A Ghost Of A Chance. Book 2. Chapter 1

 © February 2013

Part One of 13+

Chapter One: The Sleepover

    Chloe Woke up late on the Saturday morning, and it took her a couple of seconds to remember she’d spent the night sleeping at Stacy’s, so her mother could go out on a date with Robert Kaufman, the doctor that was helping her to become a girl. Chloe was soon looking over at the other bed in the room when she heard giggling and found Stacy looking at her.

     “How did you sleep?” She asked Chloe as she slid out of her bed and ran over to the one Chloe was in and jumped on it before letting her head drop onto the pillow next to Chloe’s.

     “I slept really well, and thanks for letting me stop the night.” Chloe smiled. “That was the best sleepover I’ve ever had.” She added.

     “It’s your first ever sleepover.” Stacy whined as she playfully slapped the covers where she knew Chloe was just beneath.

     “True, but it was still the best.” Chloe giggled as she tried to defend herself, which wasn’t easy with her arms pinned down under the covers.

    The two of them were soon looking at the bedroom door when they heard a knock just before they saw Stacy’s big sister Stephanie poke her head around it smiling at them.

     “Morning you two, mum wants to know if you plan on coming down for some breakfast, so we can get the horses sorted out and then get them into the field to have a run around?” Stephanie asked as she entered the room and walked over to the bed the two girls were on. “Don’t forget to take your pills Chloe.” Stephanie said as she helped Stacy to get up off the bed before she threw the covers back and then helped Chloe to get up.

     “Yes sis.” Chloe grinned as she let Stephanie help her up.

    Stephanie had taken quite a shine to Chloe in the short time they had known each other, and she loved it when she called her sis, just like Stacy did. Stephanie and Chloe had a close bond forming, due to them both being born with the same problem, they were both born male with female minds. Stephanie was post op, but Chloe was still in the early stages of getting her problem sorted out, the down side with Chloe though is the fact her mother Valarie is doing it all under the table to stop people working out that Chloe isn’t really her daughter, or a girl for that matter.

    Chloe was just about to say more when she saw Spirit appear behind Stephanie. Stephanie had no idea that Spirit could now appear solid to anyone she wanted to, so Stephanie let out a squeal when Spirit tapped her on the shoulder.

    Spirit used to be Valarie’s real daughter, but she was killed in a car crash along with her father and future stepmother, but she’d seen that her mother was going to try to kill herself over her death, so she fought her way back and ended up joining with a soul that was still connected to its body. The soul belonged to a boy called James that had been hit by a truck while trying to get away from his abusive stepfather. The stepfather died at the scene of the accident, but thanks to the real Chloe, who now went by the name Spirit, James was returned to his body and then he helped Spirit to save her mother, and got herself adopted in the process. James had always dreamed of being a girl and with Valarie’s help, she was now getting her wish. One of the side effects to what Spirit did by forcing James soul back into his body, was to make it so he could see dead people and help them to move on to a better place. James now pretending to be Chloe can also touch ghosts as well, and she also has an angel and a grim reaper to call on when she gets into trouble, but for the most part Spirit is able to help and keep Chloe out of trouble.

     “You just touched me Spirit... Why can you touch me now?” Stephanie asked looking shocked as she slowly reached out and poked Spirit in the shoulder as she stood grinning at Stephanie.

     “I got a promotion to junior angel.” Spirit said with pride. “I helped Chloe banish her stepfather to the underworld and this was my reward for doing my part.” Spirit explained.

     “Can everyone see you now then?” Stephanie asked.

     “Only if and when I want them to, but this means I can do more to help Chloe out.” Spirit grinned as she stepped over and gave Chloe a hug.

     “Do you know if mother got home okay last night after her date?” Chloe asked, as that was the main reason for her having a sleep over at Stacy’s in the first place.

     “No she never came home, but she did have a good time at Doctor Kaufman’s house.” Spirit giggled.

     “The dirty little stop out.” Chloe said in fake shock. “I hope you didn’t stay to watch the fireworks though?” Chloe asked looking worried now.

     “No...! I’m not that mad.” Spirit said with a shudder just thinking about watching her mother making love.

     “Your mum and Dr Kaufman are dating?” Stephanie asked looking shocked, but she was smirking at what Spirit had just told them. “I thought he was still mourning the loss of his wife, he always looks so sad when I go to see him.” Stephanie added.

     “Spirit and I helped him get over that.” Chloe said with a knowing look. “His wife is in a much happier place now she knows that Dr Kaufman isn’t hurting as much.” She added with a smile.

     “I saw his wife a couple of times at the surgery when I went to see him, but I was too freaked out to let anyone know about it.” Stephanie admitted. “I was having enough trouble as it was dealing with my transition, without adding the fact I see dead people.” Stephanie added the last part like the kid from the movie the sixth sense used to say it.

     “I doubt he would have believed you if you had told him his wife was in the room anyway.” Chloe said. “It took me some time to convince him that I was able to do what I said, but I’m glad I was able to help him, he’s a nice man.” Chloe added with a smile as she thought about how happy the doctor made her mother look.

