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Math was one of the few subjects that was almost exactly the same at the Academy as it was at any other school. In history, we often learned things that normals never heard, such as how the Touched had secretly helped the allies win during the second world war. But in math, one plus one was still two…even for sorcerers.
Mr. Estoban demonstrated some math problems in front of the class while I struggled to stay even halfway focused. My thoughts kept wandering back to last night and my talk with Amylia. I kept running it over and over again in my head, especially the part where she sort of claimed to be my great great grandma…with a few more greats thrown in, and then she’d practically shoved me out the door without a word of explanation.
Amylia had been distracted in class this morning, very distracted. She’d ended up turning class into a free study period and let us all practice with our spells while she stood back and watched over us with only half her attention. It was obvious to me that I wasn’t the only one who kept thinking about last night.
When class was over, Kaellie bumped into me and snapped, “Watch it freak.”
“Frak off, bimbo,” I responded in annoyance.
Ever since my duel with Teressa, the two of them had continued with their passive-aggressive harassment but had stopped the more obvious attacks. Once the teachers had finally made it clear that straight out attacks and even ‘practical jokes’ would no longer be tolerated, they’d focused their attention on making me miserable in other ways. It was actually a relief to me since this kind of annoyance was easier to deal with than having my clothes dissolved in public.
“You want a piece of me?” Kaellie demanded, making me suddenly realize what she was really up to. “I challenge you to a duel.”
“I accept,” I responded coldly. I’d been itching for a rematch with Teressa, but Kaellie had been one I wanted a chance at as well. Not only would this give me an opportunity to fight her straight on but it would also be good practice for my rematch.
Kaellie smirked as she said, “Then prepare to lose again…freak.”
With that, Kaellie turned and walked away while Sylvie came up beside me and said, “She’s up to something.”
“Of course,” I responded with a sigh. “She and Teressa probably found some kind of spell they plan on using to humiliate me in the duel.” I thought about the spell I’d used to get Teressa and couldn’t resist smirking. “They’ve probably figured out a way to protect themselves from that breast enlargement spell too.”
“So what are you going to do?” Sylvie asked me curiously.
“I shrugged at that. “I’ll figure something out. I’ll have to bounce a few ideas off Gayle and see what she thinks.”
Sylvie nodded at that and then abruptly asked, “Are you okay? You’ve been kind of odd all day…”
“I’m fine,” I assured her.
“It’s that date with Todd, isn’t it?” she asked me. “You’re worried about it, aren’t you?”
“No,” I responded with a smile. “I’m looking forward to that. It’s just that I got some really weird news last night and I don’t know what to do about it.” At Sylvie’s curious look, I quickly added, “I wish I could tell you about it but I kind of promised to keep it to myself.”
Sylvie nodded, looking a little annoyed that there was a secret that I wasn’t sharing with her. However, she seemed to understand and didn’t push it. Instead she told me, “Well, if you need any help preparing to cream Kaellie, just let me know.”
I just laughed at that and promised, “I sure will.”
Once classes were done for the day, I went back to my dorm room and was surprised to find a letter sitting on the top of my desk. I picked it up and read it aloud. ‘Erin, please come see me at 7:00 for tea and talk. We have much to discuss.’ It was signed simply with the letter A.
I was extremely apprehensive as I walked to Amylia’s quarters. After she’d told me that she was my great plus grandma, I had absolutely no idea what to think about that or her. I wanted to talk to Vivian to double check the family tree she’d charted out, and even more, I wanted to talk do my dad. However, I couldn’t possibly say a thing to either of them without breaking my promise to Amylia.
When I knocked on Amylia’s door, she quickly ushered me inside and had me sit in the living room. She watched me with a strange expression as she poured two cups of tea and handed one to me. Only then did she sit down as well.
“Erin,” she said gently. “I would like you to do something for me. I would like you to hold onto this for a minute.” She held up a red crystal and said, “Invoke,” before handing it to me. I hesitantly accepted the crystal and it began to glow in my hand. Amylia’s eyes widened slightly and she said, “I see…” She took the crystal back and then set it on the coffee table before looking at me thoughtfully.
“What was that?” I asked curiously.
Amylia gave me a gentle smile and said, “You must understand that what you told me last night is impossible. Yet the test I just gave you confirms that you are indeed of my blood. You are indeed descended from me.”
I gulped at that, staring at the crystal that had glowed in my hand and then at Amylia. She looked nearly as shaken as I was and was staring at me with a sad and thoughtful look.
“My son was named Robert Erland Dupree,” Amylia said quietly.
I startled at that. “My middle name is Erland.” Then I quickly amended that. “Or at least it was.”
After my change, my name had been changed from Aaron Erland Morris to Erin Elayne Morris. The Erin part was easy to adjust to since it still sounded the same as it used to, but I couldn’t think of myself as Elayne yet and it still startled me when I saw it written down.
