I don’t know why, but sometimes I feel dishonest somehow for posting stories on this site. It’s hard to explain, but here it goes. I’m not transitioning, nor do I have any plans to transition from male to female in the near future, but sometimes I feel that the desire to transition is some kind of unwritten prerequisite for posting on a site that’s a friendly place to read and write TG fiction. Despite this nagging feeling, I felt it necessary to post, just like I felt it necessary to write these stories in the first place-especially Reaching the Point of No Regrets-as a way to sort through and try to make sense of all of my confusing feelings, especially the feeling that it’s like there are two souls battling it out within me, tearing me apart in the process. Anyway, I just didn’t want to give anyone the wrong impression about who I am. There are enough lies in my life as it is.
TS Prereq?
There is no TS prereq for this site, which is a good thing. Because if there was, I would fail it, and most of my close friends would fail it too..
we are not! ^^ This is a writing site! So write to your heart's content.
We grade your writing in 7 different ways so that we can get to your innermost depths of feeling, to get to know the real you!
Everyone is important.
Neither is a lot of the population here
I'm not transitioning. The people who like dressing in the clothes only, aren't transitioning....not even all the girls on here who want to transition are transitioning...it doesn't matter to your readers if you are boy/girl/both/other. It is a story site for people who want to write stories. You're a people, so write 'em and post 'em. :)
Statistically, no
Considering the percentage of T people who do transition it is similarly ( though not quite a small percentage but ...) small for the authors/readership here. I would venture to say the bulk of people here will not do so and this is a way to vent their desires, if any. I will not transition as I am already transitioned and done, so it is just fun to read, though certain subject matter gets tiresome for me and I stay away from those types of stories.
What she said!
Kim said it perfectly. :-)
If there was a transitioning TS prerequisite on this site there would be a much, much smaller number of writers and readers on this site. I'd probably loose a substantial chunk of the comments and kudos I have for a start!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I tend to agree
with what has been said. Many people have a fascination with the concept, but not for themselves.
If it ever came to pass that body modifications (as in the MAU series) became cheap, safe, and reliable a lot of people would experiment, but we are no where close to that ideal. So we explore the concepts as best we can.
Or, in one of the little phrases I use for myself, it is interesting how motivating the promise of having one's manhood removed can be. Most people would agree totally, but have a much different take on it than I do.
Many people might disagree with me on this, that is OK, as it is part of how I am dealing with my personal situation. True gender dysphoria, the kind that drives people to transition, is a rare birth defect. We just have to deal with it as best we can, and not everyone needs to go this far.
You aren't required to be transsexual to post here, the only requirements are to be kind and courteous to everyone around you :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Write what you want
when you want and post it if you wish. Providing it falls within the guidelines of the site and is coherent, people will read it. They are more likely to comment on the content than the author.
Many people who post here are working through issues, though not necessarily those of transitioning. In fact those who do eventually seek to permanently move from one gender to the other are probably quite small in number compared to those who make up the rest of the continuum of transgender, varying from those who have a passing interest to those with a 100% commitment.
It is a place of safety in which you can play with ideas and get feedback, so feel free to experiment in safety. You won't feel any pressure to change your life except possibly to write more often if readers enjoy your offerings.
Welcome to BC.
There is no such unwritten
There is no such unwritten prerequisite. Though I am post-op and fully transitioned so to speak, I don't expect anyone else to do the same. One of the key themes I feel that Bigcloset has is accepting who we are, whether or not that conforms to greater society's norms. If you are someone who does not have a need to transition, then we respect that. I'm quite happy that you're writing. If there was such a prequisite here, then I would not be able to enjoy Reaching the Point of No Regrets. I strongly urge you to keep being who you are and keep writing and doing what you enjoy. Thank you for contributing.
Well you'll have read all the other comments ...
You'll have realised that all of us on BC (Big Closet) have more or less the same message. The transgendered spectrum covers a whole host of gender situations from the full post-operative individual who has fully transitioned from either male to female or femnale to male right through to the simple transvestite who only needs to cross-dress occasionally. Around those two simplistic positions there are a plethora of gender and sexuality variations so don't worry about feeling a phony or feeling that somehow you are living a lie. None of us are 'living-a-lie' insofar as we post to this site because the very act of joining this site and then posting to it is usually an indicator that the newcomer has some sort of issues. Those issues are their concern alone and NOBODY has any right to criticise or condemn another for some perceived flaw or transgression.
As several have written before me, provided you are courteous and kind you are welcome on this site. If you inadvertently cross any boundary lines the moderators will gently explain to you why they think you might have crossed the lines of courtesy. I will confess I have mistakenly crossed a line and been gently admonished by a moderator via a PM (personal message) usually because of some political comment that might invite abuse from various other sources external to the site.
So dear Drew.
Write what you want, post what you want just be courteous, considerate and compassionate. I might repeat what's been said in other replies. There's no knowing what percentages of us on BC who are this gender or that gender, this sexuality or that sexuality, so never worry about your own circumstances. One of the most important aspects of this site is the sympathy and empathy you will share and enjoy from other members. Another aspect of this site is that some of us have gone on to form real life friendships outside of the electronic, internet spectrum. That can be nice as well for occasionally this site ameliorates some real life loneliness as individuals who have been tormented by their problems, have found support, sympathy and friendship here.
You will have noticed I have not mentioned to you my own gender or sexuality although it's out there on BC. The reason I have not bothered to declare it to you is because on Big Closet, IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER. If you want the information I can PM (Private message) you. It's no secret but here, it doesn't really matter.
Happy writing Drew!
It is a rare thing. I think this site has done more to teach me to be accepting and non-judgmental than most. Of course, coming out to myself didn't hurt, I had a good base previous to that, but here it is enforced. There have been a few PMs I regret sending, if I had to do it over again I wouldn't. But then, mistakes are how we learn.
Drew, just be yourself.
We are a family here where you can be who you truly are.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Whether you transition or
Whether you transition or not, cross-dress or not, it does not matter. I think that any viewpoint would be welcome here at least that is my understanding. Never try to be that which you are not, just for acceptance. lol.
Lord I hope not. I've been discovering the depth and breadth of my gender since I was eight or nine-years-old. Never in that time have I ever considered transitioning. I've been married 47 years to the same woman, raised to daughters all while expressing my feminine nature. Now at 67, 68 come March 1st, I wear nearly exclusively women's clothes, including nightwear. (I most often present as male by wearing androgynous women's clothes.) Except for the shower, I'm never without breast forms. If it were financially possible and my wife wouldn't freak, I'd love to have breast implants, yet the very thought of gender reassignment surgery actually makes me a little ill.
I am a feminine male and I'm happy that way. I post both blog entries and stories on this site. I think that your confusion about this seeming perquisite it that our TS sisters tend to be a bit more outspoken than the rest of us. But they've never said anything that makes me feel unwelcome here.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement!
Just keep writing and posting!
I am not a writer, as I have said several times in other blogs, but I do enjoy reading the stories and blogs written here. Like many, I am hooked on several of the stories, and anxiously await each new episode daily or weekly as the case may be.
I also am not transitioning, nor have any plans to do so. I am transgendered, and I think my stop on this train ride is somewhere near the middle. I have been asked several times how far along I am in transitioning, and I always tell them I am not transitioning, but just enjoy wearing the clothing.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm