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Chapter Six
The talk about Neal had died down a little at school after the first day shock of hearing about his death after a police chase and the car Neal had stolen bursting into flames. Sara did wonder where Karl got the body from that the police found in the burned out wreck, but another part of her didn’t want to know.
Jo seemed a little distracted at lunchtime when he met up with the girls, but he didn’t seem willing to talk about what it was bothering him, and Sara had promised not to read his mind, so she decided to wait until he told her himself, like a normal girlfriend would.
The weather was nicer today so they all went out and sat in the sun under their favourite tree to soak up some UV rays.
“What’s wrong Jo? Please tell me.” Sara finally begged.
“It’s nothing Saz, don’t worry about it.” Jo lied badly.
“But I do worry about it; I’m worried about you, so please tell me what’s bothering you?” Sara begged again.
“It’s just something some of the guys in my classes have started saying, it kind of pissed me off a little bit, but I’ll be okay.” Jo said shrugging off Sara’s worry for him.
“What are they saying?” Sara asked with some anger in her voice.
Jo looked at Sara like he was trying to work out whether or not to tell her, but his look turned to one of defeat and he started to speak after letting out a sigh. “They think that I’m cursed or something because first Mike got killed and now Neal has been killed. They think that being friends with me isn’t healthy for them.”
“But you know that’s just a crock right? Mike and Neal aren’t dead, and none of what happened is your fault.” Sara argued.
“I know that, but it’s pretty hard to argue with them when you can’t tell them the truth.” Jo sighed. “It’s just not very funny being told that you’re cursed and you got your best friend killed.” Jo grumbled.
“I’m sorry baby.” Sara said as she cuddled up to him. “If anyone is bad luck around here it’s me for finding that ring and making that wish in the first place.” Sara added with a sigh.
“Now you’re the one being silly.” Michelle frowned as she slapped Sara on the leg. “You’ve done far too much good to even think you did anything wrong finding that ring and making that wish.” Michelle pointed out.
“Your biased because of Sheana and how you look now.” Sara smirked as she looked at Michelle and Sheana sat side by side holding hands where no one could see them doing so.
“True, but do you really regret doing any of it yourself?” Michelle asked with a grin.
“No, not really, but it’s got nothing to do with Jo either, so I can’t see why he should feel so down about it.” Sara argued.
“The guys in Jo’s classes are a bunch of morons, and I’d be amazed if they had a single brain cell between all of them.” Michelle rolled her eyes. “And you’re just as bad for letting them get to you.” Michelle added as she slapped Jo on the arm.
“Gees Michelle, you’re in a crabby mood today.” Jo said as he rubbed his arm.
“Wrong time of the month.” Michelle grumbled.
“Oh right, I’d forgotten about that.” Jo said with a pained look. “Sorry.”
“I’ll let you off this time then.” Michelle smiled just before she slapped him again.
“What was that one for?!” Jo asked as he rubbed his arm even more now trying to make the pain go away.
“I’ll think of something later.” Michelle shrugged as she went back to resting her head on Sheana’s shoulder.
“You’re two pounds of crazy in a one pound bag, do you know that?” Jo grumbled as he kept rubbing his arm. “Here, chew on this and stop hitting me.” Jo added as he pulled a chocolate bar out his bag for them all to share.
“MMM, chocolate.” Michelle grinned as she ripped the packet open and started breaking off chunks for them all.
“Nice to see you came prepared.” Sara smiled up at him as he broke off some of the chocolate that Michelle had given him to share with Sara.
“When you hang out with three women it’s best to have a way to calm them when they get angry with you.” Jo said looking smug.
The chocolate was soon gone and then they returned to the school building for their afternoon lessons. Jo seemed happier now he’d spoken with the other three about him being labelled a curse.
All four of them were excited to finish school and get home so they could change and then go over to see Natalie again. They had all had a lot of fun the night before, and they were all worried about her still.
“Will Josie be coming with us again?” Sara asked Jo as they walked back to her house.
“I guess so, as I don’t think Natalie is going to be safe around me like this just yet.” Jo frowned. “And it’s the only way I can still get to see you.” Jo grinned as he threw his arm around Sara and pulled her closer for a kiss.
“I hope you realise that all this playing down being Josie isn’t fooling any of us anymore.” Sara grinned. “I know you like being Josie; we all saw how excited you got when we were trying on Natalie’s new clothes.” Sara added with a raised eyebrow as she waited for Jo to argue with her.
“Okay I don’t mind spending time as Josie, but it doesn’t mean I want to be her all the time.” Jo shrugged. “I find being her helps me to understand you all a little better, and some of the clothes do feel nice.” Jo blushed.
“I’d never ask you to be her all the time. I like having my Jo around too much for that.” Sara said just before she leaned in for another kiss.