“Interesting,” Amylia commented with a wry smile. “An old family name I take it.”
I nodded at that. “Dad said I was named after his dad.”
Amylia smiled faintly at that and closed her eyes. After several very long seconds, she whispered, “The last time I saw Robert…he was your age.” Then she opened her eyes but I could see she wasn’t really looking at me or anything in this room. “I was ashamed of my hybrid status…of being Were as well as Touched. My husband held nothing but contempt for the Were so I never told him, nor did I tell our son.”
“How…?” I started to ask but then bit my tongue.
I couldn’t understand how she could possibly hide something that important from her husband and son. If her husband didn’t like the Were, how could she even have married him? She’d said it was an arranged marriage but it still didn’t make any sense to me.
“I kept my secret shame for many years,” Amylia continued, her voice filled with sadness and even guilt. “I had assumed that since Gregor was Touched on both sides of his heritage, that Robert would be Touched as well. I never even considered that he might inherit my Were side…” She paused at that, looking almost as though she was in physical pain. “After Robert turned sixteen, his father and I waited to see what form his talent would take, but on the first full moon, he transformed into a monster instead…into a chimaera.”
“Frell,” I whispered, realizing just how confusing it would be to become a Were when you had no idea it could happen.
“I hadn’t thought to warn Robert,” Amylia continued in a quiet and pained voice. “He was frightened and confused and lashed out. His father thought him a monster attacking the house and tried to kill him. I tried to stop Gregor, telling him that I was a hybrid and that Robert had inherited my Were nature, but that only infuriated Gregor further and he attacked me as well.”
Amylia went silent for nearly a full minute and just sat there with tears coming down her cheeks. She sipped at her tea while she tried to calm herself. I just watched her uncomfortably, not sure what I could do or say to make things better. It was almost painful to see a teacher that I respected so much like this.
“When I came to,” Amylia said quietly, her voice steady again though I could tell it took a lot of will to keep it so. “Our home was burned to the ground and I was certain that Robert had been within when this happened. I’ve held his death that night as a fact until now.” She looked me in the eyes and added. “After that, I could never bring myself to have another child, yet you are definitely of my bloodline.” She took a deep breath and smiled faintly, “Now I know, he must have escaped the fire and survived.” There was a clear sense of relief in her voice as she said that last.
“And he never told you he was alive?” I gasped, realizing that it was a stupid question even as I asked it.
Amylia shook her head sadly. “Perhaps he mistook me as dead too,” she said quietly. “More likely, he wanted nothing to do with me after this. After all, it was my lies and secrets that destroyed our family…and which I had thought killed my son. He would probably have seen my betrayal as even greater than that of the father who’d tried to kill him.”
I stared at Amylia, whispering, “I’m sorry…” I couldn’t imagine what this would have been like for Amylia…or for her son. I was suddenly very thankful for having the family I did.
“After this,” Amyia told me with a sad look, “I was left with a husband who rightly blamed me for our son’s death. The only other family I had at that point were an aunt and uncle I barely knew and an older sister who despised me. I cast off all family ties and have been without any family since.” She gave me a wry look and told me, “The idea that Robert had children of his own…that I have…descendants…” She shook her head slightly. “It is more shocking than you can imagine.”
I nodded at that, still feeling stunned by these revelations and sure of what to think. Did this mean that I should start thinking of Amylia as my grandma? That would just be weird, especially since I’ve been calling her by her first name.
“I understand the irony of my situation,” Amylia said, seeming to speak to herself more than me. “I lost everything because I kept my Were side a secret, yet two centuries later, I am still doing the same thing. You would think I might have learned something from that.” She paused to sigh. “Now, I fear that should my hybrid nature become known, I will lose what I hold dear now. My position at the Academy.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” I promised her again.
Amylia sipped at her tea and watched me with a thoughtful expression that made me a little uncomfortable. “I cannot risk losing the life I have built for myself,” she finally said, giving me a faint smile. “Yet I cannot ignore the family that Robert left behind.”
“What do you mean?” I asked her cautiously.
“What I mean,” Amylia responded slowly, giving me an almost amused look, “Is that I intent to accompany you to this gathering of mythics so that I may see these distant grand-children for myself.”
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So, opening up to the mythics, while still concealing her nature from the Touched. Tricky. Wonder how much information her son passed on to his descendants about his origins, if anyone has clued into the first mythics being hybrids, and all the rest descended from said hybrids.
John Robert Mead
better and better
I'm happy Amylia was able to find some family after being alone for so long.
"we can turn it all around, because it's not too late, it's NEVER too late" -(never too late, Three Days Grace)
Can't really speculate on the "family gathering" so I'll just comment on the upcoming duel. If Erin can invoke her were side and then cast those sexy charms like she did with the girls the other night Kaellie could be so overwhelmed she'd lose. Perhaps Kaellie and Teressa intend to overwhelm her in the same way, and the spells would just bounce back on them.
