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I was in the hall of sorcerers, standing in front of one of the ceramic door frames and nervously waiting for aunt June to show up. I was excited about her coming today and was definitely looking forward to it, but I was also more self-conscious than usual as well.
At the moment, I was in my enhanced form which was nothing unusual. I’d gotten used to this form, and though I was reluctant to admit it to anyone else, I’d come to prefer it over my shorter and less attractive normal form. Being in this form wasn’t what made me so nervous at the moment, it was the fact that this was the very first time I’d actively tried to play it up and show it off.
Instead of my usual jeans and t-shirt, I was actually wearing some of the more feminine and sexy clothes that aunt June had bought me on our shopping excursion a month ago. I was wearing a blouse that revealed a little cleavage as well as a skirt. On my feet, I was even wearing the shoes she bought me with a short heel. However, I hadn’t stopped with just the clothes.
My friends had helped me put makeup on as well, giving me a lesson in how to do so in the process. I was wearing lipstick, mascara, eye-shadow, blush, and even nail polish. And to add to the image, Kimberly had even pierced my ears and lent me a pair of her earrings.
Normally, my enhanced form already looked hot, but I’d gone from girl next door hottie to total babe. Even though I’d watched my transformation in the mirror, I could still hardly believe the final results. And though I felt very self-conscious like this, I found that I rather liked it as well. It made me feel…sexy.
My reason for dressing up like this wasn’t just to look sexy for the sake of looking sexy. Instead, I had another reason entirely. I knew that aunt June planned on eventually having me dress more feminine and even wearing makeup for our lessons, and I expected her to drop that on me soon. I just thought it would be funny to get the drop on her and beat her to the punch.
When aunt June stepped out of the magical doorway, I stood off to the side and watched as she looked around. Her eyes glided past me at first without any recognition, then they suddenly snapped back and she gave a slight gasp of surprise.
“Erin?” aunt June asked.
“Hi,” I responded self-consciously. “What are we going to be doing tonight?”
Aunt June just stared at me for a moment before smiling and saying, “You look…very nice.”
“I was just trying something new,” I replied, trying to keep my tone calm and even as if this was perfectly normal.
“Well, I like it,” aunt June told me pleasantly. “You should do this more often.”
“Maybe,” I agreed, a little startled to realize that I had already been considering that myself. “But I’ll go at my own pace.” I gave her a flat look so she’d get the idea that I didn’t need to be pushed into accepting my feminine side.
Aunt June nodded faintly, still giving me an appraising look and appearing to be satisfied. “I brought what you asked for,” she said, holding up a bag of groceries. “Planning on cooking a feast?’
“I’m cooking dinner for my friends tomorrow,” I told her, happily accepting the groceries. I bit my lip, hoping that Todd would like what I cooked. I wanted to impress all of my friends, but especially him.
We began walking towards the dorms so I could put the groceries away before we began our lessons. As we walked, I was well aware of the way that the guys were looking at me. I’d noticed it when I left the dorms a little while ago to go meet up with aunt June. And though the attention made me feel self-conscious, I kind of liked it as well. It was certainly a lot better than being teased and insulted.
“I approve of your makeover,” aunt June said carefully. “But I am a little startled by how sudden it was…” She gave me a curious look and teased, “This wouldn’t have something to do with a boy, would it?”
I blushed brightly at that and then quietly admitted, “Kind of.”
A large part of my motivation for dressing up like this had been to play a joke on aunt June, to beat her to the punch and see the look on her face when I showed up like this after I’d been so resistant to do anything girlie. But admittedly, another part had been to impress Todd, not that he’d seen me like this yet.
Aunt June stopped walking and just stared at me for a moment. “I see,” she responded carefully, obviously surprised by my answer to her teasing question. “Do you…like him?”
I hesitated for a moment and took a breath before answering, “Yeah. I do.” I could barely bring myself to even look at aunt June.
“Did you…like boys before?” she asked me quietly.
“No,” I told her with a shake of my head, still unable to look at her as I added. “That’s new.” Then I forced myself to look her in the eyes. “Please don’t tell mom and dad. I mean, at least not yet. I’m still trying to get used to the idea myself.”
“I’ll let you break the news to them,” aunt June told me with a wry smile. “Though this is the first time I ever heard of someone being afraid to come out of the closet and admit they’re straight.”
We continued walking again and then aunt June pointed out, “There’s a girl over there glaring at you rather hard.” She gave me a curious look.
I glanced over and saw Teressa standing a distance away, glaring at me just as she did nearly every time I saw her. Ever since she’d won our duel a couple days ago, she’d been gloating about it and annoying me even worse. However, she wasn’t satisfied with having won the duel and seemed to hate me even more. Not that I was too surprised by that since a lot of students had been teasing her about being a topless stripper since then.