     “Not all men are like your stepfather, Chloe.” Stephanie said as she pulled Chloe into a hug. “Most can be quite sweet when they want to be.” She added.

     “I’m beginning to see that in Dr Kaufman and your father.” Chloe said as she looked up at Stephanie over her breasts.

     “Daddy is pretty amazing isn’t he?” Stephanie agreed with a grin. “He never once pushed me away when I told them how I felt.” Stephanie added with pride for her father.

     “You were lucky to have him in your life.” Chloe sighed as she rested her head on Stephanie’s chest while she enjoyed the hug.

     “You’re just as lucky now sis.” Spirit said as she rubbed Chloe’s back. “You have Stephi, Stacy and all the others that love you.” Spirit added with a grin.

     “I do don’t I?” Chloe said looking much happier.

     “I’m really glad to have you in my life Chloe; I need your help to deal with being able to see ghosts.” Stephanie said with some fear in her voice.

     “I’ll do all I can to help you deal with your ghost whispering big sister Stephanie.” Chloe said as she enjoyed the hug.

    Stephanie smiled as she hugged Chloe even tighter. “Just as I will do all I can to help you deal with your transition baby sister.”

     “Hey...! Don’t I get a hug as well?” Stacy asked with a pout as she came out the bathroom.

    Chloe and Stephanie broke the hug on one side and let Stacy join it to make it a three person hug, but they were soon breaking it apart when Stacy let out a squeal due to Spirit joining the hug as she wrapped her arms around Stacy’s waist from behind and she rested her head on Stacy’s shoulder.

    Even though Chloe had told Stacy about Spirit being able to take on physical form now, it was still a shock for her when Spirit actually touched her for the first time, and Stacy was still waking up and not expecting Spirit to wrap her arms around her at that moment.

     “You were being serious when you said she could touch things now.” Stacy said once she’d recovered herself. She was soon poking a finger at Spirit just like Stephanie did when she found out, but Stacy recovered quicker than her big sister and she was soon throwing her arms around Spirit and hugging her. “I’m glad you were able to help Chloe, and get this little gift in return.” Stacy said as she hugged Spirit.

     “So am I.” Spirit said as she enjoyed the hug she was getting as she hugged Stacy back.

    Stacy was soon letting out another squeal as she found herself falling onto the bed when Spirit suddenly vanished just before Dorothy, Stacy and Stephanie’s mum entered the room.

     “Will you stop playing around Stacy and finish getting dressed so you can all come down for some breakfast.” Dorothy said with a roll of her eyes just before she turned around and left the room again.

     “That was a close one.” Stephanie said looking worried.

     “Yes, I could have hurt myself if the bed hadn’t been there.” Stacy said as she got off the bed again.

     “I was actually referring to mum nearly seeing Spirit in the bedroom.” Stephanie pointed out. “We’d have fun explaining that one to her.” She added with a frown.

     “Good point, not sure the parental units are ready to hear about spirits and ghosts just yet.” Stacy agreed with her big sister.

     “I’m not sure mum and dad will ever be ready to hear about any of this stuff.” Stephanie corrected her little sister. “You two better finish getting dressed, or get started and finished in your case young lady.” Stephanie added with a smile as she led Chloe towards the bathroom. “And don’t forget to take your pills.” She added in a bossy big sister tone.

     “Yes big sister Stephi.” Chloe giggled as she skipped off into the bathroom.

    Chloe was soon washed and dressed and then she and Stacy made their way down to the kitchen for some breakfast.


    Chloe and Stacy started to squeal when they walked out into the stable yard and saw that Sophie and Jade were already there and had made a start on cleaning out some of the stables, but they stopped and ran to meet Chloe and Stacy halfway across the courtyard.

     “I hope you don’t mind us making a start and helping you out, but we thought the sooner we got this done, the sooner we could all go for a ride.” Sophie said as she hugged Stacy.

     “I’ve got no problem with anything that makes my life a little easier.” Stacy grinned as she hugged Sophie back.

    Stacy found it hard to believe that this was the same girl that had been such a bitch up to the point Chloe helped her find some peace with her mother who had been killed when a mugging went wrong and Sophie had saw the whole thing happen right in front of her after her mother had taken her to see a show in London. Sophie had blamed herself and had started acting up and pushing people away, but Chloe had helped her sit and talk to her mother, and she was now back to her old self, even if Sophie remembered nothing about what Chloe had done, Sophie still felt a bond between them, and Sophie would do anything to protect her new friends.

     “I didn’t think you’d mind.” Sophie giggled.

     “Just don’t get to bossy and expect them to do all the work baby sister.” Stephanie said as she walked over to where Stacy and Sophie were stood with Chloe and Jade.

     “Sophie, Jade, I’d like you to meet my big sister Stephanie. Stephi, this is Sophie and Jade.” Stacy said with a grin as she pointed to each girl in turn.

    Sophie and Jade knew that Stephanie use to be Stacy’s brother, but neither of them were expecting such a pretty young woman to be stood before them.

