Okay, so I just wanted to let you all know what's up. February hit me like a Hurricane and between nonstop headaches (due to a nurse practitioner screwing up a treatment) and life being extra lifey, I may, may have written 4-5k new words since the last chapter of Kit and Kin was posted. I was ahead in my other story but not with that one and since I can't seem to go a few hours without a headache or migraine, that makes writing tricky at best.
So never fear, I will get back to it and work on completing that story when I don't want to lop my own head off. You all take care, be safe and I miss you all. TTYAL.
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it. anticipation makes the meal taste sweeter. No wait, that's not it. Separation makes the heart grow founder? No, not that either...
Uh... For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land...oops that's not the right one...
It does ya good to wait...that will have to do I guess. :P
Take care of you
I love you work my fav is Kit and Kin but you need to take care of you sending
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Take care and rest and relax...
Oh and I'm so using life being extra lifey...brilliant line:)
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
heres hoping
your headaches ease and life not bite you on the ass instead.
get well soon
Oh Heather....
Please do take care of yourself and feel better soon Hon. Your one of my favorite writers and I selfishly want you around for a long TIME!;) Big Hugs, Taarpa