They were soon all at Sara’s saying ‘Hi’ to Prue and Jenna before they went up to Sara’s bedroom to get their homework done. Once that was done they went down and helped with dinner and entertained Jenna, but not before Jo slipped on the ring that turned him into Josie.
Sara helped Josie get dressed before they went down to see what sort of fun Sheana and Michelle were having with Jenna.
Karen and Sandy got home from work and they all enjoyed the meal Prue had cooked, then the girls got the dishes washed and put away with some help from Jenna before they all grabbed some bits to take over for Natalie. Josie had grabbed some CD’s that she found out Natalie liked. With her being under house arrest for want of a better word, Natalie wanted some music and magazines to read while spending all her time in Hypatia’s large mansion. Sara and Michelle had picked out some old magazines with some good articles on applying makeup and hair care.
One of the other problems that Natalie had found was the fact she didn’t sleep anymore either, other than when she tried to go out in the daylight that was, then she would just fall to the ground out for the count until she was taken back inside. She could walk past a window without falling under the suns spell, but she couldn’t stand at a window for any length of time with the sun on her. Sheana had helped to fix that little problem with a charmed ring the night before.
“Can I’s come with you’s?” Jenna asked with a pout. “I’s not see’s much of any you’s.” She added with a whine.
“I can’t see why not, and I’m sure that Natalie would love to see you.” Sara said as she picked Jenna up. “We better go and make sure it’s okay with Prue though.” Sara added as she went to find Prue while still carrying Jenna.
Prue was sat in the living room talking to Karen and Sandy when Sara found her.
“Can I goes with Sara and de others to see’s Natalie?” Jenna asked before Sara could say a word.
Prue looked to be giving it some thought before she finally answered. “Yes you can, and I’ll come with you because I need to have a word with Tia and Sammi.” Prue smiled as she got to her feet.
Sara didn’t need to read Prue’s mind to know that she was just saying that because she was worried about Jenna being around Natalie until Prue knew Natalie was safe from wanting to attack anyone. Prue had heard how Sara had to hold Natalie down while Sheana blinked Jo away the other night when Hypatia lowered the shield she’d had around Natalie to help her adjust to being a half blood.
Jenna being as young in mind as she was didn’t have the same restraints on reading peoples thoughts and she picked up on Prue’s worries.
“She’d not hurt me sis.” Jenna frowned. “You needs to have more trusts in people.” Jenna grumbled.
“When it comes to you Jen bear, I can never be too careful.” Prue smiled as she took Jenna out of Sara’s arms and kissed her on the cheek just before she hugged her baby sister.
Jenna just giggled, happy with the reason for Prue’s coming along, and the fact she worried about her so much. The two of them had become even closer since Jenna thought she’d lost her sister when Valeck kidnapped her and made them all think she was dead twice. The first time when they found Prue’s ring and no trace of her mind, and then again when Sara did battle with a clone the commander and Valeck had made. Sara had killed the clone thinking she’d been forced to kill her friend, but things got worse when Valeck had planted a canister of sleeping gas in the clone’s body. The commander would have gotten his hands on Sara if not for Hypatia coming to the rescue in her dragon form.
Sara didn’t miss the cat and mouse games with the commander as much when she thought back to that time, and how different things might have turned out if not for Hypatia saving her and Sheana. Karl was a much better person to run the secret government soldier unit, and other than keeping the peace between humans and the supernatural, his job was pretty simple most the time.
They were soon ready to blink over to Hypatia’s, so they all got out their cell phones and punched in the number on the app and blinked, all apart from Prue who just formed her battle armour and blinked her and Jenna over by touching her belt while thinking of where she wanted to go.
Samantha had rigged up a door chime to sound whenever someone blinked into the hallway, so she and Hypatia would know when someone dropped in on them, and now Natalie also knew when they had a visitor. This was proven when they all saw a smiling Natalie come skipping into view from the dayroom where Sara trained with Hypatia.
Natalie was dressed in a pink summer dress and had matching nail polish, as well as her hair and makeup looking perfect. She was also wearing a pair of sandals with a two inch heel, which she seemed to be able to walk in like she’d been a girl all her life.
“Hi Nat’s, wow you look amazing.” Sara said as she stepped over and hugged a grinning Natalie.
“Thanks Sara. Mother took the day off work to teach me some more things.” Natalie beamed with pride using all the hand gestures that any teenage girl would use.
“Mother...?” Sara asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, Sammi has let me start calling her my mum and it’s so amazingly cool!” Natalie said as she started jumping up and down excitedly.
“Sandy said that Sammi had taken the day off to sort out some family matters, but I never realised you were the family matter.” Sara grinned as she finally managed to hug a bouncing Natalie again. “I’m really happy for you Nat.”
“Does that mean you get to call Tia, Nan, or Gran?” Josie asked with a giggle. Josie was soon letting out a squeal though when she heard a voice whisper in her ear.