     “Wow, you’re so pretty.” Jade said before she could stop herself.

     “Thanks Jade.” Stephanie blushed. “You’re much prettier though.” She added as she held out her hand to shake Jade’s.

     “I’m sorry, but you’re nothing like I was expecting.” Jade blabbed out as she turned red herself looking embarrassed.

     “You were expecting to see a rugby player in a dress?” Stephanie asked with a smirk. Stacy had already warned her sister about Jade and Sophie knowing about her past, and she was used to people reacting much worse when they found out.

     “I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t someone so beautiful.” Jade admitted as she looked at the woman stood before her in a tight fitting pair of jeans and figure hugging sweater that let the others know Stephanie had a toned body that most women would kill for.

     “Jade...!” Sophie scolded her friend. “Stop making a fool of yourself.” Sophie added as she lightly slapped Jade on the arm. “It’s nice to finally meet you Stephanie.” Sophie said as she reached out to shake her hand.

     “Don’t be too hard on Jade.” Stephanie smiled as she shook Sophie’s hand. “I’m used to getting that kind of response when people know about my past, but haven’t seen me yet.”

     “Well Jade is right, you do look very beautiful, and if I didn’t know about your past, I never would have guessed.” Sophie admitted as she looked Stephanie up and down looking for any sign of her once being Stacy’s brother, but all she saw was a pretty woman.

     “I started my transition before puberty started, so I never had any male traits to deal with, other than the one.” Stephanie said as she pointed towards her groin. “But that’s gone now as well.” She added when she saw the question in Sophie and Jade’s eyes, but they both looked too nervous to ask it.

     “Wow, you’re so lucky to have such a cool big sister Stacy.” Sophie said sounding jealous of her friend.

     “I know it can’t be any fun being so far away from home and living in a dorm room, but if you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to call me, or come and chat when I’m at home.” Stephanie said as she pulled the two girls in for a hug. “I don’t mind playing big sister to all of you.” She added with a grin. “I’ll make sure you both have my details before you leave later today.” She promised.

    That would be so cool.” Sophie and Jade said at the same time just before they let out a giggle and enjoyed the hug Stephanie was giving them.

     “Let’s get our jobs done then, so we can all go for a ride.” Stephanie said as she broke the hug and took charge as she started telling the four girls what she needed each of them to do.

    Chloe had to sort out Shadow, her own horse because he wouldn’t let anyone else go near him while Chloe was around, and he wanted his morning mint and a hello from Chloe.

     “Hello boy and how’s my favourite fellow doing today?” Chloe asked as she held out her hand and let Shadow take the mints out of it.

    Shadow took the offered mints and munched on them before making a sound to say thank you, just before he placed his head on Chloe’s shoulder like he was greeting her good morning.

     “That’s a good boy, now go into the field and let me get your stall cleaned out for you, and then we can go out for a nice ride. Would you like that?” Chloe asked.

    Shadow made a sound that could have been mistaken for excitement as he nodded his head up and down. He made his own way out to the field and then waited for Jade to open the gate and let him in. Shadow then bobbed his head down to the ground and picked up a wild flower in his teeth and turned around and walked back to where Jade was just closing the gate again. He dropped the flower in Jade’s hand once she held it open for him to do so.

     “He’s saying thank you for letting him into the field.” Chloe said as she joined Jade at the now closed gate as she looked at the flower in her hand.

     “How did you teach him to do that?” Jade asked looking a little shocked over what just happened.

     “I never taught him anything, he’s just a very smart horse, aren’t you boy?” Chloe said as she stroked the bridge of Shadow’s nose while she listened to him almost purring like a cat.

     “Come on you two, we’ve got work to do!” Stephanie shouted to them from one of the stable doors.

    Chloe and Jade giggled as they ran down the small hill to the stable and got busy helping the others clean out the stalls and put clean hay in them all. They had to get another couple of stalls set up for some more horses that were due to be delivered later in the day, but they didn’t need to hang around to greet them because Tom, Stacy and Stephanie’s father was going to be around, and the owners normally sorted them out anyway.

    Once they had all finished their work, Stephanie and Stacy went into the house to help their mother put a packed lunch together for them all before they went out for their ride.

     “How do you like having your own horse to ride, Jade?” Chloe asked as they saddled up the horses ready to leave when Stacy and Stephanie returned.

     “It’s the coolest thing on the planet, next to having Sophie as my best friend.” Jade grinned as she threw her arms around Sophie and hugged her.

    Sophie had talked her father into buying Jade her own horse to ride, so she could go out with Sophie and the others when Stephanie was home from college at the weekends and on other holidays. Jade had remained a good friend too Sophie while she was going through all her trouble over the death of her mother. Sophie’s father had also paid for Jade’s horse to be stabled with Sophie’s and also bought her a saddle and other things she would need with owning her own horse, and Stacy had talked her father into letting Jade help out at the stables as well to help cover the costs of owning her own horse.

    Jade hadn’t asked for anything in return for remaining Sophie’s friend while she tried to play queen bitch, but Sophie wanted to do something nice, to show Jade just how much her friendship meant to her, and Jade owning her own horse called Rose was just the thing, and their friendship had become even stronger because of it.

