It doesn't look as though I am going to be able to start the website as I planned.
There are many reasons, not least of which is the availability of funds - or lack thereof.
It's a shame I know, but in looking into the possibilities, I have discovered to my chagrin that start-up costs could make this venture prohibitive (ISBN numbers and DRM - they represent a large outlay right off the bat). The biggest shame is that B&N, Smashwords, Amazon and many of the other companies, require non-US authors to jump through fiery hoops in order to be paid without losing one third of their royalties to the IRS, the one thing I hoped to be able to avoid for others too.
It's not a done deal that I won't give this a try, and I am trying to find ways round and through this, but at the moment, it's not looking good.
Sorry chaps and chapesses, but I'll keep you in the loop if things change.
DRM is basically a no show. It doesn't work and it annoys people; if it costs money, dispense with it. It has certainly never been shown to INCREASE sales. Lulu no longer uses it for most of their ebook offerings.
As far as ISBNs go, a block of 1000 ISBN's costs $1000 here in the US. In the UK, according to this website: They cost about £800, which is a bit more than the US price but still ought to be doable. A block of 100 is about half that much which could get you started. Maybe the EU and UK members of BC can invest?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
As I'm sure others will rightly tell you, don't worry about DRM. It doesn't increase sales, it's relatively easy to break any form of DRM, and it merely inconveniences those who purchased the product legally.
There are many successful companies that do not use any form of DRM, for one. It's expensive for you and will provide no benefits. Just cast that aside.
Also, why do you need ISBN numbers? You're not printing books, are you? Just ignore them and publish the stories online. If your business becomes successful and you later require them you then have the capital to invest.
The more I see these things
the more I know I need to hit the lottery before I go and secure BCTS's future and help with that startup of Nick's. 100 million + after taxes and fees would be such a help and I can get so much with it done. ^^
You have a good heart, Sephrenia
Without the DRM and ISBN numbers, which aren't absolutely necessary anyway, I am still hoping to be able to get something together.
Nil desperandum as they say (or something similar anyway).