“No she will continue to call me Tia or mistress.” Hypatia said. She’d managed to walk up behind Josie without Josie realising she was there. “I don’t look old enough to be a Nan or a Gran.” She added with a smirk as she looked at a shaking Josie clinging onto Sara for protection from the thing that just made her jump out of her skin.
“Hi Tia.” Sara said between giggles. “Why would Nat need to call you Mistress?” Sara asked with a puzzled look.
“I don’t think it would be polite for me to let Natalie call me Tia while she’s performing her duties as a maid.” Hypatia explained.
“A maid?” Sara asked looking shocked now.
“Yes, the child needs to learn some manners and the house could do with someone to keep it clean and help with the preparation of the meals.” Hypatia said in a matter of fact way. “I think it’s the least she can do for me letting her live here.” She added.
“Are you okay with all this Nat?” Sara asked, worried that Hypatia might be coming across as being a little strict with her house guest.
“I’m fine with it Sara; and I’ll feel better living here if I think I’m earning my keep.” Natalie smiled. “It helps to pass the time as well now I don’t sleep.” She added with a shrug like it really wasn’t a big deal that she would spend some of her time each day playing Maid to Hypatia and Samantha.
“Will you have to wear a uniform?” Michelle asked.
“Yes, I was wearing one earlier, it matched the one mother was wearing while we changed the bed linen and cleaned some of the bedrooms. It was a lot of fun.” Natalie grinned.
“Being a maid is not supposed to be fun young lady.” Hypatia said in a stern tone, but she was soon smirking when she saw the worried look Natalie gave her, when she thought she’d really done something wrong. “But as long as you keep this place clean and look happy doing it, I’ll overlook the fact you’re having fun doing it.” She added with a smile as she stepped over and gave Natalie a loving hug.
“How can anyone enjoy cleaning?” Sara frowned.
“I use to clean up after my uncle all the time, so this is nothing new, and here I get thanked for what I do.” Natalie grinned as she enjoyed the hug she was getting from Hypatia.
“So the maid’s clothes and all the other girl’s things don’t bother you anymore?” Josie asked.
“It all feels really weird still, but this is who I am now, so I just have to live with it.” Natalie shrugged. “Falling to pieces and locking myself in my room isn’t going to put everything back to how it was, and I’m not sure I want it to be that way if it did.” Natalie shuddered at the thought of spending one more day with Neal’s uncle.
“That’s the best way to look at it, and Tia and Sammi won’t treat you bad.” Sara smiled. “Given time she might even let you call her Gran.” She added in a fake whisper and quickly had to dodge a slap from Hypatia.
“Why don’t you all take a walk out in the sun while the weather is still nice?” Hypatia said with a frown when she realised that she wasn’t going to get hold of Sara. “Don’t forget your ring though Natalie.” Hypatia warned.
“I’m wearing in now Tia.” Natalie whined as she held up her hand with the ring on that Sheana had charmed the night before. “I only forgot to put it back on after I helped Mother do the cleaning.” Natalie added with a sigh.
“Yes I know that, but we don’t want you passing out again do we.” Hypatia argued with Natalie.
“You passed out?” Sara asked looking worried.
“Yes she did, but only because she went outside without the ring and she fell asleep and fell over on the lawn.” Hypatia said in a matter of fact way. “I wasn’t worried, but I thought Sammi was going to call for an ambulance she was worked up about it.” She added with a roll of the eyes.
“I just didn’t want to get the ring dirty, so I took it off and left it in my room after Mother helped me get into the maid’s uniform.” Natalie explained. “I forgot to put it back on when we got finished, and I went outside to have some lunch without it on and fell over asleep like Tia just said.”
“You need to be more careful now Nat or something like that will get you in a lot of trouble.” Sara warned.
“I know, but it has only been a couple of days for me, so please cut me a little slack, please...” Natalie pleaded.
“I guess you’re right, and you will learn more from making the mistakes.” Sara smiled. “I bet you won’t venture outside again in the sun without your ring?”
“No, it’s no fun to feel the warmth of the sun just before you fall over fast asleep and then wake up in your mother’s arms trying to work out what happened to you.” Natalie frowned.
“You really like being able to say that word don’t you?” Sara asked with a grin.
“What word?” Natalie asked looking puzzled.
“Mother. You’ve been using it to talk about Sammi, and you look happy when you say it.” Sara grinned even more.
“I’ve never been able to call anyone mother before, so it’s nice being able to use it now.” Natalie blushed. “It was always Aunt or Uncle before all this happened.” She explained as she looked down at her breasts pushing out the dress she was wearing.
“I’m happy for you Nat.” Sara smiled as she gave her a hug.
“I happy too.” Came a little voice as Jenna tugged on Natalie’s dress trying to get her attention.
Natalie looked down after breaking the hug with Sara and found Jenna smiling up at her, so she bent down and then lifted Jenna up and sat Jenna on her own much larger hip so she could talk to her face to face. Natalie noticed that Prue was stood quite close as she picked up Jenna, but it took her a couple of seconds to work out why.