    They had the horses saddled up and ready to go by the time Stacy and Stephanie returned with a couple of backpacks full of food and drink for them all. Chloe had packed some mints to feed the horses, and Stephanie had brought an apple for each horse as well.

     “I hear you were riding Snowflake earlier in the week Jade, I hope she behaved for you?” Stephanie asked as they rode along the trail that led up to the cliffs that overlooked the sea, and the place where they would be stopping for lunch.

     “Yes, she was a beautiful horse to ride.” Jade grinned. “Thank you for letting me borrow her.”

     “Technically you need to thank Stacy because I knew nothing about it until I spoke to her later in the day, but I’m glad you enjoyed riding her, and I want to thank you for giving her some exercise” Stephanie said as she patted the side of Snowflakes neck in a loving way that made Snowflake make a sound that let Stephanie know she liked it when she did that to her.

    They reached the spot where Stephanie wanted to stop for lunch, so they all tied off their horses under the shade of a tree before they set up their little picnic, but not before they all gave their horse an apple.

     “Stephanie...?” Sophie asked looking nervous.

     “Yes? And please call me Stephi, all my friends do.” She smiled as she waited to find out what Sophie wanted to ask her, but she had a pretty good idea what it was going to be.

     “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how old were you when you realised something was wrong?” Sophie asked.

     “I think on some level I always knew I was different, but it was when I saw that I just didn’t fit in with the other boys at school, but I would sit and chat for hours with the girls.” Stephanie giggled at the memories of those early days.

     “I hope I look half as good as you do when I’m older.” Jade admitted. “Did you ever look like a boy?” She asked as she found it still hard to believe Stephanie was once one.

     “I was always small for my age, and I had some work done when I was fourteen.” Stephanie said skirting around the reason for the plastic surgery.

     “You had plastic surgery done when you were fourteen...?” Sophie asked looking shocked.

     “I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.” Stephanie frowned. “I was badly beaten, so they had to rebuild a large chunk of my face, and my parents had already talked to me about what I was going to do when I was older, so they asked the doctors to make me look more feminine, and they did.” Stephanie added with a grin.

     “You were beaten up?” Jade asked with pain in her voice. “Was it because they found out about you wanting to be a girl?”

     “Sort of, but it was partly my own fault for being stupid.” Stephanie giggled, but it wasn’t a happy sounding giggle. “I’d already come out to my parents, and I’d also told a couple of girls I classed as good friends. They talked me into going out dressed, so they could see what I looked like, and I looked good enough to pass, and also grab the attention of a cute guy I’d had a crush of forever.” Stephanie added with a roll of her eyes like the others should know what it’s like to have a crush on someone.

     “What happened next?” Sophie asked as she and Jade hung on every word.

     “He asked me if I wanted to grab a soda with him and his friends. I looked at my two friends and they nodded a yes, so we joined them and things were going great. We agreed to meet up the next day and go to a movie and that went fine as well, but I got careless and we started kissing as we left the movies and his hand wandered to a place it never should have been and he found out my secret.” Stephanie said with a shudder as she remembered what happened next. “He screamed out that I was a dude and then he and his friends all laid into me until I was just a bloody mess lying on the floor.” Stephanie added with a sigh.

     “I hope they all got arrested for it.” Jade said sounding angry.

     “They did, but the two girls I thought were my friends backed up the boys story when they lied and said I was trying to have sex with them for money so I could save up for the operation.” Stephanie growled out angrily. “The case was dropped and we moved down here to get away from it all, and everything was fine until just after I left school here and someone found out about me and then let the whole school know about it.” Stephanie added as she looked sadly at Stacy and the trouble she’d had keeping friends since Stephanie’s secret came out, even though it had nothing to do with Stacy.

     “We’ve both had trouble with people we thought to be friends.” Stacy said with anger in her voice.

    Stacy had trusted a girl at school called Tracy Morgan with her sister’s secret, just to have her blab to a couple of other girl so she could become part of a more popular crowd.

     “I hope you know that we’ll never do anything like that Stacy?” Sophie said with her hand on her heart.

     “I don’t have any more secrets for people to find out.” Stacy shrugged “But thanks for the offer.” Stacy added as she looked over at Chloe. She did have more secrets, but she would never let anyone know them, and Stacy already knew that Chloe was a much better friend than Tracy had ever been.

    Chloe had been watching Jade and Sophie for how they reacted to Stephanie to see if she could gauge how they might react to her if they ever found out about her secret, or one of them. Chloe wanted to laugh as she thought about all the secrets she was stacking up at the minute.

    Jade and Sophie had both accepted Stephanie as a young woman, and they seemed angry over what the boys did to her when they found out, so she thought it looked hopeful that she might be able to keep them if they did find out about her, but it would cause other problems, as Chloe was supposed to be a real girl, not transgendered, so Chloe knew she would have to keep her secret for the foreseeable future, and once she had the surgery to make her a girl on the outside to match the inside, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

     “They didn’t sound much like friends to me.” Sophie said as she smiled at Jade in a way that said she knew how lucky she was to have her as a friend. “Do you know why they lied for the boys that beat you up?” Sophie asked.

