Jobinterview nr XYZ

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Got a jobinterview comming up wit the Enviroment, Nature and Energie departement for an opening in their ICT division basically as a kind of gofer (doing the recycling of old 'units', maintaining the website, vendors, general support/helpdesk, serveradmin, etc.)

It's more or less in line with things I like and I'm good at although I have only the basic training (-> started my bachelors but ... irl came between). So this is a job that's almost perfect for what I would like to do. So keeping fingers crossed 'cause I'm really rusty in most of the stuff (haven't buil a website in 2 years and never got the dynamic (php, ...) right.
Lol my first website was build in a the little programme that came with windows for typing notes. But will see and they promise schooling.

Now another question is, would they be willing to take my CS-status over or is it going to be a contract job. Hope they will 'cause I don't want to retire as CS (pension plan is a hell of a lot better then for a contract job as is healtcare/sickdays and jogsecurity). Otherwise I'll be taking a 'break' from CS and ask to be delegated to the division. Keeping my fingers crossed.



Good luck

rebecca.a's picture

Fingers crossed for you.

not as think as i smart i am

PS sorry for all the typo's

PS sorry for all the typo's -> with the workstuff and dieting I'm way out of focus this week.

Well it seems that I even

Well it seems that I even won't get to the starting line for the first round (and I am before everyone else -> first on the list). Current boss isn't helping mutch aka resign or you aren't allowed to take it kind of thing ...