“You can trust me with your sister Prue, I won’t hurt her.” Natalie said. “Mother and Tia had me handling eggs today until I could move them from one place to another without breaking any.” Natalie added with some pride.
“And you don’t feel any hunger at the minute?” Prue asked, still not totally sure she could trust her.
“No, Mother and Tia made sure I’d eaten before you all arrived, and I don’t crave blood that much yet.” Natalie explained. “Tia says it may never be that bad for me with only being a half blood and my heart still beating.”
“Nat’s is fine sis. I tell’s you if she want to eats’ me.” Jenna said in her bossy little way.
“Besides she’s too small to bother with, she’d just be a snack.” Natalie grinned.
“I may be’s small, but I be told I is cute.” Jenna said with her nose in the air as she folded her arms across her chest.
“That you are little princess.” Natalie smiled as she started walking again, still carrying Jenna.
Prue relaxed a little bit as she followed just behind with Sara at her side. Prue gave Sara a look that asked her to keep an eye on Natalie’s thoughts as well, just in case she had a sudden fancying for a snack.
“I’m already keeping an eye on her for you.” Sara’s voice said in Prue’s head.
“Thanks Sara.” Prue thought back with a relieved look in her eyes.
“I’m sorry if it seems like I don’t trust you Natalie, but Jenna and I have been through so much over the years, and I can’t help feeling over protective of her.” Prue explained as they made their way out in to the gardens.
“Please don’t feel as if you need to apologise Prue. I love Jenna to bits and couldn’t live with myself if I hurt her or any of you in any way.” Natalie said with pain in her voice. “I count myself lucky to have so many friends willing to help me get through all this.” Natalie added with a smile.
“Sara told me what happened to you the other night, and how you managed to run away without feeding and that shows you have a strong will and it won’t be long before you’ll be allowed back out around people again.” Prue smiled back.
“I hope so, but it helps having you all come to visit.” Natalie grinned as she started to tickle Jenna as the little girl squirmed and giggled in her arms, but Natalie never once hurt Jenna as they played around.
“Where is Sammi anyway?” Sara asked as she realised they hadn’t seen her since they arrived.
“She wanted to check on some Intel we received earlier today, so she went to the tech room at the cafe to see if any of it was true.” Hypatia explained as they all sat down at the large garden table.
“What Intel would that be?” Sara asked looking worried.
“Just that those old vampires I warned you about are looking to cause some trouble for Karl and his blood bank.” Hypatia frowned.
“When...?” Sara asked through gritted teeth.
“Later tonight.” Hypatia shrugged. “So I’ll need you to go out on patrol this evening and make sure they don’t achieve their goal, and you also let them know they won’t get away with it in the future either.” She sounded angry as she added the last bit.
“I can sense that something else is bothering you Tia.” Sara pointed out with some concern in her voice.
“I just have a feeling that someone or something is behind this little uprising, but I’ve been unable to find anything out so far. It’s like they know I’m involved and they don’t want me finding anything out, that is why they are getting these old vampires to start trouble for them.” Hypatia explained her feelings.
“Do you think it might be the same group that the commander was working for? We’ve still not been able to find much more than what he told us before he was sent to his final death.” Sara offered her opinion.
“No, I’d know if it was them doing any of this.” Hypatia frowned. “This is all coming from the demon world, but I don’t know what they want to achieve by starting up trouble with the men in black again. All the demon’s I’ve heard from are happy we’ve got a peace between us.” Hypatia added with a sigh.
“I’ll see what I can find out this evening when I stop them. Do you want me to warn Karl and his men about trouble?” Sara asked.
“I think it best to just deal with this yourself. Sheana and Prue will be with you, so I can’t see the point of having Karl and his men getting underfoot.” Hypatia smiled. “But scan their minds to see if you can find out who it is driving them to rebel.”
“I’d have done that anyway.” Sara grinned.
“Will you come play game wiff me Natalie?” Jenna asked, distracting Natalie from listening to the conversation Sara and Hypatia were having.
“I’d love to Jenna, but I don’t know how to play girl games, I’ve only been a girl for a couple of days now.” Natalie pointed out.
“I teach you then.” Jenna grinned as she slid off Natalie’s knee and started dragging her towards the house and the play room Hypatia and Samantha had set up for Jenna some time back while they were looking after her when they all thought Prue was dead, and Jenna was angry with Sara for letting it happen. “You come too Josie, Michelle!” Jenna shouted over her shoulder as she dragged Natalie away with her.
Jenna had already heard in Hypatia’s thoughts that she needed to talk with Sara, Sheana and Prue, so taking the others with her to play games was the best way to let them talk. They were soon in the games room with Jenna setting up a tea party for all the stuffed animals and dolls Hypatia and Samantha had bought her.