     “Not sure, but I guess money would have been involved, due to the families of the two boys being very rich.” Stephanie shrugged again. “I try not to dwell on it too much, that sort of thing can drive a girl insane you know?” Stephanie added with a grin.

     “I think it’s too late for that one sis.” Stacy giggled.

     “Hey...! What you trying to say shrimp?” Stephanie asked as she leapt on Stacy and threw her arms around her baby sister to stop her getting away. “You know what this means don’t you?” Stephanie added with an evil laugh, just before Stacy started squealing and trying to get away from her sister as she tickled her.

     “Stacy is really ticklish.” Chloe giggled as she watched Stacy laugh while trying her best to make Stephanie stop tickling her, but she was laughing too hard to stand any chance of stopping her big sister’s attack.

    Jade and Sophie watched as the two of them finally stopped rolling around on the floor, and just lay there looking up at the blue sky giggling. Neither Jade nor Sophie had any older or younger brothers or sisters, so they were a little jealous of what Stacy had, but they were also happy that she had someone like Stephanie to look out for her.

    Stacy knew that Stephanie still thought about what happened all those years ago, so she’d got cheeky to force her sister to forget about it all and have a laugh while she tickled her. Stacy and Stephanie got on far better than most sisters of their two ages did, and Stacy loved the way Stephanie always tried to make sure she had fun when they were together, so it was fine for her to lay down her life once in a while and let her big sister tickle her.

     “Do I get an apology, or do I carry on?” Stephanie asked with an evil look in her eyes as she raised her hand to start the tickling attack again.

     “I’m sorry, I’m sorry big sister.” Stacy pouted as she threw her arms around Stephanie and hugged her. “You’re not insane.” She added in a mumbled voice as she had her head buried in her sister’s chest. “Just slightly mad.” She finished with, which killed the apology dead and set Stephanie off on another tickling session.

    Stephanie did finally stop attacking Stacy, and then they both got to their feet again and brushed off the grass before helping the others to pack away what was left of their picnic lunch ready to continue their ride.


    Chloe was just helping the others to sort out the horses once they got back from the ride when her cell phone starting to vibrate in her pocket, so she pulled it out and saw it was her mother calling her.

     “Hi Mummy.” Chloe said with a grin, she still loved to be able to say that again. “Did you have a fun time on your date last night?” She asked before she gave Valarie time to say hi back.

     “Hello sweetie, yes I had a wonderful time.” Valarie said with a smile to her voice. “How was your sleepover? I hope you remembered to take your pills as well?”

     “It was really cool, and yes I took my pills, Stephanie made sure I took them.” Chloe grinned as she looked at Stacy and Stephanie playing around with Jade and Sophie across the other side of the courtyard. “I wish I could do it again tonight.” Chloe added with a sigh, not wanting the last weekend before school to end.

     “It’s funny you should say that, because I was wondering if you wanted to do it again tonight?” Valarie asked.

     “Really...?” Chloe asked sounding excited. “But that will mean you being in the house all on your own.” Chloe was soon saying with a pout as she felt bad about leaving her mother in the large house all on her own.

     “I won’t be on my own.” Valarie shot back.

     “Oh I see.” Chloe said with a smug tone to her voice.

     “It’s nothing like that young lady.” Valarie said with shock in her voice. “Your Aunty Ash got back a couple of hours ago, not that it would be a problem if Robert did decide he wanted to come over and keep me company.” Valarie added in a matter of fact way.

     “Spirit told me that you spent the night at his house last night.” Chloe let slip before she realised what she was saying.

     “Spirit was spying on me last night?” Valarie’s voice sounded a little worried as to just how much Spirit might have seen.

     “Not spying, just keeping an eye on you, but she left before anything happened.” Chloe tried to explain, but it just made things sound even worse than they already sounded.

     “And just what did you think happened?” Valarie asked.

     “We wouldn’t know because Spirit left before anything happened.” Chloe said it more as a question than stating a fact.

    Valarie just made a weird noise down the phone that let Chloe know she was going to be in trouble if she spoke of this again at any point in the future.

     “Anyway, getting back to the reason for me calling you.” Valarie continued. “Would you really like to stop another night at Stacy’s if it’s alright with her parents?” Valarie asked.

     “I’d love to mummy.” Chloe said excitedly.

     “I’ll give Dorothy a call and make sure it’s okay for you to stop another night then. I’ll let Dorothy say if it’s okay for you to stop, and if it is, I’ll pick you up at lunchtime tomorrow.”

     “Why so early mummy?” Chloe pouted.

     “You have school on Monday and I want you well rested ready for it.” Valarie said in her bossy mother knows best voice. “I’m sure that Stacy’s parents will want her well rested as well ready for Monday.” She added.

