, not when the token is invoked. Erin being at top power is not going to have any obviously useful benefits, unless she gets some time alone to make tokens. So any tokens she may have had would have been made in her weaker state.
Now, if she manages to get some time alone, possibly because Marcus's sister neglected to inform him that there was a sorceress/were-succubus attending the meeting, she could make some real waves. Especially if she gets time to examine some powerful spells being used and gets to apply her pattern recognition skills to copy them. At a guess, right around the time when her preparations for rescue and/or escape are complete, Marcus's sister will show up and recognize her, starting a desperate battle.
That's my prediction, anyway.
Tokens do make casting easier, but don't forget a sorceress can cast directly by forming spell circles. Erin is very good at figuring out spell circles.
"we can turn it all around, because it's not too late, it's NEVER too late" -(never too late, Three Days Grace)
Even more...
It's been mentioned that the circles and patterns are more mnemonics to make the casting work right. That means if you've cast a spell enough times, or remember it well enough, you could cast the spell _without reference to a spell diagram_.
That doesn't mean that _Erin_ will be able to do that - but Amlyia is almost certainly capable of it; Morgana would also be capable of doing it. The difference is in how long they'd have to stay in place to do it. ('Invoke!' is quick. Standing in one spot for 5 minutes while you run through the mental patterns to generate a spell wouldn't work well in an emergency - but if you're locked up in a cell, time is mostly what you have)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I said the Academy let him off WAAAAAY too leniently
A turncoat Were?
And Amylia, didn't you remember the lesion of Gayle's duels, have NON VERBAL spells ready as well.
INVOKE is a hell of a give-a-way.
THIS time Marcus, any in his family and their minions who are involved must pay with their lives or permanent imprisonment at The Academy. Nah, jus kill them and be sure of it. BTW is the nasty sister involved or is this even too much for her to stomach? Ironic if she proves a weak link in the conspiracy.
People will be hurt and some may die because THEIR answer to an almost adult attempting murder after several failed assaults was to give him a severe tongue lashing and send him home to mommy.
I HOPE the Academy or perhaps few Weres were not so stupid and are watching this and will soon counter attack.
BTW are all of them back in the house?
If not a few can get word out and help.
Plus I agree Erin is a wild card as is Amylia.
They still don't know she is a Were and mythic.And with Erin so super charged with magic perhaps she will shake off their spells much faster than expected and be able to fight back.
And who is to say Erin has no tokens available. Is any of her jewelry tokens? Remember a lot of women sorceresses use them as back up and even primary tokens. And if Erin could sense Amylia's magic and visa versa with the attacks using magic and Erin supercharged surely Gayle, some at the Academy, Erin's mom or aunt's or perhaps even Gayle's mentor will have sensed some great *disturbance in The Force*. Is it possible to strip someone PERMENTLY of the ability to use or sense magic or to be a were? If anyone can do it i would be Gayle's mentor or a group of the heads of the school.
I would love to see her or them go midevil on their hineys as Weird Al might say. Then imprison them. They could still use guns tom get revenge, the bastards.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
"Nah, jus kill them and be sure of it."
Unless Marcus is *trying* to start a Touched / Were war. I wouldn't put it past him.
Not quite. From right now, it
Not quite.
From right now, it looks like they're going to try to test the Weres to destruction to get copies of the patterns used by the change.
That's the weird part. "They're animals, but we want their forms to be able to turn into them!"
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Good story
Thank you Dream Weaver..... Love the plot twist...
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Good story
Thank you Dream Weaver..... Love the plot twist...
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Oh My Goodness
who are these cowards ?