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I got my Medicare card in the mail today. Double ouch!!!



Welcome to the club....

Andrea Lena's picture

and yes...ouch it is!!!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


As just as bad, as the Canadian government, sent me a card, old age security act you get that when you're 65, Social Security keeps sending me a Medicare card and I keep throwing the garbage. Since I go to the VA brought my medical. And I'm only 34.5 years young times two so if you're like me every year you're getting younger. And I don't pay Geritol but once a month now. So I can say is enjoying life and be kind to other people.

Got mine

Several months ago. And yes, ouch pretty well covers it. Worse, I've already had notification of my coverage with them. Double ouch.


girls girls girls...

Make sure you have your Suppliment plans too! And don't forget your PART "D" plans..... LOL! OMG I don't know how they expect us to wade through all this B.S. ..... Triple OUCH!

Well, I've started getting stuff from AARP....

Ragtime Rachel's picture

...which I imagine is almost as jarring. One of those things that makes one wonder, "Where the heck did all the years go?"

I suppose I might feel better about getting stuff from them if I had something to be retired from.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


I'm not entirely sure...

That the AARP should count. Me and my younger brother both get things from them and neither of us are even in our 30s. I'm not sure the AARP really screens who they send stuff to, they just randomly grab names off the SS database of people who've gotten ANY kind of state welfare AT ALL and sends stuff to them. They don't even check to make sure it's senior benefits the person is getting!

Abigail Drew.

Hilltopper, I am on

Medicare and Medicaid. Double Ouch

May Your Light Forever Shine

So, I am the old lady?

I'll turn 66 in March, but I have just ignored Medicare. When I got the card, the VA just said to give it to them and that was that. So, what is the ouch?

Hilltopper, you are not old... Now my dad, THAT's OLD

AARP keeps asking him... you're not dead ...yet?

-- snicker --

My greatest nightmare would be

"Hi...Madonna here for AARP!"

She's younger than me by about a year.

She is soooo old!

John in Wsuwatosa

John in Wauwatosa