    Chloe wasn’t looking forward to going to school, not even now she was a girl, or on her way to being one. James had hated school almost as much as he’d hated going home to face Mark his stepfather. James was a constant source of bullying by the boys and being ignored by the girls, so it stood to reason that now James was Chloe, she was worried about what the other children will treat her like. The only plus side to her going to school as Chloe, was the fact she already had three friends, and she hoped to make many more once she got to know them all. Chloe just hoped she could rely on the gift that Spirit left her when she moved on from haunting her and she became Spirit. The real Chloe had left James with all her memories of growing up to help James adjust to being the new Chloe.

     “Thanks for reminding me about that.” Chloe grumbled into her cell phone when she remembered she still had her mother on the other end. “I’ll wait to hear back from you or Stacy’s mother then, and I’ll see you tomorrow lunchtime if it’s okay for me to stop again tonight.” Chloe added sounding much happier this time as she thought about spending another fun night with Stacy and Stephanie.

     “I’m sure it will be sweetie, so I’ll see you tomorrow lunchtime. Bye bye sweetie.” Valarie said in a happy tone.

     “Bye mummy, love you.” Chloe said back to her just before she ended the call and got back to helping the others sort out the horses.


    They had just finished sorting out the horses and said goodbye to Jade and Sophie, so they could get back to the dorm rooms on the school grounds when Dorothy walked out into the courtyard.

     “Hi mummy...!” Stacy shouted as she ran over and threw her arms around her mother.

     “Stacy...” Dorothy whined. “You smell of horses and are covered in dirt.” Dorothy added with a grumble as she held Stacy at arm’s length to stop her rubbing more dirt on to her clothes. “But even with all that, I still love you.” Dorothy grinned as she pulled Stacy back into a hug and kissed her on the forehead.

     “Love you too mummy” Stacy grinned back when they stopped hugging.

     “I came out to let Chloe know that it’s alright for her to stop another night, that’s if it’s alright with the two of you for her to stop another night?” Dorothy asked with a grin, as she already knew what the response would be, and she wasn’t disappointed when she saw her two daughters pounce on Chloe looking excited.

    Dorothy was just as excited for Stephanie as she was Stacy, as Stephanie had missed out on sleepovers and stuff like that with not transitioning until much later, and them not wanting people to find out about Stephanie’s secret once she did start dressing as a girl full time, so Stephanie was getting to do it all now with Stacy and Chloe.

    Chloe, Stacy and Stephanie soon had everything done out in the stables and were heading into the house to get washed and changed ready for dinner.

    Spirit was sat on the bed Chloe was using in Stacy’s room when Chloe and Stacy entered the bedroom. She was sat with two of the kittens Stacy was keeping out of the litter that Chloe now owned two of herself. Both kittens looked to be enjoying all the fuss they were getting from Spirit as she stroked and rubbed their bellies while they rolled around on the bed either side of her purring like mad.

     “Hi Spirit.” Stacy whispered, trying not to let her mother hear her speaking to Chloe’s ghost of a sister.

     “Hi.” Spirit smiled. “I hope you didn’t mind me waiting in here for you?” Spirit asked as she rose to her feet and gave Stacy a hug.

     “You’re welcome to come visit me anytime now I can see you without needing to touch Chloe first.” Stacy grinned as she liked the idea of having a friend like Spirit. “Do you want to join us for a sleepover tonight?” Stacy asked excitedly.

     “Sure, but I’ll have to hide from your parents when they look in on you through the night.” Spirit warned, but she also looked happy to be included in the sleepover.

     “Will you know when they’re about to do that?” Stacy asked looking worried.

     “Yep, it’s just one of the many things I can do know I’m a junior angel.” Spirit said in a spooky voice as she raised both hands like she was trying to scare Stacy. Stacy just giggled and then she threw her arms around Spirit again and got another hug.

     “What other things can you do now?” Stacy asked.

     “I’ll show you later, once you smell a little sweeter.” Spirit said as she screwed up her noise at the fact Stacy and Chloe both smelt of horses.

    Stacy and Chloe both giggled as they ran off to the bathroom to get cleaned up and changed into their night clothes for the rest of the evening.


    Spirit was still fussing the two kittens and their mother when Chloe, Stacy and Stephanie returned to the bedroom after dinner. Stephanie was now sporting a very cute and sexy looking babydoll nightdress in pink that would cause any man to argue the fact she wasn’t born with a female body. Even Spirit was left speechless when she saw Stephanie enter the bedroom behind the other two girls. Chloe and Stacy were both wearing Hello Kitty nightshirts, and they both looked cute in them, but Stephanie was just screaming pure sexy at anyone who might see her dressed like this.

     “Wow Stephi, you look amazing.” Spirit said with her mouth hanging open. “Are you expecting some boys to turn up?” Spirit asked with a grin.

     “No, but I hope to impress the right boy when he comes along.” Stephanie grinned back as she struck a sexy pose with one hand on her hip and the other behind her head in a classic pinup pose from the 40’s

     “Do you know who that boy might be?” Spirit asked.

     “I do have my eye on one boy, but I’m worried what he might do when he finds out about my past.” Stephanie said looking worried.

     “Do you need to tell him any of that stuff now you’re all woman/” Spirit asked.