“She was the one I dueled against,” I told aunt June with a smirk. “She won, but I embarrassed her pretty good.”
“Oh?” aunt June gave me a curious look.
“I used the spell based off mom’s talent,” I said with grin. “I kind of exposed her in front of everyone.”
“That would definitely do it,” aunt June agreed, giving me another curious look. “But how in the world did you cast that spell?”
“I cast it twice,” I said proudly. Then I deflated a little as I admitted, “But I wasn’t able to do it again since. Master Tonkas tested me again and said I measure as a high level four or low level five.” I shrugged at that. “I’ve got some ideas about how I managed it but haven’t had a chance to test them yet. I figure I’ll do that later tonight.”
Aunt June nodded at that, looking thoughtful. “Let me know what you figure out.”
“Okay,” I told her, then giggled. At her curious look, I admitted, “Ever since then, kids have been asking me for a copy of that spell.”
“And did you give it to them?” she asked me.
“No,” I shook my head. Then I admitted, “If any of the guys get hold of that one, every girl on campus would be at risk…including me.”
“Good decision,” aunt June told me with a chuckle. Then she added, “I just wish I’d had that one while I was attending here. Unfortunately, Helen’s talent didn’t appear until after I’d already graduated.”
After I’d put the food away in the dorms, aunt June and I started for the hall of sorcerers where we could begin our session. However, as we were leaving the dorms, I saw Todd standing just outside. He stopped and stared at me, his eyes going wide.
“Erin?” Todd asked in surprise. “Is that you?”
“Do you like?” I asked him, feeling self-conscious but trying not to show it.
Todd nodded emphatically and for a moment I almost feared his eyes would pop out of his head. “You look…great,” he finally said.
His eyes remained locked on me and I could see the clear look of interest. I might not be a succubus at the moment, but I could still feel the sexual energy he was directing at me. I smiled faintly at that, feeling a little more confident in having chosen to dress this way.
“And who is your friend?” aunt June asked, giving me a knowing look that made me blush.
“Um…this is Todd,” I said, gesturing to him. Then I nodded to aunt June and told him, “This is my aunt. She’s my sponsor.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Todd said, looking nervous.
“And you too,” aunt June told him. “I’m afraid we can’t remain here and socialize though. Erin and I have some work to do.”
Todd nodded at that. “Okay then…” He looked back at me and gave me a nervous smile. “Then I’ll see you later.”
“You too,” I responded before aunt June and I continued on our way. I felt a little more confident as I glanced back at Todd…a little more…sexy.
Once we were far enough away, aunt June said, “So, I assume this was the boy you mentioned…” She looked quite amused at that.
“Um…yeah,” I admitted, blushing brightly.
“Not bad,” aunt June told me with a smile. “In fact, when I was your age, I would have been all over that…”
“Aunt June,” I gasped in surprise.
Aunt June just laughed and said, “Now come on. I have some things I want to go over with you and I only have two hours…”
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impressing Todd
while its cool that she impressed him, I kinda hope he gets to a place where he likes the plain version of her too.
i agree, in the long run it would be very demoralizing if he couldn't look at her normal form and still see a very pretty girl.
Too fun
Erin can have lots of fun tormenting Teressa without actually doing anything. Just hanging around Todd in her enhanced form will drive Teressa ballistic.
I wonder if Erin can copy that clothes shredding spell. That, along with the boobus maximus spell could make for some interesting pranks/revenge/dueling.
Also, I think it would be prudent for her to learn some of those spells that provide clothing. As it is, nudity is an occupational hazard for a shifter. The fact that others may amuse themselves by de-clothing her makes it even worse.
On the strategic side, she needs to hang around the other students in her succubus form. If she can get them all used to seeing her that way, it'll go a long way towards helping touched/were relations. Hiding her were form away just reinforces the image that there is something wrong with it.
She also needs to embrace her exhibitionist streak. That way, zapping her clothes will lose its power to embarrass her. I could see her saying, "Don't you wish you looked this good naked?" to an attacker; after which she either switches to her were form or invokes a token that puts her in some really sexy clothes. Maybe some sexy fetish wear.
It'll be interesting to see what happens when she powers up again and decides to try that spell that transforms her into her old self. That will probably put the final nail in the coffin of any plans she may have had to become male again.
And Why DO Girls Dress Sexy?
Well, many of us assume that we do it for the guys, but that is not the whole story. Girls also dress up to compete with other girls, and the competition is brutal. :)
Nice to see
Erin is starting to get more comfortable with her new body. I expect that much of it has to do with her were/touched hybrid nature. Good to get a lighter chapter and see more of Erin's personality develop!
ah young romance
I was hoping Teressa would attack the two of them