Natalie felt a little silly to begin with, but she was soon got lost in the fantasy world of a little girl and all her toys, and she actually started having fun. Michelle and Josie were used to playing these sorts of games with Jenna, so they just played along like they always did, this helped to make Natalie relax and enjoy it more.
“I never knew this could be so much fun.” Natalie giggled at one point during the tea party as she sat with a Barbie in her lap pretending to feed her invisible cake and tea. When Jenna got bored with the tea party Michelle got out a board game and they played that.

Hypatia had just finished filling Sara, Sheana and Prue in on some of the other rumours she’d heard when she saw Samantha walk out of the house and over to where they were all sat talking.
“Hello my dear, did you manage to find out anything else about tonight?” Hypatia asked as she stood up and embraced Samantha before she kissed her.
“Hello Tia, ladies.” Samantha smiled after breaking the kiss with Hypatia. “Yes, they plan to hit the blood bank just after midnight and there will be three of them doing the raid.” Samantha explained.
“Were you able to find out anything about the person pulling their strings?” Hypatia asked.
“Not yet, but there is someone inciting them to do this, but he’s doing a good job of keeping in the shadows.” Samantha said sounding a little frustrated about it. “I picked up some chatter on a burner cell phone, but it’s just another burner cell phone sending text messages. The person is just telling them where to go and at what time.” She explained.
“Couldn’t you track the phone sending the texts?” Sara asked.
“I could if the phone was left on long enough, but the person using it must be removing the sim card and battery when it’s not being used.” Samantha explained the problem she was having tracking the mystery person.
“I’ll see what I can find out when I get my hands on them later. One of them must have met up with this person at some point, if only to get things moving in the direction they wanted.” Sara shrugged.
“Just be careful and watch your backs, I don’t like the way this mystery person is able to hide from the two of us. It’s like he knows we might be watching and he’s worried about us finding out about him.” Hypatia said looking thoughtful.
“You trained me well Tia, so I’m not going to worry about a bunch of old timers that want to start trouble.” Sara smiled.
“Just because they are old in years Sara, doesn’t mean they will look or act old when you come face to face with them.” Hypatia warned. “All three of them are only around twenty to look at them, but all are as old and as skilled as Spike was.”
“I’ve learned a lot since I faced Spike, and I’ve also learned to expect the unexpected in every fight I have, but I won’t go into a battle with any doubt I won’t win.” Sara said looking determined. “I hear that congratulations are in order mummy.” Sara grinned as she changed the subject and looked at Samantha now.
“Yes, Natalie needed someone to look after her, and I’ve always wanted a daughter, so I offered and she accepted.” Samantha grinned.
“I hear she’s also going to be helping out around the place as another maid as well.” Sara giggled.
“That’s just a little bit of fun, but she’s a good maid and she looked really happy as she helped me.” Samantha admitted. “I think she likes the uniform a little too much though, she looked sad when I said it was time to get showered and changed earlier.” She smirked.
“She does seem a lot happier since last night, and I can’t think of a better mother for her than you Sammi.” Sara smiled.
“Thank you Sara.” Samantha said with tears in her eyes as she threw her arms around Sara and tried to hug her to death. “Where is Natalie anyway?” Samantha asked when they broke the hug.
“Jenna wanted to come along and see Natalie, so she dragged her, Josie and Michelle away some time ago to play some games.” Sara explained. “We better go and see what their up to and spend some time with Natalie before we need to head out on patrol, as it looks like being another late night for us.” Sara sighed as she got up out her chair and then waited for Sheana and Prue to get up and go with her.

Sara and the others had stopped at Hypatia’s until ten o’clock before they took a sleepy Jenna back home and Josie could change back to Jo before he went home. Jo was then going to blink over to the cafe and help Michelle monitor things from their secret room located under the cafe.
Natalie was sad to see them leave, but she’d had a really good time learning to be a little girl on the inside as she’d sat playing games with Jenna. It gave Natalie a small insight into what she’d missed growing up as a boy, and she was already thinking that girls had a much better wardrobe and toys to play with.
They got Jenna settled on the sofa in the living room with Karen and Sandy before the three of them morphed into their armour and then blinked away to do a quick check around the town before they made their way over to the blood bank to see what sort of trouble these three unhappy vampires cause.
“Does it seem a little more quiet than normal to you?” Prue asked as they checked out a place where some of the newer vampires liked to hang out waiting for someone walking their dog to let it off its lead so they could then take a bite out of it. Even though they had the blood bank to get their blood from now, it still didn’t stop some of the vampires keeping their hand in, but they never killed the dogs or other pets, they just took a quick bite and then left it looking like the animal got in a fight with something.
“Yes, but if they know about the hit on the blood bank, maybe they don’t want to get caught up in the middle of it.” Sara pointed out. “Even the dumbest of the vampire world must know Karl and his men aren’t going to be very happy with them for attacking the blood bank.”