     “I wouldn’t feel right building a relationship with a boy if I didn’t explain about my past, and the fact I will never be able to give him children.” Stephanie sighed as she placed a hand on her belly with a faraway look in her eyes that said she wondered what it would feel like to have a little life growing inside her.

     “So you’ll explain everything before you date then?” Spirit asked, not sure Stephanie would get many dates once a boy knew about her past, and the fact she’d had surgery to look like she does today.

     “No, I’d wait to see if things got to the point where I thought we were getting serious.” Stephanie frowned. “I hope that my sexy looks will help them to see who I really am, and even though I won’t be able to give them children, I’m still as much of a woman as the next.” Stephanie added looking hopeful.

     “You’ll find the right boy one day Stephi.” Spirit smiled.

     “Do you know that for a fact?” Stephanie asked like she thought Spirit had seen this in her future.

     “As cool as a gift like that would be to have, sadly I can’t see everyone’s future. It was a onetime deal with my mother, and that was up to the point where she leapt to her death.” Spirit said with a shudder as she still had the memory of seeing her mother jump to her death, and the reason for her getting Chloe to help save her, or a boy called James as it was at the time.

     “Have you dated many boys Stephi?” Chloe asked looking nervous at the thought of a boy coming on to her.

     “I’ve dated a few times, but nothing serious.” Stephanie started to explain. “I want to get my studies out the way and find a job before I start seriously dating.”

     “Daddy would kill any boy that tried to get serious with Stephi before she finished at college.” Stacy pointed out with a frown.

     “Does that mean I’ll want to start dating boys when I’m older?” Chloe asked.

     “Only you can answer that one Chloe, but you’re far too young to start worrying about things like that yet.” Stephanie said as she pulled a worried looking Chloe into her arms. “You just worry about being a normal teenage girl for a couple of years, and then you can see how you feel about boys later.” Stephanie added.

     “I don’t think I want anything to do with boys.” Chloe said, feeling scared of spending any time with one.

     “I can understand you having those feelings at the minute Chloe, but you will soon come to realise that not all boys are like your stepfather, or the other boys you met while living on the streets.” Stephanie added as she hugged the shaking child.

     Chloe just frowned at Stephanie when they finally broke the hug, as if to say she thought Stephanie was insane for thinking she’d ever want to be with a boy.

     “I’m not saying that you will want to be with a boy. You may want to go to bat for our team.” Stephanie added with a grin, which was soon a giggle when she saw the confused look Chloe was giving her. “You may want to find yourself a nice girl to settle down with.” Stephanie explained.

     “But wouldn’t that mean I don’t really want to be a girl though?” Chloe asked looking more confused.

     “No, not at all. I know a couple of girls like us that are happy in a girl on girl relationship.” Stephanie smiled. “How you feel and who you are attracted to are two different things, but finding a girl that will want to be with you can be just as risky as finding a boy.” She warned.

     “This all sounds very confusing Stephi.” Chloe pouted.

     “That’s because you’re too young to be thinking about stuff like this, so just concentrate on being a young teenage girl for now, and see how you feel when you meet the person of your dreams.” Stephanie said in a dreamy voice.

     “I don’t think mother will let you start dating yet anyway sis.” Spirit said. “I can’t see her making any changes to the rules she set out for me before I died.” She warned.

     “Does she have these rules wrote down?” Chloe frowned.

     “No, but I think she makes them up as she goes along.” Spirit giggled.

     “That sounds like our mum.” Stephanie giggled. “I do wonder just how much trouble our mother got into at our age, with some of the rules she lays out for us to follow.” Stephanie added.

     “My mother based some of her books on the things her and Jennifer got up to when they were at school.” Chloe said.

     “Jennifer...?” Stephanie asked with a puzzled look.

     “Miss Scott the head mistress from our school.” Chloe explained.

     “She lets you call her by her first name?” Stephanie asked looking a little shocked.

     “Yes, but she said I’d have to remember to call her Miss Scott when I start school.” Chloe giggled.

     “I’ll have to read these books your mum wrote.” Stacy grinned. “See if I can find something to use against Scottie.” She added with a more evil grin this time.

     “Scottie...?” Chloe asked.

     “Miss Scott, that’s what we call her behind her back.” Stacy explained.

     “That’s not nice.” Chloe whined. “You make her sound like a pet dog.”

     “You won’t feel as sorry for her once you see what she’s like at school, she’s not the same person you’ve seen here or at your place.” Stacy warned. “She’s the headmistress of the school, and she rules the place with an iron fist.” Stacy added with a shudder.

     “Really...? But she seems so nice and friendly.” Chloe said looking even more shocked at this new bit of news.

     “She is, but she can also be the most brutal when it comes to handing out punishments as well. Not many students will get caught doing something wrong twice.” Stacy explained.

     “Stacy’s right Chloe, Miss Scott was great with helping me to fit in when I started at the school, but she also punished me for getting into trouble.” Stephanie agreed.

     “Great, now I’m even more worried about starting school on Monday.” Chloe said looking scared.

