After some sage advice from someone on the site, I've decided I'm going to try writing the whole story or in this case, the rest of the story before I post any new chapters. So depending on how long that takes, it might be a while before there's a new chapter of it up here. I'm not saying there isn't going to be any new stories from me in a while, I might throw up a Non-Underappreciated One shot here and there...maybe a Christmas story as well. I did a lot of soul searching the other day after writing my last blog and decided that my Ego is a Big Jerk and I'm NOT listening to him anymore :)
Glad you are simply rethinking how you post EOF vs not writing
Everybody has their own style. Some do well serializing a tale others do better doing it in its entirety, test reading, rewriting, proofing then posting.
Serializing allows more and quicker feedback but makes it harder to proof. Having it all done before hand allows time for careful proofing but reduces feedback or can force a rewrite.
But this is a reader/writer site. A fun site and few here are writers for a living. Most write for other reasons be it hobby, catharsis or whatever.
When it is done I will read. And if you need a test reader, I can help.
Not the worlds greatest or even a honorable mention proofer but I can evaluate it as a reader would.
Best of luck.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
You are planning to finish the story
So, I can find the patience to wait for you to finish writing it then posting the chapters in digestable size :) Just as long as the next chapter is posted before New Year's of
Oh, and Mr, Miss, Ms, Mrs EGO in most cases should be ignored or in some cases savagely beaten down :)
Thank you
Thank you for this post. I realized you were upset in your last blog, but when I read that you were considering not finishing the story, I shuddered. Nothing will make me stop reading a story faster than knowing that it is - or is going to be - incomplete. That's why I personally am a fan of what you're about to do - finishing the story completely before it's posted. That way it's sure to be posted completely.
I do my best to comment, but admittedly I sometimes read quickly and move on, either back to work after lunch break, or off to bed if I'm past bedtime. I also prefer to comment with something specific about the story, or at least to be witty, rather than "liked it". But I remind myself that just as it's greedy and rude to not tip my server after a good meal out, the same applies when I don't comment on a story that I liked, or even halfway liked. I shall redouble my efforts on this in the future. Thanks.
BTW, if fun is your enemy, what's your friend?:) **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
I've stopped serialising.
I've decided to write each story in it's entirity and then post it daily in chapters AFTER it's complete. That way it's easier to keep the story tight and punchy.
Enemyoffun, I 4 one am
glad that you will keep posting. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your stories and eagerly await more.
May Your Light Forever Shine
I have been approaching my Angel series as if it were a TV show letting my readers follow along as if they were watching the Walking Dead. While I do a lot of writing between episodes, I am not making it up as I go along. I have written all the major plot points up to the series finale out and have been writing the story in between little by little. This keeps me on track, yet fluid if something is seriously not working. I rather enjoy the feedback and excitement from my readers as they ponder what will happen to my characters. Its good to see them drawn into the story, and have deep emotional connections to the main characters. I would write the whole story out, but I have too much to tell. However you see fit to proceed, I wish you well.
Mega Hugs
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
To serialize or not to serialize?
That is the question! I personally find that keeping to a weekly or semi-weekly publishing schedule forces me to carry on, whereas otherwise I might feel unable to cope with an entire novel. It is up to the author to decide. The main thing is that like Stan, I'm glad you have decided to carry on sharing your stories with us.
Thier is the problem your EGO is a GUY. Now go get em GIRL. HUGS RICHIE2
After 60 years of "life"
…yeah…I didn’t just get THE memo…
It’s been more like a
Just out of curiosity...
…did you regard your Ego as male before you came to this decision?