Hey folks. I have a quick note on Being Christina Chase. It seems that some people thought chapter 46 was the last chapter. It's not. There are 54 chapters in total. They've all been written, and while I'm still doing minor revisions and waiting for some feedback from Holly, things are done.
The original plan was 52 chapters, cause one chapter a week seemed like a good plan. As you know, that didn't quite work out.
I haven't written any additional material nor was anything changed from the master plan. It just turns out for pacing reasons that things ended up fitting in 54 buckets better than 52. So, barring unforeseen circumstances, there'll be one chapter posted every Sunday until we hit chapter 54.
Hopefully when the last chapter is out, it should be obvious that it is an ending and things should be tied up with a big shiny bow. Does that mean everything thing will be 100% wrapped up unambiguously? Probably not, but the arc of the novel will be complete.
So that's it. Just a heads up. 54 chapters, and out. Then you won't have ol' Admiral Krunch to kick around anymore.
It is so sad to hear those words
I guess we readers get difficult at times. You have written a character that we all have fallen in love with. That is something special.
Thank you for the gift of having Christina Chase in my life.
Cassie Ellen
I am pretty sure Krunchy is just being facetious
I just look forward to it being ended in a tidy fashion or in a fashion that allows a second book by somebody who can step into some big shoes so to speak.
I say we keep kicking the Admiral until another story pops out!
Thanks for this great story!
I say we keep hugging the Admiral until another story comes out.
I mean seriously I want more of this stuff its like a neural drug or something.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.
Leigh Veritas
Say the secret word and win fifty dollars. Its a common word,...
An everyday word.
" Hey, wait a minute. That's a number, not a word."
I"i said fifty-four and I mean it.
It's a good Republican 54 and my daughters love it. In fact they've named it Checkers. And we're keeping him, un her, him, um ... Those danged people at BC keep changing her, I mean his sex.
Like O.M.G. now I'm a girl!
* * * * *
WHAT? He didn't say that?
Oh well. But 54 sounds good to me, Admiral Crunch.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Thanks for the clarification. I look forward to seeing how things work out. :-)
As to R. Millhouse's photo... He's actually the only President I've seen in person. (Of course, he appeared to only be about an inch tall - standing on the stairs to his plane waving at us - yes, we were that far away.)