     “You’ll be fine as long as you keep out of trouble.” Stephanie reassured her.

     “I’m scared of the other students finding out that I’m not the real Chloe, or even a real girl for that matter.”

     “You are a real girl Chloe, so don’t ever think you’re not.” Stephanie scolded her. “You’re as much of a girl as Stacy and me where it counts here and here.” Stephanie said as she touched Chloe’s head and then her chest where her heart was. “So don’t ever think otherwise.”

     “Not when I’m naked.” Chloe pointed out.

     “For the time being, but you won’t be getting undressed in front of anyone at school thanks to Dr Kaufman giving you a note to get you out of gym class, and Miss Scott will make sure you don’t get put in a spot where anyone else will find out as well.” Stephanie said reassuringly.

     “You’ve also got me to help you keep your secret as well.” Stacy said as she joined the hug Chloe was having with Stephanie.

     “And don’t forget about me.” Spirit said with a grin as she stepped closer and found herself being pulled into the group hug.

     “What will you be able to do once I’m at school? You’re dead remember.” Chloe asked.

     “I can pretend to be you if needed.” Spirit said as she changed her look until she was the spitting image of Chloe, even down to being in matching nightshirt and slippers.

     “Wow...! When did you learn to do that?” Chloe asked looking a little freaked out as she looked at herself, sort off. “Are you the same as me all over?” Chloe asked as she pointed towards Spirit’s groin area.

     “No, I can keep my girly parts down there.” She explained with a sad look when she saw the look in Chloe’s eyes that said she wished she looked just like Spirit did right now, and how much trouble it would solve if she did.

     “Can you pretend to be anyone, or is it just Chloe you can become?” Stephanie asked as she looked at the two Chloe’s stood in front of her.

    Spirit answered Stephanie’s question by morphing into a copy of her. “You have a great body Stephi.” Spirit said sounding just like her.

     “Thanks Spirit.” Stephanie grinned as she walked around the copy of herself. “Wow... This is so freaky, cool, but freaky.” She giggled as she clapped her hands together.

     “Do me, do me.” Stacy said excitedly as she started jumping up and down on the spot acting like a small child wanting something.

    Spirit was soon stood facing Stacy looking like her twin, which just made Stacy act even more excited. Spirit was soon turning invisible when the bedroom door opened and Dorothy was stood there wanting to know what all the noise was.

     “Stacy...! Please stop bouncing around. It sounds like you’re about to come through the floor.” Dorothy scolded her.

    Stacy’s bedroom was right above the living room, so her jumping up and down would have been quite loud for anyone sat beneath them.

     “Sorry mummy.” Stacy pouted.

     “What’s got you so excited anyway?” Dorothy asked as she looked around the room trying to see what they were up to.

     “I’m just really excited about starting school on Monday with my new friend.” Stacy lied.

    Dorothy went to say something, but then thought better of it and closed her mouth again as she looked at Stacy with a strange look on her face. “Even though I was once a teenager myself, I really don’t understand you these days.” She said with a shake of her head as she turned and left the bedroom again, closing the door behind her.

     “Excited about starting school?” Stephanie asked. “That’s the best thing you could come up with on the spot?”

     “What would you have said then smarty pants?” Stacy shot back at her sister as she stood with her hands on her hips trying to look angry.

     “Sorry, but we were just dancing to a song or something like that.” Stephanie replied.

     “Dancing to a song on the music system that isn’t even turned on?” Stacy argued as she pointed at the music system she had in her room. “I think that would have told mum we were up to something we shouldn’t be doing.” Stacy added sounding smug with herself.

     “Point taken.” Stephanie admitted.

     “And besides, I am looking forward to starting school on Monday, now I have Chloe as my best friend, and Jade and Sophie said they wanted to hang with us as well.” Stacy grinned.

     “Part of me wishes I could join you at school again.” Stephanie sighed. “I have a feeling the two of you are in for a fun filled time with Spirit around.”

    Spirit repapered just then looking like herself again. “That was close.” She said with a frown.

     “I thought you said you could sense when our parents were coming?” Stacy asked.

     “I can normally, but not when I’m focusing on holding another person’s form.” Spirit pointed out. “It takes a lot of energy to change my form, so I won’t be doing it very often.” Spirit changed her clothes to match the nightdress that Chloe was wearing, so she could join in the fun.

    Stephanie spent some time showing Chloe how to put nail polish on and then they spent some time playing around with makeup. Stephanie, Stacy and Spirit all had a pretty good idea how to use makeup, so the evening was more for Chloe to learn about being a better girl.

    Spirit had to turn invisible again later in the night when Dorothy came back up to tell them it was time for bed. Stephanie was going to share Stacy’s bed with her, and Spirit was going to sleep with Chloe, but she’d have to join Chloe once Dorothy had left the room.

    Chloe was soon cuddled up to her sister and falling asleep with a smile on her face. Spirit was just as happy to have Chloe cuddled up to her as she too found herself drifting off to sleep for the first time since she died and came back as a spirit guide.



To Be Continued Next Tuesday  GRIN


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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