“Very true, but I still can’t understand what they hope to achieve by doing it?” Prue growled with anger. “I don’t know why any of them would want to go back to being hunted and locked away.” Prue added still sounding angry.
“I plan to ask them when we catch them.” Sara smiled. “Do you think it’s worth dropping by Armen’s pub to see who’s hanging out there?” Sara asked Sheana and Prue.
“I don’t recommend it, it could tip them off and then we would have to wait for another chance to catch them, and we risk word getting back to Karl the longer we wait.” Prue warned.
“Good point.” Sara agreed.
They all blinked over to the blood bank and then Sheana cast a spell to make them all invisible while masking their auras from everyone. Then all they could do was sit and wait for the three vampires to arrive.
The blood bank was disguised as a 24hr cafe that also did takeaway food, which meant the vampires and other demons could come and go without any trouble. The cafe also did a nice pizza and burger, so they got a lot of normal people coming and going. This helped to sell the cover, but three vampires attacking the normals wouldn’t be good for either side.
It was nearly twenty past twelve before they saw a group of three men that looked to be around twenty in age, but Sara could feel that they were much older than that in vampire years. The three men looked around like they were making sure the cost was clear before they made their way towards the entrance to the cafe.
“That’s them.” Sara thought to Prue and Sheana, not wanting to let the three vampires hear her speaking. Even from this far away a vampire would be able to hear her speak out loud, so forming a mind link with the two of them was a much safer option.
“Are you sure?” Sheana thought back.
“Yes, I can hear their thoughts and they are working out which person they are going to compel not to scream first so they can feed from them.” Sara thought back with a shudder as she saw the vision of how each vampire expected the attack to go down.
“We better get in there and stop it then.” Prue said out loud just before she took off across the road from where they had been waiting. Sara and Sheana were close behind Prue as she ran into the cafe, the spell that kept them invisible now broken.
All three if the vampires had a victim in his arms ready to take a bite out of their neck looking very cliché to the movies when Sara, Sheana and Prue entered the cafe. There were a couple of men that looked like truck drivers slumped over a couple of table over the far side of the room. It looked like they had tried to stop the three vampires without much success.
The three victims the vampires had were a group of girls that had entered the cafe not long before the vampires entered. All three girls had been compelled not to put up a fight, so they just looked spaced out as their heads hung to one side waiting to be bitten, but the three vampires had stopped when they saw Sara, Sheana and Prue enter.
“You come to try and stop us Slayer?” One of the vampires asked with a smug smile. “I bet I can snap this little snacks neck before you get to me, and if I fail, I’m sure one of my friends will manage to do the same with their snack before you take us all out.” He added.
“Are you new in town or just really stupid?” Sara asked in her sexy sounding slayer voice as she folded her arms across her chest and smiled at the vampire who’d just spoken. She made no move to try and stop the vampire speaking, or his two friends who were paused ready to rip out their victims throats.
“You dare to mock me and call me names girl?” The vampire growled. “I should kill this child just for that alone.” He added as he ran his tongue across the girl’s neck.
“You do that and a second later you’ll be a pile of ash on the floor for some pour underpaid cleaner to sort out.” Sara shrugged.
“You’re so sure that you can take me so easily Slayer?” The vampire asked sounding smug with himself. “My friends and I are not just some newly turned younglings. We are going to be much harder to kill than you may think.” He added with a grin.
“Okay then Edward, why don’t you get Emmet and Jasper to let their snacks go, and I’ll take the three of you on at the same time, just to make it fair to you.” Sara mocked them by using the names of three vampires from the Twilight moves.
“First you come here barking out orders, and then you insult us by calling us names from some tacky movie?!” The vampire she’d called Edward growled out as he threw the girl to one side and stood to face the Slayer. “I do not need any help to defeat you girl.”
“Show me what you’ve got then Edward.” Sara smiled as she unfolded her arms and got ready for a fight.
She didn’t have to wait long for the vampire to attack, but he wasn’t as good as he made himself out to be, and she easily side stepped his first attack. Sara had wanted him to react like this because it made it easier for her to read his mind and see all his moves and also find out information about the person behind this little suicide mission they had gone on.
Sara saw the vision of a man, but his face was in shadow, but she knew the voice from somewhere, but she couldn’t remember where from, and it sounded a little different, like he was trying to make it sound different. The man was telling the three vampires not to take this being told when and where to get their blood, and the man talked all three of them into going on this fool mission that would see them killed or caught by Karl and his men. Sara scanned the other two’s minds and saw the same thing, but couldn’t get a good look at the mystery man’s face.
“You seem to be more skilled than I first thought girl.” The vampire said as he started to realise he might be outmatched.
“Do you want to get Emmet and Jasper to help you?” Sara asked with a mocking pout.
Sara thought they might have been as old as Spike was, but they sure didn’t have the same fighting skill as he had.