Also, if Erin has that sex change spell still, that might be another handy tool in the duel. Erin is just going to have to start thinking constantly about offensive weapons/spells as well as the more ordinary spells she is supposed to be learning.
Oh a good response to Kaellie at the top would have been something like "Sorry, if I'd realized you needed more room to get past I would have backed up another 5-6 feet." Let Kaellie chew on that a bit.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Da Duel
Well, Erin's suspecting they may have protection against the attribute enhancing spell, because they know about it now. But they won't know about the sex-change spell, and that would throw Kaellie off her stride, I'd think, if cast upon her. We shall see, we shall see.
John Robert Mead
People are complex.
People are complex and have a lot of complications just being a norm. Add to it being Touched or a Were them both and the complexities go off the chart. Amylia is in a wickedly bad place and I pray to the Goddess that there are some ones out there who could comfort her. I know that my minor abilities have both been a blessing and a burden and I am just content to remain in the background navigating my family through this bolder field we call life.
Next can of worms, who can prove her son is truly dead she is still among the living there is an off chance so is he.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
From The Academy and Gayles sucess as a duelist
what Erin needs is to use spells in novel, unexpected ways, to combine spells and to make innovative use of her Talent as a talent is far faster and easier to cast. Ideally she SHOULD fight in her succubus form or at least spend a LOT of time in it the nights before and then fight in her enhanced human form. Also she needs to react to the attacks used on her and take advange of them if possible.
All is fair in love and war after all.
Feel so sorry for Amylia. Her life has been tragic.
Other than her unexpected descendants via the son she thought was dead are ANY alive on either side of her family?
As a Fey Were AND sorceress I assume she has long outlived her nasty husband and her own less than friendly family.
So sad. And she is probably the nicest person at The Academy except possibly Gayle/Galen.
Just her fears speaking out or is she really art risk for her job if her Were nature was discovered? So far oit seems the Talented are at best uninformed about Were or out and out racists.
Though at least some of the senior staff might be friendly.
I see that have clamped down SOME on the bullying but still seems a bit too little and too late.
And they KNOW about the opne goirl distroying the clothing of other. Have they made her replace it?
Doubt it.
Unless there are consequences the bullying will continue even if under the table for the moment.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Gayles friends let her copy their talents for her duels.
What of Erin's?
Can Gayle teach Erin some?
Or even Amylia? She may be a teacher but she is also family. If push tcome to shove or if her identity is compromised I suspect she will support her decendent.
That might also get a sypathetic responce from Gayle's sponsor as she is the sister of the woman Gayle/Gayle is decended from. And family is HUGE to her. Ooooh. Gayle was gone for a while because she was at her sister's wedding. Was Great great great and so on Aunt You-Know-Who there?
P.S.S. PLEASE tell me they didn't use THAT talisman that Gayle is guardian of as a cake server?
John in Wauwatosa
We still don't know the exact time period except to guess it was one to two hundred years ago when arranged marriages were still common and class consciousness was in full swing. Perhaps we are in the 21st century but she grew up in another time and place. We see intolerance to Were's now but it appears that once it was much worst.
Amylia was hurt and damaged by those times. I do hope she can find healing among her great-grandchildren. Her mother wasn't a mythic, but she and many of her descendants are. So very interesting.
The thing in the duel is she can prepare a great many higher power spells at night using the dorms sexual energy to power the charms. If they make the mistake of letting it be at night where the succubus can come out to play, hitting Kaellie with the gender change spell and then the super sexy whammy should be enough to distract anyone.
The danger is that Erin and the new boy might give everyone more of show then anyone could guess! :) I'm a bad girl who has been reading far too many of John of W's posts. Bad, Bad, bad!
Thank you for another great chapter
Morpheus oh one who weaves dreams and stores I am addicted to this one and need more...
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Here's the part where she lures Erin into a false sense of security and then at the big gathering slaughters them all *_*
XD JK mew :D But no seriously that'd be quite a twist.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I somehow got the feeling
I somehow got the feeling that the mystics didn't just get some cool transformation powers, but those transformations also came with some "magic" skills. They probably wouldn't be all defenseless.
Although, there might be haters from the were side. I figure some of them might be envious/hateful of their humanoid/mystic forms.
Morpheus, thank you for writing this captivating story,
This is a really good story,
you have going on here, Morpheus. I've been a fan of yours for a long time, and this promises to be one of your best.
Thank you for all the hard work I know must have gone into plotting and writing it and thanks so much for sharing it with us.
huggles and love,
Catherine Linda MIchel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
A secret is only a secret if no one else knows. Once Amylia takes the first step (going to the gathering) she will be well on her way to having her situation become common knowledge. I do think that becoming closer to Erin will help her heal a wound inside and will probably, in the end, make her a better person.
great story
good for her
that is a brave move for her
: )
Her son...
Might still be alive.