Hey folks. Just checking in. Remember when I never used to post updates?
Good times.
Anyway, the ending of Being Christina Chase is pretty much in the can. All the stuff is written. I'm still obsessively rewriting things, mostly changing words here or there, indulging in the narcissism of small differences.
But we're going to get this ball rolling. Seph, who as you may know helps keep the lights on, is gonna start putting chapters out there. I think we're going with a Sunday schedule this time, so chapter 45 should be out for public consumption this Sunday afternoon. Ten weeks, and we're out. That's a nice round number.
So that's it. Just another heads up. For my three fans who've been waiting, here you go. No more interruptions (if we can help it). I hope you like the ending. If you don't, well, as they say, if you're gonna make an omelet, shoot one of the hostages. Otherwise no one will take you seriously.
I am looking forward to the end
Oh My Gaaawwdd...
Really?! Really, really, REALLY, r-e-a-l-l-y...?!
Oh my god. Now I am soooo happy. I do the dance of joy!
Hai-lai-lai. La-la-la-lai-lai-lai. La-la-la-lai-lai-lai. La-la-la-lai-lah. LaH!
I am getting all emotional.
I can't wait!
At last
I was a school girl when you started it, I'm now a granny!
Seriously, I look forward to reading the new chapters, and thank you.
Thanks :)
Woot Woot
I am very much looking forward to this. I very much liked the story and was sad when it just stopped.
Thank you for picking it up again
Congrats and a request...
First and foremost, Congratulations for writing and FINISHING this great story!
And now the request, would it be possible to post the whole thing as one file? In any format you choose, txt, doc, rtf, epub... but all 45 chapters, then we readers can load it onto our various tablets/e-readers?
I remember reading that Erin and BC has a cloud server that can be used to this type of thing.
Either way, a HUGE well done!
Yeah sure
Once it's all out there I'll see what we can do. I've been going back and fixing minor speling errrors in the old chapters so there's a good clean version of the story out there. I'm sure we can slap it into a pdf or an ebook or whatever.
Seriously though, it's kinda long. Still blows my mind that people read stuff that long.
The Series Index Page Can Provide a Single File
When The series is finished posting, clicking the "Printer-Friendly Version" link on the series index page (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/title-page/3034/being-christina-chase) will produce a single HTML version of the series.
An ebook and/or Mobi file would be great.
I would Love to have Admiral Krunch
publish his baby! ^^ Sell it on Amazon.com :) hey! At least get paid for all that imagineering you did!
I will buy it if it is. And even moreso if you decide to do it in paperback or hardback versions like from Lulu.com.
Do a limited signing of those! hehehehe! Ill pay for whatever it takes to get that book!
Long story
Long? Long! That's not long. A good story can never be long. It can certainly be short, but never long. This is a good story. And as a good story can not be long, this story also can not be long. In summary good story= not long = this story, it's just basic math really :)
Looking forward to the rest.
Where ever you go ...
I do hope that you keep on writing, where ever you go. You are quite good.
Thank you
Hurray! By coincidence, I just finished a re-read of the existing chapters last night.
REALLY looking forward to the new ones!
I Wonder...
If it'll be an ending like in "History of the World, Part I"...
You Know What's Really Welcome News?
While I welcome more chapters of Christina Chase, the really cool news is that Admiral Krunch is back!
Missed you!
Good friends are hard to find.
Christina Chase
By accident I read your story at a time when I was no longer interested
in reading. Then Christina Chase caught my attention. I could not stop
reading it. I have waited. The wait has paid off. The Admiral with
the big Krunch is back. A lessor officer with a lesser bite, a nibble
at the most salutes your return.
Kaptin Nibbles
That is very very AWESOME I happen to <3 the christain chase story it took me about a week to read it from start to finish(would have been less if I didn't need pesky things like sleep an food an at the time cig's) But I really enjoyed it alot.
It looks like I've got a
It looks like I've got a reread to do. This will be the third time through and I'm looking forward to it! Heck, I only read the Lord of the Rings once!
thank you
Thank you for the update I read every chapter that is up and was hopping that it would be continued as I want to find out how Chris comes out or finds a way to be the person that they truly are inside. As others have stated would be willing to have to read again as a whole story so whether you put it up as a file to be downloaded or as one too be purchased it is another of my favorites
Will begin my re-read
to try to be ready. Agree on request for one file compilation.
We are more than three.
I really enjoyed the early chapters and almost can't wait to read the rest.
Have to Start Re-Reading...
This of course means I'll have to start re-reading everything! (I didn't want to jinx it before ;-) ) I'm really looking forward to seeing the last part of your work. And, if/when you get around to putting it up for sale I will certainly purchase a copy! Can't wait!
I just posted to Chapter 52
then thought to look here for anything you might have written on BCC. I still think that I am right about Christina. The good doctor dies when his job is done. Christina's job is decidedly not done. Yes, she could die in the terrible storm she is fleeing into, an homage to the pointless tragedy that life can often seem. But great literature, even tragic literature, is seldom about pointlessness. After all, if the purpose of a novel is to shout "Why Bother!", then why bother to read the thing in the first place? Great literature finds meaning in tragedy, just as each of us must do in our own lives if we are to maintain anything resembling dignity and heart. This story has dignity and heart.