“As you wish, but that might just be a foolish move on your part Slayer.” Edward smiled as he nodded to his two partners in crime.
The other two vampires threw their victims aside and moved in on Sara. Sara just smiled as this is what she wanted them to do, let the girls go and remove any threat of them getting hurt.
Prue and Sheana quickly moved around to put themselves between the three girls and the vampires that were now facing off against Sara. Prue and Sheana weren’t worried about these three vampires hurting Sara, they had seen Sara spar with Hypatia, and none of these came close to Hypatia’s power level.
“The Cullen’s against one slayer, you could be right, so maybe I should let you call a friend or two to come help you out, not that it will do you any good, as I will still turn you to ash before this night ends.” Sara purred in her slayer voice as she let an evil smile spread across her face.
“I’ve had enough of your insults you petulant child.” The vampire she’d called Edward spat out as he moved in to attack her again, but with the help of his two friends this time thinking he had the upper hand. “I think I’ll rip out your tongue first, just so I don’t have to listen to anymore insults.” He grinned at his own idea.
“That could be a problem for you to achieve without these.” Sara said as she grabbed both his hands and twisted them around so fast he never knew what happened until Sara slapped him across each side of his face with his own arms that she’d just ripped off his body.
Edward staggered back in shock as he looked first at the arms Sara had dropped to the floor and then at the bloody stumps where his arms had just been. The look on his face as he looked up at the slayer again said it all, he had no idea the slayer was this strong. “How did...?” He stuttered out in shock.
“I’m the slayer, what did you think would happen?” Sara asked as a silver spike slipped into her hand from a hidden pouch on the underside of her arm and she stepped forward, plunging the spike deep into the vampire’s heart and looking into his eyes as he burnt up and fell to the ground in a pile of ash.
On seeing their friend lose his battle with the slayer, the other two vampires tried to make a run for it, but were stopped by Sheana using her magic to stop them being able to move.
“The Slayer didn’t say you could leave just yet boys.” Sheana scolded them in her more adult sounding black witch voice as she wagged a finger at them like she was talking to a couple of naughty children.
“Thank you Witch.” Sara smiled. “Now then boys, if you want to stand any chance of living to see another day, or night in your case, then I suggest you answer all my questions as truthfully as you can, and hope I like the answers you give.” Sara said as she stepped in front of the two vampires that were frozen in mid run.
“I’ve already seen in your minds that someone put you up to this, so I want to know where I can find this mystery man.” Sara asked as she slid the silver spike she’d just killed their friend with across each of their pale cheeks. “Why don’t you answer first Emmet?” Sara smiled as she tapped the one that did remind her of a shaggier haired version of the actor that played Emmet Cullen in the twilight movies on the nose making him look cross eyed at the tip of the spike.
The Vampire looked part angry and part worried as he looked up into the slayers eyes. “We don’t know who he is, or where you can find him.” Emmet answered with a growl as he tried to break free of the spell holding him motionless.
“Where did you first meet him then?” Sara asked as she circled him while sliding the silver spike across his skin.
“We were leaving Armen’s one night and he was stood in the shadows. He spoke to us when he overheard us complaining about being treated like pets to the humans and their blood bank.” He explained as he looked around at the cafe they were now stood in. “He smelt like a vampire, but there was something different about him.” He added.
“In what way?” Sara asked.
“I sensed he was old, but I couldn’t read his power levels, but he sure had the scent of a vampire.” Emmet tried to explain.
“Did you ever meet him in Armen’s?” Sara asked.
“No, he was always waiting for us outside, or in a quiet part of the town. It was like he wanted no one to see him, we never got a good look at him, and he was always in shadow.”
Sara knew he was telling the truth because she’d been linked to his mind looking at his memories of the mystery man, and he had always managed to keep his face in shadow, be it a hood or just bad lighting. Sara thought it was like he knew she’d be able to see him through others memories, so he was doing his best to stop her from seeing who he was, and it had worked because she had no idea what this man looked like.
“I think we’ve found out all we’re going to find out from the two of them.” Sara said as she turned to look at Sheana and Prue stood guarding the three girls and the two men still out cold.
“Will you let us go now then?” The one she called Emmet asked, looking hopeful.
“Yes, I’ll let you go, go straight to hell.” Sara said as she plunged the spike into the vampires chest and watched him burn up to ash.
“You said you’d let us go if we answered your questions.” The third vampire said in a whiny voice as he tried to break free of Sheana’s spell, but he wasn’t moving anywhere until the spell was removed.
“Yes I did, but then I saw what you planned to do to that family the three of you have been stopping with, and I can’t let that slide.” Sara said as she pushed the spike into his heart and then watched as he too burnt up until he was just a pile of ash on the floor.
“What do we do with these three?” Prue asked as she looked over at the three girls they had sat at a table. The three girls were just looking off into space still under the compulsion to not fight or scream.
