Apparently there are groups such as the Mattachine Society trying to take the trans people out of the Stonewall Riots.
"A strange new myth has arisen about the origins of the gay movement. This myth, fervently endorsed by some trans activists, holds that the gay and lesbian movement was, essentially and pivotally, the work of their group, the transgender people. The transgender folk were in the vanguard, gay men and lesbians followed meekly after. This bizarre claim in the opposite of the truth.
Let us then be honest. If we are to speak of a “transgender” contribution we must restrict ourselves to drag queens. They were the only transgender folks around in those days. None of them in fact made a major contribution to the movement.
- Wayne Dynes, 12/16/2009"
The link to this article includes an interview with an actual participant in the Stonewall Riots. Read what he has to say about that night.{%223809930426540%22%3A138696199631116}&action_type_map={%223809930426540%22%3A%22og.likes%22}&action_ref_map=[]
Other accounts
I have read several other first-hand accounts that support what Roy McCarthy says. But I don't have links to them, sorry.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Nothing New
There are always those who want to divide the movement and cut other people dead. In Seattle the war between two portions of the gay men movement cost us our GLBT center. I personally had to defend my right as a inter-sexed person to be who I am to some radical lesbians, when a trans-man was welcomed with open arms. It is stupid Dog in the manger empty headed trash talk not to give credit where it is honestly due. There is no support in reality to cutting any one nonviolent group from our community. In numbers we are powerful and we need to remember that.
Misha Nova
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Cross-dressing started with Adam and Eve
OK, it's only my theory of how the cross-dressing species evolved. I wrote the Human Cuckoo Trilogy or the Origin of the Cross-Dressing Species to demonstrate how this might have occured.
I'm not making any asertions about the origins of homosexuality, but I'm sure many readers have their own views.
You can find the Human Cuckoo Trilogy on Kindle here for UK readers or here for US readers
Lee G. Brewster, founder of the QLF was a friend of mine...
We all owe Lee for many of the rights we have now. And, yes, I was a member of the Queen's Liberation Front even though I was far from militant and very buttoned down at the time.
Lee was gay and I was straight, but we were both cross dressers and became friends. Lee didn't mind at all being called a Drag Queen. In fact he used that term himself. He financed a lot of the court challenges that got the harassment laws overturned.
His motto was: "If any man, gay or straight, wants to wear a boa, he should have a great big feathered one. Ya gotta love that attitude.
He was a true pioneer for our civil rights!!! He was not enamored of the Mattachine Society.
If you read the attached article referenced by Karen J you'll understand why I mentioned him.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
What I find strange is the common belief in the gay community that you can't be bi-sexual, that its wrong in some way and yet in history it was the "norm"
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
I was there...
but only at the very end.
Yes, indeed, the whole thing started when the DQs declared, "No more!" and demanded their rights. It snowballed from there.
We owe much to those drag queens who hitched up their stockings, donned their heels, and dug then in to make the girly line that face the cops and the dogs and the jeers.
You Go, Girls!
Red MacDonald