I always love how things are assumed by people. Many think that because the news spins it one way that its true. Sadly this is not the case.
Here is an example: "Manitoba is the homicide capitol of Canada."
Really? http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/l...
as you can see Ontario has 161 while Manitoba has 53.
This is just an example.
Just because the news says something out of context doesn't mean its true. It can also be offensive to people just please refrain from posting generalized comments as fact.
You may have missed it in the
You may have missed it in the recent news, but Chicago had its 500th homicide a few days ago.
is an interesting school of thought. It is unpredictable among other things.
One of my math teachers in the Community College from which I received my Associates Degree had a favorite saying that he was fond of stating. He was a statistics teacher, but the math class I had under him was not a statistics class - in fact, I have never taken a statistics class!
Here is his saying:
"Statistics has never proved anything. And I have the statistics to prove it!"
Perhaps 'Sadistics' is the correct word!!!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Statistics are nasty, wriggly, slimy things that can be read almost any way one wants them to.
Perhaps the intent of the original statement was more along the lines of "Manitoba is the homicide capital of Canada when deaths are measured as a proportion of the population.
Sure, Ontario has a greater number of murders but it probably has a much greater population than Manitoba. It is the rate per 1,000 (whatever...) that matters here.
Just sayin'.
if we can trust wikipedia
If we can trust wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Canada#Crime_statistic... the murder rate in Manitoba isn't the highest.
One more Zero
Just add one more zero to your rate Penny. Per capita when they are talking about crime is per 10,000 population. That is the reason why the small city I live in has per capita, the highest number of HIV patients in the entire Commonweath of Massachusetts or at least that is what it was several years ago.
I have always thought.
That the neighbors of the north who have there own problems to be sure, solves there problems in less violent ways. This in my mind makes them very admirable. And possibly saner.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
You are a little misinformed when it comes to reading statistics. Statistics are never read straight up like that. Manitoba has a population of of 1 million people. Ontario has a population of 13.5 million people. Proportionally, the homicide rate in Manitoba is significantly higher.
I appreciate that people don't like having negatives pointed out about their homes. No one does. However, ignoring your own problems because the facts are unpleasant is not helpful. What happens in Manitoba is quite worrying. Don't ignore the problem.
This might be worth a look. I'm sure you'll be happy to note that the violent crime rate in Canada is not as high in Manitoba as it is elsewhere, but I'd like to draw your attention to the fact hat it is significantly lower in Ontario. In 2006, Ontario had the lowest crime rates in Canada (for the third straight year).
the stats for 'murder capital'
are based on population size. You divide the number of murders by the population of a province under consideration then multiply it by 100,000. This gives the percapita number.
Since Ontarios's population is many times higher than Manitoba its harder to drive their percapita number up.
So this isn't an assumption gone wrong. Its just not fully explained.
A toss up...
in the United States it's a choice between either Community General Hospital in Los Angeles or the entire town of Cabot Cove, aye? And don't forget that Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital is the world capital for exotic and rare diseases (It's never lupus!).
Love, Andrea Lena