“I’ll give them some new memories and send them on their way like none of this ever happened.” Sara said as she walked over and looked each girl in the eyes and gave them a better ending to their night.
Sara had just finished with the last of the girls memories when they saw a team of Karl’s men burst into the cafe. They were all quick to put their weapons away when they saw the slayer and her two friends. None of them wanted to risk shooting her and getting a beating like McGrath had gotten the other night.
“You couldn’t leave us one to deal with Slayer?” Tanner asked in a whiny voice when he saw the three piles of ash on the floor.
“What can I say? You snooze, you lose.” Sara shrugged. “You can make sure these three get in a taxi though. I’ve wiped their memory of ever coming here, and they think they’re already tucked up in bed after having a good night out.” Sara explained.
Tanner nodded to one of his men and he quickly made a call and a couple of minutes later the girls were being put in a taxi that was actually one of Karl’s men working undercover.
“I’ll leave you to clean up the mess.” Sara said as she walked towards the door with Sheana and Prue following close behind. “You’ll need to go help the people at this address as well.” Sara added as she grabbed a note pad off the counter and then wrote down the address of the house where she’d seen the three vampires hiding out through the day.
“Karl will want to have a word with you about what happened here.” Tanner said as he took the note pad from the Slayer’s out stretched hand.
“Tell him I’ll call in tomorrow and tell him what happened, or he could just watch the video.” Sara pointed out as she looked up at all the camera’s they had in the place.
“You know how he likes to hear it from you over watching it on a video.” Tanner frowned.
“Yes I do, so like I said, tell him I’ll talk to him tomorrow evening.” Sara said with a sigh just before she left the cafe with Sheana and Prue.
They were just about to blink back to the secret room under the internet cafe when Sara saw a red dot appear on Prue’s forehead. Sara knew it was a laser sight from a gun of some sort, so she quickly spun around and made herself a shield between the shooter and Prue. Sara felt the thuds as several shots hit the back of her helmet that she’d formed at the first signs of trouble. Sara’s head vibrated with every shot that hit, but the shield and the helmet protected her from any serious damage.
“What the hell was that?” Prue asked as she saw silver powder floating around them while Sara still protected her.
“I think it’s some form of silver so you better blink back to the cafe before you breathe any of it in.” Sara warned.
Prue quickly touched her belt and blinked away while Sara turned around and reached out with her mind in the direction where the shots had come from, but she couldn’t feel anything or anyone. Sheana reached out with her magic as well, but she found nothing either.
“How could they get away so fast?” Sheana asked sounding puzzled.
“I’m not sure, but I plan to find out.” Sara frowned, not that Sheana could see it because of the helmet still covering her head. “I’d also like to know why I couldn’t sense them.” Sara added.
“It looks like Prue was the target looking at the silver powder floating around.” Sheana pointed out as she saw it starting to settle on her and it was all over Sara’s back where she’d stopped the bullets from hitting Prue. “Are you hurt Slayer?” Sheana asked, not wanting to risk calling her Sara while still so close to the blood bank and Karl’s men.
“I’m far from being fine Witch, but I’m not hurt.” Sara growled as she tried to work out why someone was trying to kill Prue again. “Let’s get back to Prue and see what the others have found out.” Sara added as she touched her belt and blinked back to the internet cafe and Prue.
Sheana did the same just as Tanner and a couple of his men came running out after another one of his men told him someone had taken a shot at the Slayer. Tanner took the sign that the slayer had blinked away to mean she wasn’t hurt, but he still contacted Karl to let him know about it.
To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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I was thinking
that maybe the mystery guy was Prues sire but then realized that he is younger than those 3 if they are as old as spike was. But he could still be part of it.
Crap! Erin!!!
Just typed in a long comment, only to hit Input Format instead of Preview. BC is not at all user-friendly for tablet owners! So instead of displaying my brilliant chain of logic, I'll skip to the end and say the commander is back.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
AH! I see, Karen. If they could clone Prue...
A clone Commander OR whoever was pulling HIS strings.
But is it Commander Mark 1 or a opy?
Or someone else.
Sure wants to disrupt things whoever it is. The new status quo is not to his or her likeing.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Maybe, John
I had what I thought was an extremely strong case to lay the crimes at the commander's feet, but one unlucky touch on the tablet and it all dissipated. And does it matter which version of the commander it is if they are identical?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
This guy in the shadows
has me wondering if Spike has returned.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hmmm the plot thickens. Was
Hmmm the plot thickens. Was Prue targeted for a reason or was she a target of opportunity to get at Tia. I actually wondered whether the 3 vamps were being used as a diversion, seems maybe they were. The question is, what it so someone could take out Prue or did something else gapoen elsewhere?
Looking forward to more
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Could be or some playing at being im, good chapter, lived the twilight jokes :-)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Could be or some playing at being im, good chapter, lived the twilight jokes :-)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.