Sorry to have taken so long on the update, but I am still waiting on something in the real world which hopefully will allow me to actually put something together.
So far, it's looking like step one will happen on 22 Jan and as far as I'm aware, everything should end about four weeks maximum after that. Once all that's happened, then it will be all systems go - or not, depending upon the outcome. I of course, am being positive and expecting that I will be able to put this together, but I have to accept it may not happen.
Okay, that's where I am in the proceedings.
Here we go with answers to questions in no particular order.
- Nom de plume
- Categories
- Fan fiction
- Universes
- Story length
1. Nom de plume
I cannot see any issues with setting up for nom de plumes. If the story's yours, there's nothing to stop you from publishing under any nom de plume. If you contravene any copyrights however, it's for you to sort out.
2. Categories
The stories published will not have to be TG or indeed any other LGBT oriented subject. They are welcome, but so too are more mainstream categories.
Fan fiction
At this point, no.
Copyrights on these are a bloody minefield, so it's best until I know more about it, just to say no. This may change.
For the same reasons as the above, unless you created/own the universe, I'd have to say no. This may also change.
Story length
I'm still looking into this one as a minimum price per book may well be determined by the cost of the payment gateway.
Now, nothing's set in stone and whilst I really want to go ahead with this, I'm not looking to do it for nothing. I have to ensure that this is viable. I would hope to be able to keep it going for a year, but if after that it fails to at least pay for itself, I would have to look at it again and think about whether I can afford to put more money into the venture or just close it down.
Of course, this is all assuming that the 22nd Jan and the things that follow, all go according to plan. If so, I think there's every possibility that I will go ahead, but I hope this answers the questions I've been asked so far.
watching with interest
Any extra avenue to expose myself to people with money:)
There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!
Tanya ... watch this space
I'm not guaranteeing anything, but I really hope you're still interested if I can get it together.